Biden Approval Numbers

No, people are being charged with various crimes committed during an insurrection.

Not sure why this needs to be so complicated.

But I love the way you guys bitch every single I use the term! I wouldn't use it otherwise!

How is it an insurrection if no one is charged with insurrection?
How is it an insurrection if no one is charged with insurrection?
Because the definition of an insurrection is:


This ain't that complicated.

No, people are being charged with various crimes committed during an insurrection.

Not sure why this needs to be so complicated.

But I love the way you guys bitch every single I use the term! I wouldn't use it otherwise!

Wrong. There was no insurrection.
Guess what, Trumpster: You're free to call it whatever you want.

Call it a "saxophone" if it makes you feel a little better.

Let us know what you pick!
Studiously ^ missing the point. YOU are the imbecile who keeps relying on that word that isn’t applicable here.

It’s a perfectly good word for say, maybe, the Whiskey Rebellion or for the attack on Fort Sumpter. But it’s a misuse of the word for the events of the 1/6 protest at the Capital by a small portion of the protestors.
43.5% average.

Pretty hard to rationalize after telling us he was the most popular president in history who got a record number of votes who still loses to Trump in every hypothetical poll taken. And his VP is hovering around 20%.

When Trump had the same numbers you declared him an unmitigated disaster.

Joe Biddum is the biggest letdown and failure flop in US presidential history.
Pretty hard to rationalize after telling us he was the most popular president in history who got a record number of votes who still loses to Trump in every hypothetical poll taken. And his VP is hovering around 20%.

When Trump had the same numbers you declared him an unmitigated disaster.

Joe Biddum is the biggest letdown and failure flop in US presidential history.
He did. 81 million or abouts.

Trumps poor numbers came during the first two years of his administration...when the economy was good.
So what the fuck was his excuse then? Now THAT'S a flop. A serious one too. :)
He did. 81 million or abouts.
Poor Jacky can't tell the difference between mere number of ballots counted and actual legal votes.

Trumps poor numbers came during the first two years of his administration...when the economy was good.
Dummass, Trump's economy was great all four years, the best ever, even the last compared to now, and at that, only reduced by the democrat-mandated shutdowns in blue states!

So what the fuck was his excuse then?
Quit trying to muddy the water with irrelevancies, cupcake. Only thing that matters right now is what is Biddum's excuse for importing two million unvaccinated illegals into this country then busing them all around the country in secret?
Poor Jacky can't tell the difference between mere number of ballots counted and actual legal votes.

Dummass, Trump's economy was great all four years, the best ever, even the last compared to now, and at that, only reduced by the democrat-mandated shutdowns in blue states!

Quit trying to muddy the water with irrelevancies, cupcake. Only thing that matters right now is what is Biddum's excuse for importing two million unvaccinated illegals into this country then busing them all around the country in secret?
All legal votes. Stop fucking whining. He lost. Deal with it.
Trump got the benefit of a growing economy and falling unemployment from his predecessor....until his presidency was tested for the first time
and he threw up all over his shoes.
Yep, what Jack said, lol. Of course he forgets, that Cameltoe and Biteme said that they wouldn't take the Vax because Trump had the private sector create it, or maybe he forgot that.

Now that they are in charge, they are all in. How does that happen Jack?!?!?!?!
It’s too bad we don’t have more of the 1990’s type of liberals influencing the left more. I guess those traditional Democrats who are still alive are mostly left-leaning moderates, but don’t have the daily media attention like the others. Whenever the far left is trying to get a point across there’s always some type of underlying anger going on. Sure, anger can fuel energy, but they tend to spew more negative energy not positive.

You stated it perfectly Iamwho that the far leftists have no intention of any type of negotiations that equate to actual compromise.

I look for a party of left/right moderates and independents coming together in bulk. That moderate/independent group outweighs the leftists and more importantly, will outweigh them for several more elections. LSM will never expose the full extent of this harsh reality going on behind the scenes. The public gets a glimpse of the hostile division on occasion, but the Democrat party will soon either be leftist or bust, and that’s according to far left rhetoric not just my view. Left-leaning voters might give that a lot of consideration. I certainly would.

Claire, the reason we have such huge swings is..........because Congress refuses to do it's job. They let unelected people in the government set policy, and we can't get rid of them, well, because they aren't elected. Congress NEVER really wants to take a stand, because they know their next elections opponent will hit them over the head with it.

What we are actually witnessing, is the outer edges of both political entities standing by their guns, and those in the middle save a few; hiding so as they can hold their seat. It is a sad state of affairs.

If you notice, BOTH party's are trying to create ways to change the rules; and in fact, many rules have been changed. No matter which side changes the rules, your votes for congress become worth less, and less.

Originally as our founders set it up, it was very hard to pass something without give and take on BOTH sides. Now it is just a walk in the park, and they pass massive bills so you do not even know what is in them until it is to late. And know what they do? When someone finds something like..................give a million dollars to Martians (an EXAMPLE) and tie it to a bill for veterans, the opposition comes out and states you wouldn't vote for helping veterans, when you voted against it because it gave a million a piece to Martians!

Neither party will save us on this, especially the extremes of both of them. We need to DEMAND that congress use its power given to them by the constitution, and quit hiding; for if they hide, Republican or Democrat, we should NOT re-elect them.

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