Biden Announcing Executive Orders On Firearms Now

“Biden Announcing Executive Orders On Firearms Now”

No, Biden announcing proposed ATF rule changes that may or may not be implemented; rule changes perfectly consistent with Second Amendment case law, having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court.
Red Flag laws are one of the worst violations of a person's rights to have ever been proposed.
Red flag laws is an affront to law and order in this country. Otherwise it is to suggest that the law has lost control of the streets, and is no longer effective at doing it's job. So now the government is having to use tactics and strategies to go around law and order, otherwise being the same law and order that has been set up by these same politicians to fail...So in the covering it all up, it has to think of nefarious ways to go after more power (taking advantage of what they have caused on purpose), as if no one see's what is going on. The emperor has no clothes.
The police have no legal obligation to come to your aid so the government disarming people without due process is doubly egregious
They probably have other priorities and can't respond to every call with a physical presence.
Which is why the population should remain armed for self defense. Man if the leftist could just fill in that response gap problem somehow, then they would have it made, but they can't.
You completely ignored my point that IN THE US gun control doesn't work and usually has the reverse effect. Criminals already have guns, and they'll still get guns even if we add more laws to the already existing thousands of laws on the books.

Do you believe that criminals obey the law? Yes or no?
Gun control in the US won't work state by state, it needs to be a national policy to be effective. It's pointless controlling firearms in one state when the state next door is awash with them.

The federal government has no such authority.

The Federal government has the authority to enact firearm regulatory measures provided those measures comport with Second Amendment jurisprudence.
“Biden Announcing Executive Orders On Firearms Now”

No, Biden announcing proposed ATF rule changes that may or may not be implemented; rule changes perfectly consistent with Second Amendment case law, having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court.
Talk properly now, it's AFT, just ask your new leader and chief. And while you are at it kiss his hand too.
It is a travesty

it is reality
Red flag laws are the travesty.

No due process, no probable cause/.
This is a lie.

Red flag laws afford comprehensive due process – an extreme risk protection order must first be authorized by a court. A hearing is then conducted allowing the gun owner to demonstrate why the order should be lifted.

Protection orders are not un-Constitutional – in Florida, for example, the courts have upheld that state’s red flag law:

“Some gun owners have appealed RPOs, arguing that Florida’s red flag law is unconstitutional. So far, at least, they haven’t been successful. State appellate courts have found that the law wasn’t too broad or vague, and that the proceedings hadn’t violated the respondent’s constitutional right to due process. (See, for example, Davis v. Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office, 280 So.3d 524 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. (2019).)”
The Democrat deep state

There is no ‘deep state’ – Democratic or otherwise, having nothing to do with the thread topic.
Deep State refers to the secretiveness of Democrats manipulating voters by making them think Trump broke the laws' peepeed while jumping on a bed with two prostitutes and more hubris than is found in dumps for the 20 largest U.S. Cities. That didn't work when the secret Steele Dossier was found to have originated in HillBillarie's War Room Geniuses writing the salacious and fictitious script. You leftists howled every time our detectives outed your trashy false witnesses that made you all soooooo self-righteous about Orange Man Bad with each and every lie you pooped outta you filthy, lying mouths for four stinking years. :cheeky-smiley-018:
Do you really, really want to stop gun violence?

Stop voting for democrats.

The democrat party creates over 95% of our gun murder and gun crime through their policies...policies that allow violent, known, repeat gun offenders out of jail and out of prison, over and over again...

It is these repeat offenders, who have been arrested over and over again, who are doing almost all of our gun violence....and the democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians keep letting them out....

Stop the democrats and you can end gun crime...
Trump was a Democrat
You completely ignored my point that IN THE US gun control doesn't work and usually has the reverse effect. Criminals already have guns, and they'll still get guns even if we add more laws to the already existing thousands of laws on the books.

Do you believe that criminals obey the law? Yes or no?
Gun control in the US won't work state by state, it needs to be a national policy to be effective. It's pointless controlling firearms in one state when the state next door is awash with them.

The federal government has no such authority.

The Federal government has the authority to enact firearm regulatory measures provided those measures comport with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

"Congress shall make no law ..." applies to the entire document.

