Biden Approval Numbers

meister said:
Brandon's dick shoe size would be larger than his approval rating

that is probably where it is. They subtracted from President Trump's approval numbers and they add to the old farts. I'll bet he is closer to the 20's than we will be allowed to ever know in our lifetimes. The good thing is though that if the left gets the war they seem to want...their own illiterate third world illegals will take out our traitorous media. I won't be weeping any over that.
Joe Biden and the Democrats are in serious trouble. And after reading the chart from a fellow poster along with mine, if you want to argue, have at it.

They are in serious trouble? Why?

Because Joe Biden and virtually EVERY Democrat in congress knows how to fix MOST of the problems we are facing short term; but they can NOT!


Because as you seen with Infrastructure and BBB, their FAR Left base will no longer go along with anything the moderates want to do. For them to do so would be surrender! They will try ANYTHING else then cutting a deal. Pack the courts, get 2 new states, legalizing illegals, anything. The far Left believes it's time is NOW to change everything, and to fix things even temporarily so as they can get re-elected is a non starter. To them, to do what needs to be done to fix it is going in the exact, opposite, direction of where they want to head. Biden is trapped between 2 factions of Democrats; far Leftists, and moderates. To bring those 2 factions together, is harder than bringing moderate Democrats and the GOP together.

And so, you are going to have Far Left people running in open primary's for the Democrats that are retiring. Far Leftists like Bernie and the squad will go all in to try and win. They will NEVER compromise because their thought process is that they can get what they want if they can elect MORE far Leftists.

The thing that Republicans and Moderate Democrats have to realize is------------->the people in congress that are FAAAAAR Leftists are in safe districts like the squad and friends. So is Bernie as a Senator along with a few others. So while their stance appears to be a big gambit, it really isn't! They will still be in power, even if their gambit fails; not so much the moderate Democrats who will be tied to them, NOT in safe districts.

I am sure their thinking is logical---------->what is the difference between Moderate Democrats and the GOP. Neither group is going to give us what we want, and since we are safe from being voted out, why not take the chance of trying to get like minded people in who think like us. We will still be here!

In closing, Pelosi and Shumer have no chance to change much to the Far Lefts liking. The FAR Left WILL stand their ground. And so, while things may get slightly better, it won't be enough to return Democrats to control congress, as the FAR Left will never go along with giving back anything they gained. Democrats of the Moderate type, need to realize your party's political future isn't tied to Republicans defeating you, but rather the SQUAD and the Far Leftists like Bernie. You have a much larger chance of being brought down by them, then Republicans beating you in an election! Were my assertion not true, the PRIMARY fix(you remember that don't you?) would have been for Bernie to win, and not Biden. The political strategists in your own party KNEW what would happen, and they were correct, as it is happening now, even without a Far Left President. They are going to go scorched earth, and collapse you.
It’s too bad we don’t have more of the 1990’s type of liberals influencing the left more. I guess those traditional Democrats who are still alive are mostly left-leaning moderates, but don’t have the daily media attention like the others. Whenever the far left is trying to get a point across there’s always some type of underlying anger going on. Sure, anger can fuel energy, but they tend to spew more negative energy not positive.

You stated it perfectly Iamwho that the far leftists have no intention of any type of negotiations that equate to actual compromise.

I look for a party of left/right moderates and independents coming together in bulk. That moderate/independent group outweighs the leftists and more importantly, will outweigh them for several more elections. LSM will never expose the full extent of this harsh reality going on behind the scenes. The public gets a glimpse of the hostile division on occasion, but the Democrat party will soon either be leftist or bust, and that’s according to far left rhetoric not just my view. Left-leaning voters might give that a lot of consideration. I certainly would.
It’s too bad we don’t have more of the 1990’s type of liberals influencing the left more. I guess those traditional Democrats who are still alive are mostly left-leaning moderates, but don’t have the daily media attention like the others. Whenever the far left is trying to get a point across there’s always some type of underlying anger going on. Sure, anger can fuel energy, but they tend to spew more negative energy not positive.

You stated it perfectly Iamwho that the far leftists have no intention of any type of negotiations that equate to actual compromise.

I look for a party of left/right moderates and independents coming together in bulk. That moderate/independent group outweighs the leftists and more importantly, will outweigh them for several more elections. LSM will never expose the full extent of this harsh reality going on behind the scenes. The public gets a glimpse of the hostile division on occasion, but the Democrat party will soon either be leftist or bust, and that’s according to far left rhetoric not just my view. Left-leaning voters might give that a lot of consideration. I certainly would.
The left wing/ right wing moderates and independents are just too conservative in nature to want the lime lite. They just quietly say their opinion and vote it.
The left wing/ right wing moderates and independents are just too conservative in nature to want the lime lite. They just quietly say their opinion and vote it.
That’s the type of person and politician I like actually, and that most people like. How many people are reacting positively to the people shouting the loudest? It has become who can shout over the others the loudest to get the message out. Personally, it gives me a headache.
Wow! He was at 34 percent LOL that's not just low. That's insanely low! Thanks for showing me that to prove he is truly the lowest rated president.
The conservative brain is so delusional they can’t even read graphs.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he came to office wanting us out of Afghanistan, but just could not do anything about it, because there was no clean exit. He supposedly wanted infrastructure to, but not enough to push it past have in yearly infrastructure publicity week, with nothing to show for it.
Car prices higher? You really are a short term kind of guy, aren't you, or are you just too young to understand economics or remember any inflation and that most of us lived through it and American Business remained competitive. Except for gasoline, my energy prices have not gone up much, but of course TVA turns profits back in to the government coffers instead of make company shareholders a profit and increasing stock value.
Look, we know you don't like him. You been whining, screaming, and crying like little kids since trump lost the election and failed to pull off overthrowing the electoral vote and representative voting in the country. You really need to get over it.
Trump would not have let Afghanistan fall. Trump could not do infrastructure because of resist 45. Car prices, both new and used, are skyrocketing. Are you trying to tell me that that is only transitory, and that new mileage standards won't increase the cost of cars? Really? Are you that blind? I was asking what Biden has done that would explain why that 41% approve of his performance. You get a D for at least trying to answer the question but your content didn't make much sense.
Wait. Somebody got charged with insurrection? Well fuck me and call me Suzy.

Do tell. When did that happen? I must be outta the loop or something.
Guess you didn't hear. Some guy got time for stealing a beer out of Pelosi's fridge. Damned insurrectionist.

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