Biden appears to wander off UN stage without shaking President Lula's hand at end of joint speech


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden appears to wander off UN stage without shaking President Lula's hand at end of joint speech -

leaving Brazilian leader visibly irritated - minutes after President walked through a flag to take the podium

20 Sep 2023 ~~ By Laura Parnaby

  • Biden appeared to wander off the stage without shaking hands with Lula
  • He gave the audience an awkward salute instead before shuffling off stage
  • The Brazilian president looked irritated, while Biden also bumped into a flag
Joe Biden has seemingly wandered off the UN stage without shaking hands with Brazil's Lula at the end of a joint speech.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 77, looked visibly irritated after the two leaders shared a stage to speak about their initiative to improve workers' rights in each country.
But their diplomatic meeting got off to a labored start when Biden, 80, shuffled into a seven-foot Brazilian flag, leaving it teetering as he approached the podium.
The president made a rambling speech about his 'economic vision to rebuild our economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down' while Lula watched on from his right flank.
Meanwhile, during Lula's speech Biden fumbled with his headset, which he was using to hear a translated version.

For decades, these events are scripted. You would get the five-line A, B and C, then shake hands...then walk to this direction. I don’t think Biden can remember the short-term memory requirements any more.
Biden has become the albatross around the neck of America. His dementia is obvious and the international political world knows it.
This is what happens in democracies when political parties offer such unqualified candidates that voters' "choice" is almost non-existent.
Trump only won because Clinton was so poor a choice. Biden only won because Trump had proven to be equally so (even though Biden's incapacities were also obvious!).
Supporting the duopoly only supports the further destruction of the Republic to the advantage of an obvious "élite".
We were told this clown Biden would restore our relations with foreign leaders...what an embarrassment. Dems should punch themselves in the face as punishment.

Hey! Joe's a Pro, remember that. Democrats wanted a professional politician in there with experience. :smoke:

Problem is, no one has yet figured out just what Joe is experienced at. :uhh:
Time to shit can the UN. They cost way too much money and do way more harm than good. Eff the UN, DOJ, DEP, DOT, IRS, D of Education and about 50% of the rest of our counterproductive Bureaucracy.
Another day, another Biden mess.

But we were told Biden would bring honor and decency back to the White House, only they meant trash because that is what he and his family and administration are, trash.

President Joe Biden strained relations with a South American country Wednesday at the United Nations by bumping into its flag before his speech, then leaving the podium without shaking hands with Brazil’s leader.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 77, appeared irritated after the two leaders shared a stage to speak about improving workers’ rights in each country, according to a report from the Daily Mail.

The 80-year-old leader of the free world bumped into a seven-foot tall Brazilian flag, sending it teetering, when he approached a United Nations podium to address assembled diplomats, the report noted.

Biden fumbled with the headset he wore to hear a translated version of President Lula’s speech, according to the report.

“Can you hear me President Biden?” Lula asked before beginning his speech. “This is a historical moment for Brazil, and for the US.”

“President Biden can you hear me?” Lula asked again, the report noted, adding Brazil’s leader appeared to lose patience as Biden grunted in response.

Biden continued to look confused, the Daily Mail reported, and grappled with his headset while Lula spoke. Biden dropped his earpiece at one point and raised his eyebrows in frustration, according to the report.

When Lula finished his speech, Biden shook hands with International Labor Organization Director-General Gilbert Houngbo but seemed to snub Lula.

He turned away from Brazil’s president and made a cross between a salute and thumbs-up to the crowd before exiting stage right.


A country without a true leader isn't much of a country at all. Thankfully in 2025 a true leader will take back the white house.


Biden appears to wander off UN stage without shaking President Lula's hand at end of joint speech -

leaving Brazilian leader visibly irritated - minutes after President walked through a flag to take the podium

20 Sep 2023 ~~ By Laura Parnaby

  • Biden appeared to wander off the stage without shaking hands with Lula
  • He gave the audience an awkward salute instead before shuffling off stage
  • The Brazilian president looked irritated, while Biden also bumped into a flag
Joe Biden has seemingly wandered off the UN stage without shaking hands with Brazil's Lula at the end of a joint speech.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 77, looked visibly irritated after the two leaders shared a stage to speak about their initiative to improve workers' rights in each country.
But their diplomatic meeting got off to a labored start when Biden, 80, shuffled into a seven-foot Brazilian flag, leaving it teetering as he approached the podium.
The president made a rambling speech about his 'economic vision to rebuild our economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down' while Lula watched on from his right flank.
Meanwhile, during Lula's speech Biden fumbled with his headset, which he was using to hear a translated version.

For decades, these events are scripted. You would get the five-line A, B and C, then shake hands...then walk to this direction. I don’t think Biden can remember the short-term memory requirements any more.
Biden has become the albatross around the neck of America. His dementia is obvious and the international political world knows it.

A senile pedophile as president. The cost of voting democrat

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