Biden and the high price of living

Quit complaining. The Democrat's economic agenda is bringing we poor folks up to par with the rich folks.

You don't think rich people pay $1.20 for milk, do you? No, they're rich. They pay $4 and sometimes $5 for milk. You don't think rich people pay $20,000 for a car, do you? No, they pay $80,000 for a car.

And why? Because they're rich.

Now stop complaining and enjoy spending money like the rich people do. :04:
What the Biden socialist crowd is doing is bringing the lower-income people up and the middle-income people down so that they are both will live at the same level, the only difference being is that the lower-income are getting money from the middle-income in order to accomplish that. (In some cases, the lower-income are living above the middle income, due to all the handouts.)

For example, I know a young woman with children she can’t afford who used to shop for groceries at Walmart, while I shopped at Harris Teeter. Now, thanks to her getting a monthly payment of around $1000 for her kids, along with rental assistance, Medicaid, free meals from schools, etc., she is now shopping at Whole Foods and ordering expensive meal delivery programs. I, otoh, have started buying groceries at Walmart.

IOW, the Democrat socialists won’t be satisfied until the low-income on government programs is living as well as, or even better, than middle-income who support themselves.
I payed $4 a gallon for gas, because of Biden. I didn't vote for this person. He, and you that vote for this drek: YOU are doing this, YOU are hurting all of US.
...........What? Biden isn't responsible....the high price of fuel? I am making this up?
All of the economic suffering we are experiencing is intentional and is a most despicable form of low intensity warfare. That's right, Mary—own own government has declared war against us.

1 U.S. Gallon of 87 octane, denominated in US dollars, March 4th, 2022

  • In the United States - Joe Biden, President =$4.00
  • In Ireland - Mike Martin, as PM =$8.17
  • In England - Boris Johnson, as PM =$7.68
  • In Germany - Olaf Scholz as Chancellor =$7.72
  • In Russia - Vladimir Putin as President = $1.80

Well, a rationale 'economic'-man (or woman)......who uses the cost of petrol as their determintive standard for a place to live clearly should choose Russia.

Now, to be sure, there may be other factors one wishes to consider*.
Such as------can Mary and Nightson continue to get their re-runs of HoneyBooBoo on the telly?
Can they continue to get podcasts from Alex Jones?


*Also, for context for Mary & Nightson, they should maybe look at the Big Mac Index also. And once again, the best economic advice for Mary's and Nightson's overarching concerns over the cost of consumer goods ---petrol and Big Macs ----- well, Russia is the place for them.

A McDonald's Big February of 2022.......will cost them:

  • $6.98 in Switzerland --Guy Parmelin, as President
  • $6.31 in Norway --- Erna Solberg, PM
  • $5.81 in the U.S. ----Mary & Nightson know who's the Prez over in the U.S.
  • $5.35 in Israel -----Naftali Bennett, PM
  • $1.74 in Russia ------Vladimir Putin, President

Good luck folks.
Please stay in touch.

1 U.S. Gallon of 87 octane, denominated in US dollars, March 4th, 2022

  • In the United States - Joe Biden, President =$4.00
  • In Ireland - Mike Martin, as PM =$8.17
  • In England - Boris Johnson, as PM =$7.68
  • In Germany - Olaf Scholz as Chancellor =$7.72
  • In Russia - Vladimir Putin as President = $1.80

Well, a rationale 'economic'-man (or woman)......who uses the cost of petrol as their determintive standard for a place to live clearly should choose Russia.

Now, to be sure, there may be other factors one wishes to consider*.

Such as------can Mary and Nightson continue to get their re-runs of HoneyBooBoo on the telly?
Can they continue to get podcasts from Alex Jones?


*Also, for context for Mary & Nightson, they should maybe look at the Big Mac Index also. And once again, the best economic advice for Mary's and Nightson's overarching concerns over the cost of consumer goods ---petrol and Big Macs ----- well, Russia is the place for them.

A McDonald's Big February of 2022.......will cost them:

  • $6.98 in Switzerland --Guy Parmelin, as President
  • $6.31 in Norway --- Erna Solberg, PM
  • $5.81 in the U.S. ----Mary & Nightson know who's the Prez over in the U.S.
  • $5.35 in Israel -----Naftali Bennett, PM
  • $1.74 in Russia ------Vladimir Putin, President

Good luck folks.
Please stay in touch.
The fact that other countries pay more, and always have paid more, is irrelevant to the fact that Biden has exacerbated inflation here.
Literally I just bought 52 Oz of milk for $4 . I payed $4 a gallon for gas, because of Biden. I didn't vote for this person. He, and you that vote for this drek: YOU are doing this, YOU are hurting all of US.
Anybody that voted for Biden and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a friggin idiot. He is a disaster for this country and we all knew he would be. Even Obama said to never underestimate the ability of Biden to screw something up.
Literally I just bought 52 Oz of milk for $4 . I payed $4 a gallon for gas, because of Biden. I didn't vote for this person. He, and you that vote for this drek: YOU are doing this, YOU are hurting all of US.
You pay what the capitalist charge you and Biden is under the control of the capitalist.
Ooooooh. How sad. The first time you've had to pay the real price of a commodity. The subsidies aren't earning comrade? My heart bleeds for you.

