Biden and the high price of living

That's not at all astonishing.

As a construction worker, I may be expected to drive as far as eighty miles to a construction site, if that's where my project is.

That'd be a 160-mile round trip each day, five days a week, four weeks a month. That can easily get to be over three thousand miles in a month.
I was just asking?
That's a helluva an indictment from poster Oldsyle....even without the me-too-ism of JustQuit.

So, the U.S. experienced an inflation rate of 7% for all of 2021.
With a GDP increase of 5.7% (vs. a decline of 3.4% ind 2020)
Britain's GDP increased 7.1%......with an inflation rate for all of 2021 of 5.5%

We could go through a long listing of countries that experienced a surge in inflation during 2021....and now are seeing that trend accelerate due to war fears.

So, with that said, paint me skeptical that America, or Joe Biden is/was responsible for the world-wide inflation increase.

I realize inflation makes a great floggin'-stick, however, let's not allow partisanship to run away with common sense. Nor let Chicken-Little-ism overtake a rational considered view.

America has surging inflation, true. As does the world.
But a significant part of America's inflation is the cost associated with a surging economy. To wit: see the increase in GDP over 2020.....a 9.1% increase year to year.

America is in good shape. Jobs are surging. Profits too. GDP too. New factories are being built. And our Covid-supply-chain kinks are slowly but surely being worked out. Not to mention the cautious and tentative view that with so much of the population now vaccinated we may (hopefully) be seeing a horizon on this 2year old world-wide pandemic.

There is lots of reason to be optimistic.

Caveat: Of course, we are all living with the dangling Democles Sword of Putin's aggression and resolve.
Surely that is a wild card that first Ukraine will need to survive with, NATO will need to signal it's resolve, with America's ecouragment-- and our factories' production of needed hardware to be sold to NATO and/or Ukraine.

Life is complicated. But there is little practical use right now for the BooBirds and ChickenLittles.

With all due respect, Chilly...we were suffering from rampant inflation BEFORE Putin decided to attack Ukraine! THAT is going to make it far worse but progressive policies were already heading us down that road! That isn't me being a "BooBird" or a "ChickenLittle"...that's me being realistic! The far left of the Democratic Party wants high priced oil, gas and natural gas because high prices on fossil fuels makes Green energy more viable. What we've got now was done deliberately but now they've stepped on their dicks because the Russia/Ukraine conflict is going to make inflation spike so badly that the average person here in America is going to be hurt in a major way so Democrats are starting to panic because they know that inflation like we're looking at right now is death to any Party that caused it or failed to address it.
What we've got now was done deliberately.......
By whom?
Name names.
Give us details of what they did, and how they did it.
And how you know.

It is one thing to make a charge anonymously using a fake name on a chatroom.....anyone can do it.
But if one wishes to have gravitas, credibility........then one needs flesh out their assertion and build a persuasive argument that they are right.

I know you know that.
By whom?
Name names.
Give us details of what they did, and how they did it.
And how you know.

It is one thing to make a charge anonymously using a fake name on a chatroom.....anyone can do it.
But if one wishes to have gravitas, credibility........then one needs flesh out their assertion and build a persuasive argument that they are right.

I know you know that.
Do I really have to spoon feed you the Biden policies that were put into place as soon as Joe took office, Chilly? You speak of "gravitas"? You'd show some if you were a wee bit more in the know about what Biden's energy agenda has been!
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Do I really have to spoon feed you
Got it.
You don't really know.
You can't back up your own assertion.
Hey it happens, poster Oldestyle. It's the internet, you know.....entry fee is low, posting fees even lower.

Your stuff, frankly, doesn't really sound like your stuff. It sounds like talking points from Tucker, from Gateway Pundit, from UncleSamsMisguidedChildren....from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Here's the brass tacks, poster Oldestyle: Your postings seldom, if ever, offer a cogent argument, provide us with sourcing, or are persuasive. They come across, and I mean no disrespect, but as merely simple keyboard enemas by another grievance filled Trumpy who is pissed off by something Laura Inghraham told him to be pissed off about,.

You may be able to become a poster here who can carry his own weight.
But you gotta change.

Good luck.
My Personal Experience.

The wife (female) and I (male), because the RWI needs to know, gross a particular amount each month.
We also are consistently spending a particular amount per month and earning a particular amount per month.

