Biden and the high price of living

My point is there were no Democrats involved. None. The closest Democratic Governor was maybe North Carolina. Probably Virginia.

The problem wasn’t Democrats, it was Trump who changed his mind ten times a day. First we had to restrict, then he would read a tweet and announce we weren’t. Then he would talk to advisors. You remember. The best. Amazing. Simply awesome. And he would decide the restrictions were good.

And then he would have breakfast.

During breakfast he would send out a tweet reversing his decision of ten minutes ago. And the days continued like that for months.

I could explain more about what happened, but you have already decided that what really happened. Didn’t actually happen. So it would be a waste.
/----/ "The problem wasn’t Democrats, it was Trump who changed his mind ten times a day"
I realize this is just hyperbole, but can you cite any references to Trump changing his positions and how it affected toilet paper delivery in Georgia or anywhere else? He seemed pretty steadfast to me.

Now here is a lengthy discussion of the pandemic's effect on the Supply Chain. And not one mention of Trump Tweets or him changing his mind 10 times a day..
you need to individualize your insults
Ah, good poster seemingly have my poor avatar mixed up with another.
Both my avatar and me strive hard not to do insults.
Perhaps, you are too sensitive? Seeing boogeymen where none exist?

until the leftists like you
Ooooops, you goofed with that one.
Hey, it happens. No harm, no foul.
But, it is true, I have never thought of myself, or called myselft....a 'leftist'.
Rather, I've long ----long ----professed to be an "Optimistic Skeptic".
I hope Optimistic Skeptics ain't part of your boogeyman nightmares too?


And again, comparing our prices to Europe’s is meaningless.
I'm sorry good poster Lisa.
Perhaps I should have added another paragraph to those comments about 'percentages'?

Lemme try again: If 87-Octane goes up 4% in Athens, Ohio... AND ... 4% in Athens, is still, hold for it, a 4% increase.! In both places.

Regardless, of the nominal price.....$4.00 a gallon or $7.85 a gallon.....4% is still 4%.

How is it that I'm not being clear enough for you? How is it you ain't getting it?

Every store had signs up saying this item limited. No more than two or for depending per customer.

OK, poster SavannahMann, now you are cutting a tad too close to the bone.
After all, I have seen, experienced, and been vexed by that "this item is limited"-thingy.

For example, Goose Island brewery in Chicago put out a 14% Stout....(Bourbon County Brand Stout).....and those sonofaguns limited customers to just two bottles (16oz ---$11.00 per).

THAT was vexing.....'cause it is so worth the $11!

I was gonna blame Joe Biden, but he's carrying Mary, and Lisa, and NightSon, and several others here on his enough is enough.
No reason for me to jump into that complaint-fest for the whiney woe-is-me types.

ps...Lisa, here's a little arithmetic thought-problem for you: If Goose Island would have raised the price by 4%, I would have had to......and would have gladly done so......paid $11.44 per pint.

But they didn't.
Noper, they didn't.

Instead, they sold out.
That was vexing too!
Every store had signs up saying this item limited. No more than two or for depending per customer. And yes. Different stores of different chains, including local and national.
Not where I was at in Idaho .

And if it was wide spread we would of had threads on it and news articles
Literally I just bought 52 Oz of milk for $4 . I payed $4 a gallon for gas, because of Biden. I didn't vote for this person. He, and you that vote for this drek: YOU are doing this, YOU are hurting all of US.
It's going to get worse with the Globalist Eco Terrorists illegitimately occupying The White House.

I'm praying we get a few more good years before they entirely wreck the country but it's not looking good.
All of the economic suffering we are experiencing is intentional and is a most despicable form of low intensity warfare. That's right, Mary—own own government has declared war against us. The people running the show, both the American show and the global, planetwide one, are zealous cultists who are also orders of magnitude more fanatical than any suicide bomber or snake handling Christian. These people will stop at nothing to realize their plan to reduce what they believe to be manmade global warming, which includes mass mega murder of as much of the world's human population as is necessary.

From what I understand we could be facing real no-shit famine across America in the near future. If that happens, we can be certain it is all according to the plans of the high priests and priestesses of the global warming/Green New Deal cult. These crazy global warming bastards actually believe that the world's armies should declare war on all world governments in order to save the planet. Problem is these maniacs are super extra ultra-wealthy and hold almost all of the cards. For all intents and purposes they plan to murder a great many of us lowly unwashed masses. Their plan has been in the works for ages and only now have the faces of the enemy been revealed. About all that's left for us to do is to become as self-reliant as possible and prepare for the absolute midnight nightmare worse case scenarios.
Just so you know, Putin is in on the deal too, just as much as was China when Obama ordered them to attack The US and the rest of the world with COVID19.

It is no accident that they went straight from COVID19 to Putin22.

This time it involves more than restrictions on personal freedoms and closing small businesses. They are experimenting on our financial institutions, and prepping everything for the New Cryptotyranny that is coming in the financial sector.
Putin is in on the deal too, just as much as was China when Obama ordered them to attack The US and the rest of the world with COVID19.
I don't mean to be personal, but curiosity drives me here -----good poster Tree, do you consider yourself a Conservative?
A Republican?
A Trumper?

I ain't gonna ask if you are a Democrat, 'cause I think I've seen a post or two from you that precludes that political flavor.

