Biden and the GreenNew Deal

Gotta have an excuse to raise those taxes on the middle class. The Green New Deal fits the bill.

That green shit will bankrupt the country. Only an idiot would even mention it,

Absolutely. When these environment people yap, yap, yap, just ask them this: You want a cleaner planet? Tell me, what are the metrics and how much will it cost us to get there? You'll be met with a blank stare.

They don't even know because there is no end to it. Green is a bottomless money pit. All the money in the country couldn't fill it. How do I know? I watched as the decades went by. This started long ago.

We got rid of all those awful things like lead in paint and gasoline. We got rid of fluorocarbons in our aerosol canned products. We got rid of wood burning fireplaces and replaced that with natural gas fireplaces and furnaces. We got rid of incinerators. Many places we recycle products that are recyclable. We got rid of our classic antifreeze. We got rid of asbestos. We got rid of most sulfur in our diesel fuel which is why it's so expensive today. We got rid of DDT which reintroduced bed bug problems in the US.

With all these expensive accomplishments and more, the environmentalists are more unhappy today then they were in 1970. So why are we trying to make them happy? Why do we keep pumping money into something that will never make them happy?

I agree and they don't even realize if they get all that green crap it will bankrupt the country. What a bunch of imbeciles.
I agree and they don't even realize if they get all that green crap it will bankrupt the country. What a bunch of imbeciles.

Of course not because if they don't see it, it's not really happening.

I remember several years ago when my employer wanted to buy new trucks. He couldn't afford them. The salesman told him trucks went up so much because of all the pollution crap the government mandated they have.

Prior to that they came out with the low sulfur mandate. At the time, diesel fuel was about a buck cheaper than gasoline. After the mandate kicked in, it went a dollar higher and is still that way today give or take a few cents. After that, they mandated all diesel fuel engines be equip with Diesel Emission Fluid containers or DEF. DEF systems squirt DEF fluid into the exhaust system supposedly to make them more green.

My employer wasn't rich. He has to pass all these costs to his customers. His customers made products you and I eventually buy in the store every time we go shopping. When you look on the highway and see all those trucks, remember that it's costing the transportation industry hundreds of billions of dollars a year to have those trucks on the road than it did 15 years ago, and we all pay for it.
Biden did not lie about the Green New Deal during the debate. When Trump began mentioning how it calls for EVERY building in the US to either be rebuilt or brought up to 'Global Warming' standards, Joe kept repeating, 'That's not my plan'. When Wallace told Joe he had studied it and that is what is on his web site, Joe again repeated, 'That is not my plan.'

He's right - it isn't his plan. It is AOC's and the far extreme left's plan, but Joe doesn't know yet that he doesn't have a say in this. This THE plan his puppet-masters are running on and intend to shove down the throats of every American just like Obama did with Obamacare.
I don't think Biden will run for re-election, hence he has no intention of telling us the truth now. He will say anything to vote your vote and then say the opposite tomorrow to get someone else's vote. He won't be running the gov't if elected, Pelosi and Schumer and the Far Left will. The saving grace for us will be the SCOTUS, assuming ACB is confirmed. And of course whether or not the Dems take control of the Senate. If it remains a GOP majority then Biden probably won't be able to do much even if the House is democratic. but if it doesn't, then we're fucked.
Biden/Harris/AOC+3 all want to discontinue our use of fossil fuels.

Coal is definitely a fossil fuel.

Getting rid of our coal-fired power plants will supposed save the world from global warming.

All we have to do is get the rest of the world to quit using coal for fuel.


It appears Joe Biden does support the Green New Deal.

"Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths, which are at the core of his plan: (1) the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet the scope of this challenge, and (2) our environment and our economy are completely and totally connected."

View attachment 396474
Yes. They're nuts and it's their religion, so they cannot be reasoned with.

CONSEQUENCES: Vulnerable Democrats Break With Biden Over ‘Transition’ From Oil Industry.
It appears Joe Biden does support the Green New Deal.

"Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths, which are at the core of his plan: (1) the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet the scope of this challenge, and (2) our environment and our economy are completely and totally connected."

View attachment 396474
Yes. They're nuts and it's their religion, so they cannot be reasoned with.

CONSEQUENCES: Vulnerable Democrats Break With Biden Over ‘Transition’ From Oil Industry.

When all you have is to try and run what you think of a Gotcha for all it's worth, then you shouldn't be voting or be President or procreating. The only ones buying this Gotcha are the Cult45. If that's all you got, make sure you stand in front of your mirror practicing faking humility, apologizing and groveling. You are going to need it.
For the Democrat party the GND is all about controlling government. It's their excuse to take control of everything. If these jerks were serious about the worlds environment they would be laying heavy on China and India to make them clean up their respective environments. My thoughts about the Paris accord and the Iran deal are about the same. They were both deals where the US paid a fortune to benefit slacker countries. Why the hell would we want to pay to clean up China or India's environment? Why the hell would we want to give Iran a fortune for an uninforcible 10 year promise not to develope nukes? Either we're the world's biggest suckers or maybe Biden and Obama were getting a kickback for all that free taxpayer money they were spreading around. After watching what Biden did in Ukraine, Russia and China, my guess would be that Obama and Biden were going for the gusto. Kickback time. Stick with Trump.
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Sure hope the left wing middle class are prepared for the government to take your properties when you cannot pay your crazy property taxes. Won't give you a Shiney dime for it either.

Good luck with your homelessness. Suggest you get a nice tent now.

How will you survive the inevitable man made food shortages when the left closes down all meat plants due to cow farts.

Good luck.

Oh, right. The main method of executions by marxists is mass starvation and the marxist goal is to eliminate the propertied classes, but you should all keep believing the global warming shit.

Good luck idiots. You will need it. So far everything I have claimed will he happening, is happening. Not a genius, just know the stories from my family who lived through all of this before.

Good luck losers.
For the Democrat party the GND is all about controlling government. It's their excuse to take control of everything. If these jerks were serious about the worlds environment they would be laying heavy on China and India to make them clean up their respective environments. My thoughts about the Paris accord and the Iran deal are about the same. They were both deals where the US paid a fortune to benefit slacker countries. Why the hell would we want to pay to clean up China or India's environment? Why the hell would we want to give Iran a fortune for an uninforcible 10 year promise not to develope nukes? Either we're the world's biggest suckers or maybe Biden and Obama were getting a kickback for all that free taxpayer money they were spreading around. After watching what Biden did in Ukraine, Russia and China, my guess would be that Obama and Biden were going for the gusto. Kickback time. Stick with Trump.

Just keep making things up as you go. If you tell a lie enough times, does it make it the truth?
we need a Purple New Deal, a Yellow New Deal, a LBGTQXYZ New Deal — a whole rainbow of New Deals!

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