This includes ALL expenses (taxes, gas, food, mortgage, insurance, entertainment, what else)

We are doing ok, after these monthly expenses, we deposit a monthly check of $3,300 (on average) per month, to add to our investments.

We are educated and lucky.
If we have to spend another $1,000 because of inflation, yes, it sucks, but we will still be ok.

PROBLEM is: the RWI that pretends the world is ending.
Ooooooh. How sad. The first time you've had to pay the real price of a commodity. The subsidies aren't earning comrade? My heart bleeds for you.

The price of oil is not set by Biden and you know it. Cut the bloody lies.
If it falls you won't forget to praise him for that also will you?
I hope it goes to $8 a gallon like Australia. See hoe goid you are then big mouth.

‘ I hope to hurt the poor so I can say I told you so to a poster I don’t know on an interwebs forum’.

More proof leftism is a mental disorder.
‘ I hope to hurt the poor so I can say I told you so to a poster I don’t know on an interwebs forum’.

More proof leftism is a mental disorder.
And who could dispute your medical qualifications to diagnose that.
Have you noticed the gop pleaded with Biden to stop Russian oil supplies?
Of course not yet its me who has a mental disorder.
Youre own party is now forcing higher gas prices on you. Who will you blame now boy?
And who could dispute your medical qualifications to diagnose that.
Have you noticed the gop pleaded with Biden to stop Russian oil supplies?
Of course not yet its me who has a mental disorder.
Youre own party is now forcing higher gas prices on you. Who will you blame now boy?

Does the DNC take EBT?
Got it.
You don't really know.
You can't back up your own assertion.
Hey it happens, poster Oldestyle. It's the internet, you know.....entry fee is low, posting fees even lower.

Your stuff, frankly, doesn't really sound like your stuff. It sounds like talking points from Tucker, from Gateway Pundit, from UncleSamsMisguidedChildren....from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Here's the brass tacks, poster Oldestyle: Your postings seldom, if ever, offer a cogent argument, provide us with sourcing, or are persuasive. They come across, and I mean no disrespect, but as merely simple keyboard enemas by another grievance filled Trumpy who is pissed off by something Laura Inghraham told him to be pissed off about,.

You may be able to become a poster here who can carry his own weight.
But you gotta change.

Good luck.
To be quite blunt, Chilly? I've yet to see a post of yours that I found "persuasive"! You seem to think that being snarky is a substitute for substance. If you really want to debate how Joe Biden's anti fossil fuel agenda has contributed to the current prices of gas and heating oil in this country then I'm here for you. If you want to continue to pretend that Biden's agenda hasn't affected those things then you're really not worth debating.

The left has decided that they're going to ram a Green agenda down the throats of Americans and they really don't CARE what the price of gas or heating oil is! That's a CHOICE! Pretending that what's happening is due to Covid or the Russian/Ukraine conflict and NOT the inevitable result of Green policies is intellectually dishonest! If you honestly believe that we need to switch over to a Green energy system now despite our inability to satisfy the energy demands of the US with Green energy then at least be honest enough to admit that Americans will have to pay substantially higher prices for things like gas and heating oil!
Got it.
You don't really know.
You can't back up your own assertion.
Hey it happens, poster Oldestyle. It's the internet, you know.....entry fee is low, posting fees even lower.

Your stuff, frankly, doesn't really sound like your stuff. It sounds like talking points from Tucker, from Gateway Pundit, from UncleSamsMisguidedChildren....from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Here's the brass tacks, poster Oldestyle: Your postings seldom, if ever, offer a cogent argument, provide us with sourcing, or are persuasive. They come across, and I mean no disrespect, but as merely simple keyboard enemas by another grievance filled Trumpy who is pissed off by something Laura Inghraham told him to be pissed off about,.

You may be able to become a poster here who can carry his own weight.
But you gotta change.

Good luck.
As for WHY I'm pissed off? Shelling out $65 for a tank of gas that cost me $30 a year ago is what has me steamed. I didn't need a pundit to tell me I should be annoyed that we've gone from being energy independent to having to beg other countries to produce more oil and natural gas!

If you think I'm alone in that annoyance then I think you're EXTREMELY naive! There are literally hundreds of thousands of Americans standing in front of gas pumps or opening fuel oil bills that are seething because your Green agenda that they never wanted is now stealing money out of their wallets!

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