Biden and the high price of living

Literally I just bought 52 Oz of milk for $4 . I payed $4 a gallon for gas, because of Biden. I didn't vote for this person. He, and you that vote for this drek: YOU are doing this, YOU are hurting all of US.
Sucks to be you.... and I couldn't be happier. The sooner you're history, the quicker we get back to making progress.
Trump may have been many things. But here we are, under this quack Biden. High food prices and empty shelves, never happened under Trump. Do the math, guys.

Trumps entire last year was exactly that. Remember Toilet Paper shortages? Among other things? Limits at grocery stores? Rationing of meat and dairy? Or does your memory filter those things out?
We all are effected by this crap, even liberals have to admit Biden is a failure. We can't keep pretending. Biden has got to go.

Oh I still think he will step down after the midterms setting Harris up for re-election in 2024. But that isn’t what you want is it?
Sucks to be you.... and I couldn't be happier. The sooner you're history, the quicker we get back to making progress.
Liberals definition of progress...

Of course, Trumptards are blaming Biden for a global issue.
Amazing he can control every country's economy in the world.

March 2 2022
Europe's harmonized inflation surged to 5.8% in February, from January’s 5.1% reading and marking the highest print since records began in 1997. Inflation therefore moved further above the European Central Bank’s target rate of 2.0%. February’s result was due to faster increases in prices for food, alcohol and tobacco, energy, non-energy industrial goods, and services.

February 14 2022
New Delhi | Jagran Business Desk: Retain Inflation of India rose to 6.01 percent in January 2022 against 5.66 percent of December 2021, the Government of India said in a statement today. The rise in inflation rate of India is the highest recorded in last six months.

February 16 2022
Statistics Canada reported Wednesday that Canada’s annual pace of inflation has surpassed 5% – the highest since 1991. Canada’s inflation rate rose 5.1% on a year-over-year basis and up from a 4.8% gain in December 2021.

The cost of food continues to skyrocket, with the price of food purchased at stores up 6.5% in the past year – the fastest pace since 2009. The cost housing is also becoming more expensive, as shelter costs increased by 6.2% in the past year – the fastest pace since 1990. Further, the cost of gasoline also increased by 4.8% during January – 31% higher than the same time last year.

January 22 2022
TOKYO (Financial Times) -- Japanese inflation rose compared to the previous year, increasing at its fastest pace in almost two years for a second consecutive month as rising energy costs added to pressure on households.

The government said on Friday that consumer prices grew at the same rate as in November, the largest increase the largest rise since February 2020 and the fourth consecutive monthly rise. The consumer price index excluded fresh food but covered energy costs, which rose 16.4%.
Trumps entire last year was exactly that. Remember Toilet Paper shortages? Among other things? Limits at grocery stores? Rationing of meat and dairy? Or does your memory filter those things out?
Covid usurped Trump. The globalists went full royalty on the peasants. We now know that D.C. is pure post constitution. Rights are by whim now.
Exactly what has Biden enacted that causes prices to rise? It’s a supply problem borne out of Trump’s mishandling of the coronavirus.

Our gas prices are lower than almost every other first world country…. and our incomes are a multiple of other places.

Quit complaining. The Democrat's economic agenda is bringing we poor folks up to par with the rich folks.

You don't think rich people pay $1.20 for milk, do you? No, they're rich. They pay $4 and sometimes $5 for milk. You don't think rich people pay $20,000 for a car, do you? No, they pay $80,000 for a car.

And why? Because they're rich.

Now stop complaining and enjoy spending money like the rich people do. :04:
To me paying $20,000 for a car is for rich people, I don't even have that. I can only afford to buy cars 15 - 20+ years old with 150,000 - 200,000+ miles that have been in numerous accidents. Forget about new cars I will never be able to pay the monthly payment,
Trumps entire last year was exactly that. Remember Toilet Paper shortages? Among other things? Limits at grocery stores? Rationing of meat and dairy? Or does your memory filter those things out?

It was not Trump's policies that caused that.

It was Democrapic polices, enacted by corrupt governors, that fucked up the supply chain.
LOL.....I reported here last evening that gas had broke the $4.00 barrier at $4.01....I just checked, now it's $4.10.....Week to date, a 71-cent increase.....It's going up at a rate I've never seen before.

The highest I can ever remember is $4.29 in my AO back when the Halfrican was POTUS.....I'm sure we will breeze by that this week the way things are going with no end in sight.....Tater is not even trying to mitigate the pain at the pump and grocery store.

I don't know about you but I'm seeing a pattern here. If they can't tax you one way the dems will eat at your pocketbook in another way through high gas/food prices and at the same time brag how good they are to us.
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It was not Trump's policies that caused that.

It was Democrapic polices, enacted by corrupt governors, that fucked up the supply chain.

I live in Georgia. With a Republican Governor. And a Republican legislature. With paper mills all over. That make toilet paper. Yet the store shelves were bare. How exactly did the Democrats manage to stop the supply from what? Twenty miles away?
Ooooooh. How sad. The first time you've had to pay the real price of a commodity. The subsidies aren't earning comrade? My heart bleeds for you.

The price of oil is not set by Biden and you know it. Cut the bloody lies.
If it falls you won't forget to praise him for that also will you?
I hope it goes to $8 a gallon like Australia. See hoe goid you are then big mouth.
/----/ Point to the specific EO or bill passed by Congress and signed by Dementia Joe that ended subsidies and drove the price of commodities up. I'll wait while you gather your notes.
I live in Georgia. With a Republican Governor. And a Republican legislature. With paper mills all over. That make toilet paper. Yet the store shelves were bare. How exactly did the Democrats manage to stop the supply from what? Twenty miles away?
/----/ That's not how the supply chain works. During the gas shortage in 1978 my buddy in New Jersey lived 10 miles from the gas refinery farms. He had to wait on line to get gas like everyone else. The TP doesn't go directly to the local stores, it goes through a distribution network

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