Biden Announcing Executive Orders On Firearms Now

I predict.......

1). A whole lotta bitchin (CHECK)

2). A whole lotta denial (CHECK)

3). A whole lotta compliance (CHECK CHECK)

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

No one's going to comply with anything you stupid troll.

just watch....

YOU will comply

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

Comply with what? None of those things Biden mentioned even have anything to do with any gun-owners I know of.
Look....modern Americans don't have the stomach for a fight.

Weakness, meekness and compliance rule the day.
The left can do ANY DAMN THING THEY PLEASE and the Right will bitch, cry, deny, then comply as ALWAYS

You didn't even leave Facebook or Twitter after they threw your asses under the bus.

There's not a SINGLE Right Winger or Conservative on this forum that will do anything more than bitch, then comply. NOT ONE

So spare us the Internet Tuff Guy Bullshit.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
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Typical bullshit out of you. Hope everyone knows you well enough to look into it themselves rather than take your word for it. Not that it will make any difference, but red flag laws in most states require law enforcement to be involved before a complaint is filed, and if guns are taken, there must be a trial within 60 days of an objection.

I hope they look into all of this as well. The NEW, UPDATED liberal Socialist Democrat 'Red Flag Law' I am talking about is one of the Un-Constitutional agenda items the Democrats have been supporting since before they took over the House, Senate, and WH.

And as I pointed out, in some of the examples Biden mentioned today, which he refused / failed to mention, the Red Flag Laws were followed, the FBI / local law enforcement were notified, and they failed to act, which resulted in the shootings.

In one case the young shooter was too young to purchase a firearm, murdered his mother, took HER legally own weapons, and committed the mass shooting. NOTHING Biden or Democrats have proposed would have prevented that shooting. NOTHING.
Calling the FBI with a tip is not a Red Flag Law. Let's see the socialist Red Flag Law you say they're proposing.
Red Flag laws are one of the worst violations of a person's rights to have ever been proposed.
WARNING the FBI of mentally unstable (un-proven) gun owner / criminal is a good idea if the FBI would actually investigate and prevent crimes. Like on 6 Jan, the FBI dropped the proverbial ball and failed to stop a couple of mass shootings.

The govt being able to raid your house and seize your legally-owned guns based on an anonymous accusation is BS.

Not the federal government. Your local cops.

You don't know anything about red flag laws if you support them.

A judge on nothing more than the opinion of a person that knows a gun owner can decide to have the police confiscate a person's guns.

There is no trial, sometimes no notice at all to the person who is being accused.

It is a travesty
Typical bullshit out of you. Hope everyone knows you well enough to look into it themselves rather than take your word for it. Not that it will make any difference, but red flag laws in most states require law enforcement to be involved before a complaint is filed, and if guns are taken, there must be a trial within 60 days of an objection.

I hope they look into all of this as well. The NEW, UPDATED liberal Socialist Democrat 'Red Flag Law' I am talking about is one of the Un-Constitutional agenda items the Democrats have been supporting since before they took over the House, Senate, and WH.

And as I pointed out, in some of the examples Biden mentioned today, which he refused / failed to mention, the Red Flag Laws were followed, the FBI / local law enforcement were notified, and they failed to act, which resulted in the shootings.

In one case the young shooter was too young to purchase a firearm, murdered his mother, took HER legally own weapons, and committed the mass shooting. NOTHING Biden or Democrats have proposed would have prevented that shooting. NOTHING.
Calling the FBI with a tip is not a Red Flag Law. Let's see the socialist Red Flag Law you say they're proposing.
So the FBI publicly admitted they were warned of an unstable individual who was talking about shooting up his school, only to have it actually happen after the FBI ignored it is NOT a 'Red Flag' Warning?

Bwuhahahaha...and day care and abortion legislation are part of 'infrastructure' . :p
Biden's Announcement that he is going to impose his Anti-2nd Amendment to is on now....

'No Constitutional Right Is Guaranteed'
- Biden is arguing that the Constitution and Constitutional Rights od law-abiding citizens can be infringed upon / stripped if politicians decide to impose their will upon Americans if they deem it to be necessary to 'protect' Americans.

