Biden and the GreenNew Deal


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
It appears Joe Biden does support the Green New Deal.

"Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths, which are at the core of his plan: (1) the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet the scope of this challenge, and (2) our environment and our economy are completely and totally connected."

Joe Biden is going to say whatever he needs to get votes. He'll say one thing to the Far Left and the complete opposite to the rest of us, AND he'll say it in a way that makes it sound like he's got your back no matter who you are. Nearly 50 years in politics, what'dya expect? Guys like him are the reason why this country elected Trump in 2016.
Weird....could have sworn he said he didnt support it on Tuesday night.

Liberals, can you help us out? Is he for it or against it?
Maybe the senile old fool forgot.... :laughing0301:

And his supporters are so politically unsavvy, they dont know what to say.

No liberal posters on this site will tell us if Biden is actually pro Green New Deal or anti Green New Deal because they dont know which way they are supposed to go. They dont have their own opinions.

Weird....could have sworn he said he didnt support it on Tuesday night.

Liberals, can you help us out? Is he for it or against it?
Maybe the senile old fool forgot.... :laughing0301:

And his supporters are so politically unsavvy, they dont know what to say.

No liberal posters on this site will tell us if Biden is actually pro Green New Deal or anti Green New Deal because they dont know which way they are supposed to go. They dont have their own opinions.


he was for it before he voted against it

I did not have sex with the Green New Deal
Hello? Liberals? Is Joe Biden for the Green New Deal or is he against it?

why is this a difficult question to answer?

When are your Democrat overlords going to tell you what to say?
Weird....could have sworn he said he didnt support it on Tuesday night.

Liberals, can you help us out? Is he for it or against it?
Maybe the senile old fool forgot.... :laughing0301:

He's against it unless he gets elected.

If he addresses the subject now, the first question would be how much is this new deal going to cost the average citizen? What negative economic ramifications will it have? I say it will have a heavy impact on our economy.

And let's not forget what his minority VP said when she was running for President. She said if elected, she would sign an EO banning all fracking in the US on her first day in office. It's clear she's going to be extremely instrumental in the decisions he makes.
Paul Simon is performing at a "Green the Senate, Save the Planet" event

yeah, the planet is screwed!
Okay, you Rumpers, we have been operating on the Green Deal little by little since about 1905. And in 1970, we got serious. You children are too young to remember how bad things were in the 50s and 60s with the water and air. Or you old people are too eaten up with the Koolaid and the Cult45 to clear that foggy brain. There are many things in the New Green Deal that can be done, must be done regardless. And some things that are decades and hundreds of years off due to the lack of technology to accomplish them (but we are the cusp of that Technology).

I have listened to Biden and he makes good sense. WE do what we can do now, plan what we can do in the near future and work towards what we can do in the future. OR we can roll it all back and go back to the polluted air and water of the 50s and 60s. Sorry, but that is not an option just so some Money Bags can make another Lifetime of Money to go with the other 5 or 6 they already have at the cost of human lives and suffering.
Okay, you Rumpers, we have been operating on the Green Deal little by little since about 1905. And in 1970, we got serious. You children are too young to remember how bad things were in the 50s and 60s with the water and air. Or you old people are too eaten up with the Koolaid and the Cult45 to clear that foggy brain. There are many things in the New Green Deal that can be done, must be done regardless. And some things that are decades and hundreds of years off due to the lack of technology to accomplish them (but we are the cusp of that Technology).

I have listened to Biden and he makes good sense. WE do what we can do now, plan what we can do in the near future and work towards what we can do in the future. OR we can roll it all back and go back to the polluted air and water of the 50s and 60s. Sorry, but that is not an option just so some Money Bags can make another Lifetime of Money to go with the other 5 or 6 they already have at the cost of human lives and suffering.

Everything comes at a cost. The problem is they go out and do surveys about the environment and then come back with favorable results because they didn't frame the question correctly. "Do you want to see cleaner air and water?" "Uh......yeah!"

Now if they presented the question honestly, they'd get different results: "Do you want to see cleaner air and water costing you an extra $1,000 a year?"

Back when Hussein was President, his wife got him to make an order that all restaurants had to put calorie count on every food and drink item they sell. While that didn't make one fat person any skinnier, I thought it would be a good concept to do with the environment.

The problem with environmental costs is that they are hidden taxes we pay and don't realize it. If I were Trump, I would do the same thing with products that Hussein did with food items. Everything would have an environmental cost listed on the package of the product.

If you buy a car for 25K, it would be listed on the sticker that 8K of that money went to environmental costs. When you buy a gallon of gasoline for $2.50, it would be listed that 75 cents per gallon went to environmental costs. If you buy a can of peaches for $1.50, 20 cents would be listed as the environmental cost. Every item we buy today has an environmental cost.
Gotta have an excuse to raise those taxes on the middle class. The Green New Deal fits the bill.

That green shit will bankrupt the country. Only an idiot would even mention it,

Absolutely. When these environment people yap, yap, yap, just ask them this: You want a cleaner planet? Tell me, what are the metrics and how much will it cost us to get there? You'll be met with a blank stare.

They don't even know because there is no end to it. Green is a bottomless money pit. All the money in the country couldn't fill it. How do I know? I watched as the decades went by. This started long ago.

We got rid of all those awful things like lead in paint and gasoline. We got rid of fluorocarbons in our aerosol canned products. We got rid of wood burning fireplaces and replaced that with natural gas fireplaces and furnaces. We got rid of incinerators. Many places we recycle products that are recyclable. We got rid of our classic antifreeze. We got rid of asbestos. We got rid of most sulfur in our diesel fuel which is why it's so expensive today. We got rid of DDT which reintroduced bed bug problems in the US.

With all these expensive accomplishments and more, the environmentalists are more unhappy today then they were in 1970. So why are we trying to make them happy? Why do we keep pumping money into something that will never make them happy?

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