The price of oil is not set by Biden and you know it. Cut the bloody lies.
If it falls you won't forget to praise him for that also will you?
I hope it goes to $8 a gallon like Australia. See hoe goid you are then big mouth.
Colin is the Democratic Party in a nutshell! He doesn't CARE that blue collar people living pay check to pay check now have to choose between putting gas in their on the table...or medical care for their family! Biden and the progressive left have given us this inflationary crisis deliberately and now they're too spineless to admit that they did it because people are pissed!
Anybody that voted for Biden and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a friggin idiot. He is a disaster for this country and we all knew he would be. Even Obama said to never underestimate the ability of Biden to screw something up.
No more for want of idiocy than the man just ho ask " who is more the fool, the fool or the fools of that follows?".
Colin is the Democratic Party in a nutshell! He doesn't CARE that blue collar people living pay check to pay check now have to choose between putting gas in their on the table...or medical care for their family! Biden and the progressive left have given us this inflationary crisis deliberately and now they're too spineless to admit that they did it because people are pissed!
Actually it was both parties that led us to this point in time along with the wealthy and powerful.
To me paying $20,000 for a car is for rich people, I don't even have that. I can only afford to buy cars 15 - 20+ years old with 150,000 - 200,000+ miles that have been in numerous accidents.
And yet, you spend your time doing keyboard jockey stuff on Political Discussion forums?
What ain't I getting here?

"The fact that other countries pay more, and always have paid more, is irrelevant to the fact that Biden has exacerbated inflation here."

Ummm, noper, good poster Lisa, noper.
Price ain't 'fixed' in those markets for those products.
In short, the rising inflation tide has risen all those boats ----- Ireland, Israel, Norway, Russia, the United States. And Joe was only in America. So your whine that it is just you and Joe.....ain't true.

All those places....all those items, i.e., petrol & Big Macs ..... have gone up in each of those countries.

Hint to the Cluefull: Covid was worldwide. Covid had an impact on a whole bunch of things. Per Captain Obvious.

Still, with that said, Lisa558, you maybe should order up some travel brochures for your Moscow trip. Prices are still pretty reasonable

*Caveat: Prices were before the sanctions. You may want to hurry.
/----/ That's not how the supply chain works. During the gas shortage in 1978 my buddy in New Jersey lived 10 miles from the gas refinery farms. He had to wait on line to get gas like everyone else. The TP doesn't go directly to the local stores, it goes through a distribution network

My point is there were no Democrats involved. None. The closest Democratic Governor was maybe North Carolina. Probably Virginia.

The problem wasn’t Democrats, it was Trump who changed his mind ten times a day. First we had to restrict, then he would read a tweet and announce we weren’t. Then he would talk to advisors. You remember. The best. Amazing. Simply awesome. And he would decide the restrictions were good.

And then he would have breakfast.

During breakfast he would send out a tweet reversing his decision of ten minutes ago. And the days continued like that for months.

I could explain more about what happened, but you have already decided that what really happened. Didn’t actually happen. So it would be a waste.
Ooooooh. How sad. The first time you've had to pay the real price of a commodity. The subsidies aren't earning comrade? My heart bleeds for you.

The price of oil is not set by Biden and you know it. Cut the bloody lies.
If it falls you won't forget to praise him for that also will you?
I hope it goes to $8 a gallon like Australia. See hoe goid you are then big mouth.
The price of oil is not set by Biden or any other President. However, a President can pursue policies to help maintain or lower a country’s fuel prices and dependence on foreign oil. From his campaign to his first day in office to this day, Biden and his handlers have pursued policies that that made US more dependent on foreign oil and the markets responded.
And yet, you spend your time doing keyboard jockey stuff on Political Discussion forums?
What ain't I getting here?

Ummm, noper, good poster Lisa, noper.
Price ain't 'fixed' in those markets for those products.
In short, the rising inflation tide has risen all those boats ----- Ireland, Israel, Norway, Russia, the United States. And Joe was only in America. So your whine that it is just you and Joe.....ain't true.