Every example of gun violence Biden is giving involves criminals committing acts of violence / murder, and none of our existing laws would have prevented these crimes / murder. No laws or Un-Constitutional edict will prevent criminals from having guns and committing these same crimes.

WATCH NOW: President Biden bypassing Congress in first major gun control push since taking office

WATCH NOW: President Biden bypassing Congress in first major gun control push since taking office

(CNN)Major American cities saw a 33% increase in homicides last year as a pandemic swept across the country, millions of people joined protests against racial injustice and police brutality, and the economy collapsed under the weight of the pandemic — a crime surge that has continued into the first quarter of this year.
Chicago 33% increase in homicides 40% increases of shootings
NYC 14% increase of homicides 50% increase of shootings
The criminals in these cities do not buy guns at retail stores. They are not stupid. They want no gun purchasing histories. They steal guns from Gun Companies or from peoples homes. There are illegal guns that come across the Mexican Border States and end up for sale in these cities. They provide many automatic weapons and even some rocket launchers. The Mexican Cartels are getting big bucks for this continuous revenue stream.
This has been going on for decades with the past and present Mayors of these cities doing nothing about it.
The innocent residents of these cities become collateral damage. Innocent men, women children and even babies die on their streets. When will it end!
Typical bullshit out of you. Hope everyone knows you well enough to look into it themselves rather than take your word for it. Not that it will make any difference, but red flag laws in most states require law enforcement to be involved before a complaint is filed, and if guns are taken, there must be a trial within 60 days of an objection.

I hope they look into all of this as well. The NEW, UPDATED liberal Socialist Democrat 'Red Flag Law' I am talking about is one of the Un-Constitutional agenda items the Democrats have been supporting since before they took over the House, Senate, and WH.

And as I pointed out, in some of the examples Biden mentioned today, which he refused / failed to mention, the Red Flag Laws were followed, the FBI / local law enforcement were notified, and they failed to act, which resulted in the shootings.

In one case the young shooter was too young to purchase a firearm, murdered his mother, took HER legally own weapons, and committed the mass shooting. NOTHING Biden or Democrats have proposed would have prevented that shooting. NOTHING.
Calling the FBI with a tip is not a Red Flag Law. Let's see the socialist Red Flag Law you say they're proposing.
So the FBI publicly admitted they were warned of an unstable individual who was talking about shooting up his school, only to have it actually happen after the FBI ignored it is NOT a 'Red Flag' Warning?

Bwuhahahaha...and day care and abortion legislation are part of 'infrastructure' . :p
Typical Democrat stupidity.

A Muslim terrorist in Boulder used an AR with a brace to commit a crime and the jackasses in the China Joe administration used that an excuse to illegally ban them.

China Joe did what the Muslim terrorist was unable to do, curtail our Constitutional freedoms.
Typical bullshit out of you. Hope everyone knows you well enough to look into it themselves rather than take your word for it. Not that it will make any difference, but red flag laws in most states require law enforcement to be involved before a complaint is filed, and if guns are taken, there must be a trial within 60 days of an objection.

I hope they look into all of this as well. The NEW, UPDATED liberal Socialist Democrat 'Red Flag Law' I am talking about is one of the Un-Constitutional agenda items the Democrats have been supporting since before they took over the House, Senate, and WH.

And as I pointed out, in some of the examples Biden mentioned today, which he refused / failed to mention, the Red Flag Laws were followed, the FBI / local law enforcement were notified, and they failed to act, which resulted in the shootings.

In one case the young shooter was too young to purchase a firearm, murdered his mother, took HER legally own weapons, and committed the mass shooting. NOTHING Biden or Democrats have proposed would have prevented that shooting. NOTHING.
Calling the FBI with a tip is not a Red Flag Law. Let's see the socialist Red Flag Law you say they're proposing.
So the FBI publicly admitted they were warned of an unstable individual who was talking about shooting up his school, only to have it actually happen after the FBI ignored it is NOT a 'Red Flag' Warning?

Bwuhahahaha...and day care and abortion legislation are part of 'infrastructure' . :p

Red flag laws are a circumvention of American Consitional rights and are despicable. They were despicable when Trump did them and they are despicable when Joe Dufus did them.
Look....modern Americans don't have the stomach for a fight.

