Biden already trying to walk back last night’s Hiter speech

Some Are MAGA. Others are not. But many of them only believe the opposite of what is factual, no matter what is put in front of them.

The Spinners. But they will project it onto the other side.

You are opposed to American greatness - you and your Reich, aren't you?

Your Fuhrer has called you to engage in violence against those who voted against him. Will you heed his call, support his struggle?

That little shit was either lying last night or lying today.

The pathetic thing is I doubt he knows which one it is. He just says what his handlers tell him.

His administration is like some silly 1980s sitcom about a dufus President surrounded by idiots just trying to get one line laughs.

These Moon Bats were idiots voting for him.
In the midst of the civil war, Abraham Lincoln spoke with grace and dignity about the confederate soldiers.

But Adolf Biden is no Lincoln. He spews hatred and incites violence against 74 million Americans because they voted against him.

This shameful man MUST RESIGN.

Are you a MAGA member? Do you agree with violence in order to achieve power?

If yes, he was aiming the speech at you.

If not, you are not one of the many he was talking to.

Vote, if one does not like one's government.

BUT.....accept the results, as it has been done before, and concede. Something Trump is yet to do.
We should kill the dems in the midterms which will limit the amount of damage biden can do.
Of course with the dems cheating it's definitely not a sure thing.

Even mid terms aren't a slam dunk. There is no telling what's going on behind the scenes. I won't count my chickens just yet.

And even if they get wiped out in mid terms that still doesn't mean things can't go sideways. Biden is an anti American bastard to be sure. But he isn't doing this on his own, he is just the ventriloquists dummy. No one person can make the astonishing amount of drastic changes to a country like he has in less than 2 years by themselves. Biden is just the flowery part of the weed you see, that weed has a lot of roots deeply buried.

And just because he is gone doesn't mean the rest of his administration won't try and keep the home fires burning.

Besides, they might put on then suicide vest if it looks like they are on the way out and just take out as much as they can.
In the midst of the civil war, Abraham Lincoln spoke with grace and dignity about the confederate soldiers.

But Adolf Biden is no Lincoln. He spews hatred and incites violence against 74 million Americans because they voted against him.

This shameful man MUST RESIGN.

Hopefully after the mid terms we can impeach the sonofabitch for inciting a resurrection against Americans.
What a totally pathetic inversion of facts.

White supremacists are the fascists, communists, etc.

Try again, until someone believes you.
Make sure your TV never goes down. If you ever had to think with your brain rather than your TV, you'd be in DEEP SHIT!
You are opposed to American greatness - you and your Reich, aren't you?

Your Fuhrer has called you to engage in violence against those who voted against him. Will you heed his call, support his struggle?

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I can't wait!
One day some young people will look up what MAGA means out of curiosity... can you imagine when they see it means Make America Great Again?... they are going to wonder why a president and so many people vilified making America great.....
Oh, please. Compared to what some Trump lovers say, not at all. IT is the facts of what so many Trump cultists do, which is reverse what they say and project it to the other side.

You, are showing what Not being American, is.
Will the dedicated and faithful like you get nifty armbands to wear to identify you as the protectors of the Reich. Maybe little daggers you can sport? You can be the Biden Youth...
So easy to counter Colonel Anus as he's as full of it as much some others around here. It's a MAGA Republican thing, you know.

"The right-wing is happy to call Democrats fascists," the show tweeted. "But letting the left use that label for Republicans? Unthinkable! Why is the GOP so hurt when they’re linked to fascism? Maybe it’s because Dems are onto something, @[Mehdir Hasan] says."

"During his speech, Biden expressed concern about MAGA-inspired forces and their political agenda which involves taking the country back to a time period that no longer fits the dynamic of the country or the actual direction it is going in."

"MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards," Biden said, "backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love."


Are you a MAGA member? Do you agree with violence in order to achieve power?

If yes, he was aiming the speech at you.

If not, you are not one of the many he was talking to.

Vote, if one does not like one's government.

BUT.....accept the results, as it has been done before, and concede. Something Trump is yet to do.

What violence?
Maybe I cant see it through all the smoke from our burning cities.
Let us make it clearer what he said:

U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday said he does not consider all of former President Donald Trump's supporters to be a threat to the nation, but said anyone who uses violence or fails to condemn it does pose a threat to democracy.

Your Vegetable Messiah is crawfishing, Bigly.
Oh, please. Compared to what some Trump lovers say, not at all. IT is the facts of what so many Trump cultists do, which is reverse what they say and project it to the other side.

You, are showing what Not being American, is.
There is a difference when if comes from the President in a nationally televised speech, Simp.

Are you a MAGA member? Do you agree with violence in order to achieve power?

If yes, he was aiming the speech at you.

If not, you are not one of the many he was talking to.

Vote, if one does not like one's government.

BUT.....accept the results, as it has been done before, and concede. Something Trump is yet to do.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump made this country better by sealing the border, facilitating energy independence, lowering taxes, increasing family income, reducing regulations and having record low unemployment for everybody including Blacks and Browns. He even managed the Chicom pandemic in a very competent manner from the Federal level. You know who the Chicom's are, don't you? They are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich.

Trump left a post pandemic recovering economy complete with a vaccine.

All we have got out of the Democrats stealing the election was runaway inflation, recession, millions of Illegals, reduced family income, increased taxes, high cost of energy, astronomical debt with nothing to show for it and a foreign policy that makes any American ashamed.

Now on top of all those disasters we have Potatohead threatening to nuke and kill with F-15s any American that doesn't does toe the Democrat's party's Socialist Shithole line and he his giving Hitler like hate speeches.

The sonofabitch needs to be impeached. He is a disaster for this country. hopefully after the midterms we can impeach the turd.
One day some young people will look up what MAGA means out of curiosity... can you imagine when they see it means Make America Great Again?... they are going to wonder why a president and so many people vilified making America great.....
From what I have heard the young ones say MAGA is something their disturbed stupid parents can't shut up about.
In the midst of the civil war, Abraham Lincoln spoke with grace and dignity about the confederate soldiers.

But Adolf Biden is no Lincoln. He spews hatred and incites violence against 74 million Americans because they voted against him.

This shameful man MUST RESIGN.
Dizzy Lizzy Cheney was the last Lincoln we had.

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