So, support...Conservativism? the GOP? or Don Trump?
And, if you identify as all three.....well, which identity to you prefer the most?
/----/ Libs desperately trying to gaslight Americans into thinking everything is OKEY DOKE.
Yup. They voted in an imbecile who is destroying the country, and now they figure if they just deny the consequences, they’ll fool enough idiots to vote for another Democrat. (It won’t be Biden….they’re trying to prop him up for another year, and then he’s gone.)
Colin is the Democratic Party in a nutshell! He doesn't CARE that blue collar people living pay check to pay check now have to choose between putting gas in their on the table...or medical care for their family! Biden and the progressive left have given us this inflationary crisis deliberately and now they're too spineless to admit that they did it because people are pissed!
Nailed him and all those like him.
Literally I just bought 52 Oz of milk for $4 . I payed $4 a gallon for gas, because of Biden. I didn't vote for this person. He, and you that vote for this drek: YOU are doing this, YOU are hurting all of US.

Keep in mind that almost no one voted for Biden

he was simply installed by the political class.
Eh, you're just a troll. Always have been. All you do is say stuff to try and inflame others, even if it's against your own interest. Like saying you wish gas was higher which means you'd be paying more for it. If someone food needs to be cheaper you'd probably say "it should be so expensive no one can buy it so we all starve".

And yes Biden effects fuel costs. When he hampered domestic oil production, bought it from Russia and sold oil reserves to China our gas prices went up. Just like when trump ramped up domestic oil production and stopped buying so much from overseas fuel costs went way down. But I get it, you're argument is "Biden doesn't personally himself set the exact cost of fuel" and you know this isn't what anyone is saying.

You're just a contrarian is all it boils down to. Can't believe I never ignored you, time to fix that now though.
You have nothing but ignorance to the facts.
You cannot stay away from reading me. You are addicted to ridiculing me which is what drives me.
I love pointing out the lies and hypocrisy of republicans and it do it every day. You people never learn. Stick with your bible.
I don't mean to be personal, but curiosity drives me here -----good poster Tree, do you consider yourself a Conservative?
A Republican?
A Trumper?

I ain't gonna ask if you are a Democrat, 'cause I think I've seen a post or two from you that precludes that political flavor.

So, support...Conservativism? the GOP? or Don Trump?
And, if you identify as all three.....well, which identity to you prefer the most?
I consider myself NONE of the Above. I am an Anti-Globalist. I believe we should trade with other countries, but should maintain our own identities and borders.
I would say though that I am a hybrid of Libertarian and Conservative and believe that a Nation without a moral compass is like a ship without a rudder. Fine when adrift upon the open seas with no adversity but when the wind blows it will be dashed upon the rocks.

I believe Globalism is Evil, and that only limited government that is designed to protect We The People and uphold the individual citizen's rights and freedoms is the best government.

I also believe that Ultra Nationalism can be bent to Evil as well.

To quote William Penn:

"A people who will not restrain themselves through religion must be ruled by tyrants."

I also believe what Benjamin Franklin said:

"Those who would forego liberty in lieu of safety deserve neither liberty or safety."

Thomas Jefferson on dealing with someone like Putin:

"But as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other."
Biden and the progressive left have given us this inflationary crisis deliberately
Nailed him and all those like him.
That's a helluva an indictment from poster Oldsyle....even without the me-too-ism of JustQuit.

So, the U.S. experienced an inflation rate of 7% for all of 2021.
With a GDP increase of 5.7% (vs. a decline of 3.4% ind 2020)
Britain's GDP increased 7.1%......with an inflation rate for all of 2021 of 5.5%

We could go through a long listing of countries that experienced a surge in inflation during 2021....and now are seeing that trend accelerate due to war fears.

So, with that said, paint me skeptical that America, or Joe Biden is/was responsible for the world-wide inflation increase.

I realize inflation makes a great floggin'-stick, however, let's not allow partisanship to run away with common sense. Nor let Chicken-Little-ism overtake a rational considered view.

America has surging inflation, true. As does the world.
But a significant part of America's inflation is the cost associated with a surging economy. To wit: see the increase in GDP over 2020.....a 9.1% increase year to year.

America is in good shape. Jobs are surging. Profits too. GDP too. New factories are being built. And our Covid-supply-chain kinks are slowly but surely being worked out. Not to mention the cautious and tentative view that with so much of the population now vaccinated we may (hopefully) be seeing a horizon on this 2year old world-wide pandemic.

There is lots of reason to be optimistic.

Caveat: Of course, we are all living with the dangling Democles Sword of Putin's aggression and resolve.
Surely that is a wild card that first Ukraine will need to survive with, NATO will need to signal it's resolve, with America's ecouragment-- and our factories' production of needed hardware to be sold to NATO and/or Ukraine.

Life is complicated. But there is little practical use right now for the BooBirds and ChickenLittles.

Keep in mind that almost no one voted for Biden
he was simply installed by the political class.
OK, Billiejeens, that is interesting.
But it begs the question: Who are all (or the key players) of this "political class"?
Are they Democrats? Republicans? Something else?
Are they U.S. citizens, or are there internaitonal players with a hand in the game?
Lastly, with all those answered.....we are required to ask:

How do you know what you claim you know?

I consider myself NONE of the Above. I am an Anti-Globalist.
Thank you, poster Original Tree.
Your response was thoughtful and articulate, with a touch of American historical references for you to ground it on.
Such is appreciated here.

A hat-tip.
Wow, you drive over 3,000 miles per month?

That's not at all astonishing.

As a construction worker, I may be expected to drive as far as eighty miles to a construction site, if that's where my project is.

That'd be a 160-mile round trip each day, five days a week, four weeks a month. That can easily get to be over three thousand miles in a month.

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