Weakness, meekness and compliance rule the day.
The left can do ANY DAMN THING THEY PLEASE and the Right will bitch, cry, deny, then comply as ALWAYS

You didn't even leave Facebook or Twitter after they threw your asses under the bus.

There's not a SINGLE Right Winger or Conservative on this forum that will do anything more than bitch, then comply. NOT ONE

So spare us the Internet Tuff Guy Bullshit.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

Keep thinking that.

I predict.......

1). A whole lotta bitchin (CHECK)

2). A whole lotta denial (CHECK)

3). A whole lotta compliance (CHECK CHECK)

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

No one's going to comply with anything you stupid troll.

just watch....

YOU will comply

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

I hope it's you who tries to make me. Sport.

'Hey everyone, OldLady is as dementia-ravaged as Joe Biden.....'

STFU, crone.

You should really stick to speaking for yourself because you suck at speaking for others, like me...

In the United States, a red flag law is a gun control law that permits police or family members to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves. A judge makes the determination to issue the order based on statements and actions made by the gun owner in question.[1] Refusal to comply with the order is punishable as a criminal offense.[2][3] After a set time, the guns are returned to the person from whom they were seized unless another court hearing extends the period of confiscation.[4][5][6]


The new Redd Flag law many Democrats, like Biden's handlers, have talked about wanting differs from existing laws is that Judges only get involved after a citizen's guns are seized, that your guns could be seized just based on an accusation made against the owner, and they do not have to face their accuser.

Let me share a similar story, one that does not involve gun ownership but of bad law / policy extremely similar:

Years ago I was in a little local restaurant with my 4yo daughter waiting for our pick-up order. I was playing with my daughter. She was dancing around, asking me to tickle her while she tried dodge / evade me. A few minutes later 2 young policemen waked in, looked around, saw me then walked over. One of the policemen said immediately, "Sir, we have to take your daughter until we do some investigating.'

I immediately asked who the accuser was. As the 2nd policeman started to move toward my daughter, I moved her behind me as the 1st policeman responded by saying, "someone dialed in an anonymous accusation that you were sexually abusing your child.'"

I told the policeman there was no way in hell he was taking my daughter based on anonymous call from anyone.

The policeman asked if I would step outside with him for a minute, that the 2nd policeman would take care of my daughter. Outside I assured the policeman I had not and never would abuse my daughter, that if he had no witness and no evidence they would take my daughter over my dead body. Seeing I was serious, he decided to take me back inside and ask the woman behind the counter, who my daughter and i had been in front of the whole time. The woman confirmed nothing had happened. The police apologized for the trouble.

2 policemen were ready to take my daughter based on an anonymous phone call, some gutless coward unwilling to face me or possibly someone with a vendetta. If people are ready to walk into a business and take your child without any evidence of a crime, you can bet they would have little problem raiding your home and seizing your legally owned guns based ob some made up, BS, 'anonymous' tip claiming you are a danger to people and zero evidence.
The real lunacy is the pro-gun lobby fighting every single offing attempt at imposing even the most common since and innocuous attempts at reform.

The only "solutions" they propose are:
1. More guns, no limits
2. Harsher penalties on gun crimes
3. BUT -more leniency in allowing shooters to claim self defense

When we as a country lead the world in incarcerated Americans, it's clear that harsh penalties aren't an effective measure alone...and we in the top echelon for gun related fatalities...then the current system is not working. The definition of lunacy is to keep on proposing more of the same.

But hey - if anyone dares oppose the gun lobby and proposes we adopt some reasonable restrictions, they are accused of being anti-gun, of "gonna confiscate all muh guns!" etc. There is plenty of room between the extremes of what we have now and what the pro gun lobby claims will happen. But we are not allowed to go there.

Ironically, the many same people people opposing any sort of regulation are the ones who have no problem interfering in decisions between a woman and her doctor, or in medical decisions between parents, children and doctors.
The real lunacy is the pro-gun lobby fighting every single offing attempt at imposing even the most common since and innocuous attempts at reform.