"Shall not be infringed" applies to any notions by the federal government to infringe upon the right.

What's left are state matters under state authority, subject to the limitations of the amendments.

English is English. Case law and precedent arrived at in opposition to amendments can be ignored. Everybody make mistakes.
I see no good reason why a person's firearms cannot be confiscated IF the police have reasonable cause to go to a judge and get a warrant to do so, BEFORE said confiscation. Said reasonable cause has to be more than some asshole complaining about the noise next door, and the judge should have reasonable cause to believe deadly violence could be averted if confiscation is not executed. Furthermore, confiscation should be limited to like 60 days or whatever, at which time the weapons are returned UNLESS the prosecution can show reasonable cause as to why the confiscation should be extended. IOW, it shouldn't be up to the individual to show he/she should get his weapons back, but rather the state should show why the individual's right to bear arms should continue to be abridged.
It is a travesty

it is reality
Red flag laws are the travesty.

No due process, no probable cause/.
This is a lie.

Red flag laws afford comprehensive due process – an extreme risk protection order must first be authorized by a court. A hearing is then conducted allowing the gun owner to demonstrate why the order should be lifted.

Protection orders are not un-Constitutional – in Florida, for example, the courts have upheld that state’s red flag law:

“Some gun owners have appealed RPOs, arguing that Florida’s red flag law is unconstitutional. So far, at least, they haven’t been successful. State appellate courts have found that the law wasn’t too broad or vague, and that the proceedings hadn’t violated the respondent’s constitutional right to due process. (See, for example, Davis v. Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office, 280 So.3d 524 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. (2019).)”

Outright lie.
Do you really, really want to stop gun violence?

Stop voting for democrats.

The democrat party creates over 95% of our gun murder and gun crime through their policies...policies that allow violent, known, repeat gun offenders out of jail and out of prison, over and over again...

It is these repeat offenders, who have been arrested over and over again, who are doing almost all of our gun violence....and the democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians keep letting them out....

Stop the democrats and you can end gun crime...
Trump was a Democrat

He was a republican President....
It is a travesty

it is reality
Red flag laws are the travesty.

No due process, no probable cause/.
This is a lie.

Red flag laws afford comprehensive due process – an extreme risk protection order must first be authorized by a court. A hearing is then conducted allowing the gun owner to demonstrate why the order should be lifted.

Protection orders are not un-Constitutional – in Florida, for example, the courts have upheld that state’s red flag law:

“Some gun owners have appealed RPOs, arguing that Florida’s red flag law is unconstitutional. So far, at least, they haven’t been successful. State appellate courts have found that the law wasn’t too broad or vague, and that the proceedings hadn’t violated the respondent’s constitutional right to due process. (See, for example, Davis v. Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office, 280 So.3d 524 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. (2019).)”

And the Supreme Court Upheld Plessy v Ferguson and idiot.

5 politically appointed lawyers do not get to make things true or just in this country....
" Gun Grabbers Flimsy Excuses "

* Demanding Law Abiding People Demanded To Sacrifice Safety Security And Sound Mind For Thugs *

Joe Biden won't be happy until the 2nd Amendment is buried deeper in the ground than the Federal Investigation into Hunter Biden.
In his address , the bid in threw in that he was trying to stop suicides .

So rather than launching a campaign for suicide prevention , the left wing demonstrates its pretentious , pompous , piety , for authoritarian dictates whereby they view themselves as heroes for saving people from themselves based on statistical lies .



2018 Suicide Statistics - Suicide Methods -

Firearm Violence, 1993-2011
Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011 .
In 2004, among state prison inmates who possessed a gun at the time of offense, less than 2% bought their firearm at a flea market or gun show and 40% obtained their firearm from an illegal source .

