Biden Angrily Snaps at Reporter For Asking Him About Talking With Hunter Biden's "Business" Partners

Trump has a lot in common with Hitler.
I would too. Hunter isn't President. Nor will he ever be. And Republicans have so far, been unable to produce any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden.
Next question please. At least Biden hasn't ended daily press someone else did. :)
Joe is a liar. That has been proven.
Testimony is evidence. There is now verified testimony that Joe was involved and received money from foreign powers buying influence. Perhaps if you put the same emphasis on this testimony that you did on Trump's alleged Russian collusion, you wouldn't appear such a fool. Sounds to me like maybe both belong in jail, but I'm sure you feel only your guy is blameless.

The testimony from Archer was that he never talked business with Joe Biden. You are very clearly the fool. There is no alleged in Trump's Russia collusion. The campaign turned over internal polling data and other campaign information over to a Russian spy. Trump and his minions like you are the ones who should be in jail.
The testimony from Archer was that he never talked business with Joe Biden. You are very clearly the fool. There is no alleged in Trump's Russia collusion. The campaign turned over internal polling data and other campaign information over to a Russian spy. Trump and his minions like you are the ones who should be in jail.
The testimony is that Joe talked to all of Hunter's "business" associates when Biden said he didn't know anything about Hunter's business. He obviously lied. Manafort turned over some polling data without Trump's knowledge. Who said the guy who obtained it was a spy? Was Manafort even a part of the campaign at that time?
Duh . . . . . . wrong!


you are a member of the cult. Devon Archer says he did not talk business with Joe Biden.

There are no bank statements.

I suppose every western nation, the IMF, the Ukrainian people and Republican senators were conspiring with Joe Biden to fire Shokin. They wanted Shokin to be removed because he WAS NOT investigating Burisma.
You can deny, and try to misdirect all you want, but you are being proven wrong on a daily basis. You are just one of those, "my crook is great while your crook is evil" kind of people. Continue to live in denial, but then don't chastise those in denial on the other side.

You are the one in denial. You have not proven anything about Joe Biden. That is a fact.
what would you call "direct evidence?" Receiving millions of dollars from communists is direct evidence. bank records, emails on Hunter's laptop, whatsapp chats. Those are all direct evidence.

Call us when you find anything like that. Hunter Biden is not President.
you are a member of the cult. Devon Archer says he did not talk business with Joe Biden.

There are no bank statements.

I suppose every western nation, the IMF, the Ukrainian people and Republican senators were conspiring with Joe Biden to fire Shokin. They wanted Shokin to be removed because he WAS NOT investigating Burisma.
Nice business ya got there.
Hate to see anything happen to it.
Testimony is evidence. There is now verified testimony that Joe was involved and received money from foreign powers buying influence. Perhaps if you put the same emphasis on this testimony that you did on Trump's alleged Russian collusion, you wouldn't appear such a fool. Sounds to me like maybe both belong in jail, but I'm sure you feel only your guy is blameless.
Lol, show your evidence in court of law. Call us when ya get some convictions. Hilarious 😂. Till then more right wing drivel.
you are a member of the cult. Devon Archer says he did not talk business with Joe Biden.

There are no bank statements.

I suppose every western nation, the IMF, the Ukrainian people and Republican senators were conspiring with Joe Biden to fire Shokin. They wanted Shokin to be removed because he WAS NOT investigating Burisma.
You're the cult member who pretends he can't see the evidence against Biden. when did this become about whether Biden talked about business with Archer? That's a strawman. The point is that Biden spoke with all of Hunter's "business" associates and knew what he was doing. The claim that he didn't is simply too absurd for words.

The only person demanding Shokin's removal was Joe Biden. I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary.

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