The only "solutions" they propose are:
1. More guns, no limits
2. Harsher penalties on gun crimes
3. BUT -more leniency in allowing shooters to claim self defense

When we as a country lead the world in incarcerated Americans, it's clear that harsh penalties aren't an effective measure alone...and we in the top echelon for gun related fatalities...then the current system is not working. The definition of lunacy is to keep on proposing more of the same.

But hey - if anyone dares oppose the gun lobby and proposes we adopt some reasonable restrictions, they are accused of being anti-gun, of "gonna confiscate all muh guns!" etc. There is plenty of room between the extremes of what we have now and what the pro gun lobby claims will happen. But we are not allowed to go there.

Ironically, the many same people people opposing any sort of regulation are the ones who have no problem interfering in decisions between a woman and her doctor, or in medical decisions between parents, children and doctors.

No, the only thing stupider than democrats imposing illegal gun registration is the morons who think just one more law piled on top of the 20,000 OTHER gun laws will somehow, magically stop crime. Paris France has all the gun laws, and MORE, that you want. 130+ dead in a single night. How did those gun laws work for those victims?

Oh, right. They DIDN'T. Why????

Because criminals don't follow laws you idiot!
about to add gun laws 20,201, 20,202,and 20,203

Biden, Harris, AG Garland deliver remarks on gun violence prevention (

This may end all gun violence forever.

And now the truth...

The Boulder, Colorado, murderer used a stabilizer on his handgun. The braces were originally designed to allow wounded and disabled veterans to hold handguns, and they are literally just a strap attached to the gun. Disabled individuals are often viewed as easy targets by criminals, and stabilizers make it easier for them to defend themselves.

There is no evidence that the stabilizer helped target people at close range, and the shooter didn’t have any problem holding the handgun normally.

Biden also announced that he is asking the DOJ to develop a national Red Flag law, which takes away the guns of people accused of being dangerous to themselves or others. Never mind that the recent mass public shootings in Colorado and California took place in states that already had such laws.

But there is a much more effective alternative already in place. They are commonly known as Baker Act statutes, and have been around since the early 1970s. They allow police, doctors, and family members to have someone held for a 72-hour mental health examination based upon a simple reasonableness test – little more than a guess or a hunch.

These laws focus on mental illness, and they require that mental health care experts evaluate the individual. If a person can’t afford a lawyer, they get a public defender. While judges can involuntarily commit an individual they believe is a danger to themselves or others, they also have a range of less draconian options to start with.

Red Flag laws are primarily used in suicide prevention. But only one state’s law even mentions mental illness. Neither currently proposed federal bills nor any existing state laws require that a mental-health expert be involved in evaluating the person.

And, unlike Baker Act statutes, Red Flag laws don’t offer safeguards such as providing a public defender for individuals who can’t afford a lawyer. Few people can afford to pay the $10,000 or more lawyer fees, and even if they want to own guns, it isn’t worth it.

Under these laws, initial confiscations of firearms often require just a “reasonable suspicion,” which is little more than a guess or a hunch. Judges rely on a mere piece of paper in front of them when they decide to take away a person’s guns. When hearings occur up to a month later, about a third of these initial orders are overturned. But, as lawyers are rarely present, the actual error rate is undoubtedly much higher.

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Hopefully the USSC will step in and stop it. Good to see all the people here who are so interested when things like this happen. I am all for a big peaceful protest in D.C. Not just on this issue but government reform in general.
The real lunacy is the pro-gun lobby fighting every single offing attempt at imposing even the most common since and innocuous attempts at reform.

The only "solutions" they propose are:
1. More guns, no limits
2. Harsher penalties on gun crimes
3. BUT -more leniency in allowing shooters to claim self defense

When we as a country lead the world in incarcerated Americans, it's clear that harsh penalties aren't an effective measure alone...and we in the top echelon for gun related fatalities...then the current system is not working. The definition of lunacy is to keep on proposing more of the same.

But hey - if anyone dares oppose the gun lobby and proposes we adopt some reasonable restrictions, they are accused of being anti-gun, of "gonna confiscate all muh guns!" etc. There is plenty of room between the extremes of what we have now and what the pro gun lobby claims will happen. But we are not allowed to go there.