In 2010, the rate of firearm homicide for blacks was 14.6 per 100,000, compared to 1.9 for whites, 2.7 for American
Indians and Alaska Natives, and 1.0 for Asians and Pacific Isanders (figure 5) . From 1993 to 2010, the rate of firearm homicides for blacks declined by 51%, down from 30.1 per 100,000 blacks, compared to a 48% decline for whites and a 43% decline for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Asian and Pacific Islanders declined 79% over the same period, from 4.6 to 1.0 per 100,000. Although blacks experienced a decline similar to whites and American Indians and Alaska Natives, the rate of firearm homicide for blacks was 5 to 6 times higher than every other racial group in 2010.

The rate of firearm homicide for both Hispanics and non-Hispanics was about 4 per 100,000 each in 2010 (figure 6)

. However, the Hispanic rate had a larger and more consistent decline over time. The Hispanic rate declined 54% from 1993 to 2001 and declined 34% since 2001. In comparison, the non-Hispanic rate declined more slowly, down 42% from 1993 to 2001 and down 5% since 2001.

Suicide is 2.6% of all causes of death in males for 2017 .

" Gun Grabbers Flimsy Excuses "

* Demanding Law Abiding People Demanded To Sacrifice Safety Security And Sound Mind For Thugs *

Joe Biden won't be happy until the 2nd Amendment is buried deeper in the ground than the Federal Investigation into Hunter Biden.
In his address , the bid in threw in that he was trying to stop suicides .

So rather than launching a campaign for suicide prevention , the left wing demonstrates its pretentious , pompous , piety , for authoritarian dictates whereby they view themselves as heroes for saving people from themselves based on statistical lies .



2018 Suicide Statistics - Suicide Methods -

Firearm Violence, 1993-2011
Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011 .
In 2004, among state prison inmates who possessed a gun at the time of offense, less than 2% bought their firearm at a flea market or gun show and 40% obtained their firearm from an illegal source .

In 2010, the rate of firearm homicide for blacks was 14.6 per 100,000, compared to 1.9 for whites, 2.7 for American
Indians and Alaska Natives, and 1.0 for Asians and Pacific Isanders (figure 5) . From 1993 to 2010, the rate of firearm homicides for blacks declined by 51%, down from 30.1 per 100,000 blacks, compared to a 48% decline for whites and a 43% decline for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Asian and Pacific Islanders declined 79% over the same period, from 4.6 to 1.0 per 100,000. Although blacks experienced a decline similar to whites and American Indians and Alaska Natives, the rate of firearm homicide for blacks was 5 to 6 times higher than every other racial group in 2010.

The rate of firearm homicide for both Hispanics and non-Hispanics was about 4 per 100,000 each in 2010 (figure 6)

. However, the Hispanic rate had a larger and more consistent decline over time. The Hispanic rate declined 54% from 1993 to 2001 and declined 34% since 2001. In comparison, the non-Hispanic rate declined more slowly, down 42% from 1993 to 2001 and down 5% since 2001.

Suicide is 2.6% of all causes of death in males for 2017 .

The bottom line is that Democrat's want to punish (by example), the good folks, and this by taking something from them in plain sight or in plain view of the bad folks.... They do this in hopes to send a message to the ones they fear, that "hey bad folks", if you do this then you might end up like these lambs who have been easily slaughtered in front of you be it the bad folks.

Problem with the ideology or thinking however, is that the good folks can't be slaughtered on the chopping block just to teach the bad folks a lesson, because it never works out for the good and/or betterment of the society as a whole.

Democrat's are cowardice Demon's.
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Red Flag laws are one of the worst violations of a person's rights to have ever been proposed.
Red flag laws is an affront to law and order in this country. Otherwise it is to suggest that the law has lost control of the streets, and is no longer effective at doing it's job. So now the government is having to use tactics and strategies to go around law and order, otherwise being the same law and order that has been set up by these same politicians to fail...So in the covering it all up, it has to think of nefarious ways to go after more power (taking advantage of what they have caused on purpose), as if no one see's what is going on. The emperor has no clothes.
The police have no legal obligation to come to your aid so the government disarming people without due process is doubly egregious
They probably have other priorities and can't respond to every call with a physical presence.

Otherwise, private sector doormen got fired for not giving aid.

No the Supreme Court ruled that police have absolutely no obligation to come to your aid at any time
Why did private sector doormen get fired for that?

How the fuck should I know?

Ask the company that employed them

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