All those places....all those items, i.e., petrol & Big Macs ..... have gone up in each of those countries.

Hint to the Cluefull: Covid was worldwide. Covid had an impact on a whole bunch of things. Per Captain Obvious.

Still, with that said, Lisa558, you maybe should order up some travel brochures for your Moscow trip. Prices are still pretty reasonable

*Caveat: Prices were before the sanctions. You may want to hurry.
1) What is it with these nasty leftists, still on Russia, Russia, crap?

2) And yes, the fact that other countries have, in general, been less productive and less efficient than America and their prices have ALWAYS reflected that is relevant. To take a 40-year-high inflation rate under Biden, and answer by saying ….so? Things cost more in Europe where they close shop at 3 pm and have all August off”….is no defense of Biden’s inflationary policies.

Or, like all leftists, will you only be satisfied when American is as bad as other countries? EQUITy!!
the fact he stole the election
And good poster Flash, how has your investigation been going on that particular issue?
After all, you've been regularly claiming the election was stolen for, what?.....17 months? More?
Surely, you've been able to assemble evidence, build a case, and get it on the docket of some appropriate judicial venue.
How's your progress?


Biden and the progressive left have given us this inflationary crisis deliberately the Clue-full: Biden ain' the President in Ireland, or England, or Poland, or Israel.......and yet.........and yet inflation has been marching forward in all of those markets.
How'd Joe do that?
After all, America is a big place, and one would think that that should occupy his efforts in jacking up the 87Octane at your local Mobil. No?

Do this Oldestyle, escape all this inflation nonsense. After all, surely you must have seen the low prices for petrol and Big Macs in Russia.

Why stay here, stateside, and whine and whine and get more and more pissed off?
Escape the high price here (or London, or Tel Aviv, or Norway).......and immigrate to Russia.
(ps....don't join their Army. At least, not right now.)

Good luck.
Let us know how you and the family fare.
Things cost more in Europe where they close shop at 3 pm and have all August off”….is no defense of Biden’s inflationary policies.
Or, like all leftists, will you only be satisfied when American

Ah, good poster, Lisa......4% inflation in North Dakota, is quite similar to 4% inflaiton in New Jersey, and to 4% inflation in Belfast.
Think percentages, Lisa.
They are quite handy in measuring the relative movement of prices.

And, FYI, that 'percentage'-tide has risen your Big Mac......whether you buy it in Gallipolis, Ohio, or Oslo, Norway.

Trust me.

ps....and quit your whining. It makes your avatar look bad. And too self-absorbed. Big Macs are going up all over the world......not just in your little slice of the American heartland.

Trust me on that too.
Ah, good poster, Lisa......4% inflation in North Dakota, is quite similar to 4% inflaiton in New Jersey, and to 4% inflation in Belfast.
Think percentages, Lisa.
They are quite handy in measuring the relative movement of prices.

And, FYI, that 'percentage'-tide has risen your Big Mac......whether you buy it in Gallipolis, Ohio, or Oslo, Norway.

Trust me.

ps....and quit your whining. It makes your avatar look bad. And too self-absorbed. Big Macs are going up all over the world......not just in your little slice of the American heartland.

Trust me on that too.
What avator? I have none. You need to individualize your insults rather than just use a blanket one. Doesn’t work otherwise.

And again, comparing our prices to Europe’s is meaningless. Things were always cheaper over here because we used to be a more productive country, with a better work ethic, until the leftists like you started to bring us down. So saying how things are still cheaper here is no defense of Biden’s inflationary efforts….all that means is that Biden and the leftists haven’t completed their work in “equitizing”:America to lesser countries.
Ooooooh. How sad. The first time you've had to pay the real price of a commodity. The subsidies aren't earning comrade? My heart bleeds for you.

The price of oil is not set by Biden and you know it. Cut the bloody lies.
If it falls you won't forget to praise him for that also will you?
I hope it goes to $8 a gallon like Australia. See hoe goid you are then big mouth.

Eh, you're just a troll. Always have been. All you do is say stuff to try and inflame others, even if it's against your own interest. Like saying you wish gas was higher which means you'd be paying more for it. If someone food needs to be cheaper you'd probably say "it should be so expensive no one can buy it so we all starve".

And yes Biden effects fuel costs. When he hampered domestic oil production, bought it from Russia and sold oil reserves to China our gas prices went up. Just like when trump ramped up domestic oil production and stopped buying so much from overseas fuel costs went way down. But I get it, you're argument is "Biden doesn't personally himself set the exact cost of fuel" and you know this isn't what anyone is saying.

You're just a contrarian is all it boils down to. Can't believe I never ignored you, time to fix that now though.

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