Ironically, the many same people people opposing any sort of regulation are the ones who have no problem interfering in decisions between a woman and her doctor, or in medical decisions between parents, children and doctors.

And you are an idiot....

It isn't more guns, no is leaving law abiding gun owners alone, since they don't use any gun, let alone if they have lots of guns, for crime. The criminals who use guns for crime, are generally convicted felons who can't own any all.

Harsher penalties for gun crimes are the only way to stop actual gun criminals.....over 95% of our gun crime is committed by repeat gun offenders....released primarily in democrat party controlled cities through democrat party policies......these individuals commit over 95% of our gun crime and murder, and they are constantly released on bail, and released from prison due to short sentences...

If you want to actually stop gun crime, you need to stop the actual criminals who use illegal guns for crime.....banning and confiscating guns from normal people doesn't do anything....

More leniency for shooters?

You are a dishonest asshole.......we want normal people who are forced to use their guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders to not be persecuted by anti-gun don't care the status of the actual shooter, you only care about banning guns. Innocent people defending their lives, the lives of their families or strangers shouldn't be attacked by anti-gun extremists like you who work for democrat party administrations in democrat party controlled cities.......

You want to release actual criminals who use guns, and then prosecute innocent people who defend themselves with are an idiot.

When we as a country lead the world in incarcerated Americans, it's clear that harsh penalties aren't an effective measure alone

Moron...what part of releasing violent, repeat, known gun offenders do you pretend to not understand....?

The democrat party is releasing violent gun offenders over and over doesn't matter if they are in prison if you let them back out to commit more gun crimes.....

A revolving door on the prison causes gun crime, not temporarily locking them up.....

The real lunacy is the pro-gun lobby fighting every single offing attempt at imposing even the most common since and innocuous attempts at reform.

You aren't proposing common sense offer measures that

1) do nothing to stop actual gun criminals.

2) act as baby steps to banning and confiscating guns

3) target normal Americans who don't use guns for gun crime....

That is why we oppose what you want......and it is also why you don't say what you want because you know as soon as you name what you want, we show how stupid the idea is.......with facts, truth and reality.....and so you now just throw our general statements about our opposing "common sense," gun control.....and hope the uninformed will simply accept what you say...
Biden's Announcement that he is going to impose his Anti-2nd Amendment to is on now....

'No Constitutional Right Is Guaranteed'
- Biden is arguing that the Constitution and Constitutional Rights od law-abiding citizens can be infringed upon / stripped if politicians decide to impose their will upon Americans if they deem it to be necessary to 'protect' Americans.

Every example of gun violence Biden is giving involves criminals committing acts of violence / murder, and none of our existing laws would have prevented these crimes / murder. No laws or Un-Constitutional edict will prevent criminals from having guns and committing these same crimes.

WATCH NOW: President Biden bypassing Congress in first major gun control push since taking office

WATCH NOW: President Biden bypassing Congress in first major gun control push since taking office

(CNN)Major American cities saw a 33% increase in homicides last year as a pandemic swept across the country, millions of people joined protests against racial injustice and police brutality, and the economy collapsed under the weight of the pandemic — a crime surge that has continued into the first quarter of this year.
Chicago 33% increase in homicides 40% increases of shootings
NYC 14% increase of homicides 50% increase of shootings
The criminals in these cities do not buy guns at retail stores. They are not stupid. They want no gun purchasing histories. They steal guns from Gun Companies or from peoples homes. There are illegal guns that come across the Mexican Border States and end up for sale in these cities. They provide many automatic weapons and even some rocket launchers. The Mexican Cartels are getting big bucks for this continuous revenue stream.
This has been going on for decades with the past and present Mayors of these cities doing nothing about it.
The innocent residents of these cities become collateral damage. Innocent men, women children and even babies die on their streets. When will it end!

The increase in shootings comes from the democrat party's war on police.....the attacks on the police and the defunding of police is pushing the cops to stay in their cars and only respond when absolutely the criminals respond by doing whatever they want....that is driving increased gun crime.......democrats...again.

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