Biden Approval Numbers

Claire, the reason we have such huge swings is..........because Congress refuses to do it's job. They let unelected people in the government set policy, and we can't get rid of them, well, because they aren't elected. Congress NEVER really wants to take a stand, because they know their next elections opponent will hit them over the head with it.

What we are actually witnessing, is the outer edges of both political entities standing by their guns, and those in the middle save a few; hiding so as they can hold their seat. It is a sad state of affairs.

If you notice, BOTH party's are trying to create ways to change the rules; and in fact, many rules have been changed. No matter which side changes the rules, your votes for congress become worth less, and less.

Originally as our founders set it up, it was very hard to pass something without give and take on BOTH sides. Now it is just a walk in the park, and they pass massive bills so you do not even know what is in them until it is to late. And know what they do? When someone finds something like..................give a million dollars to Martians (an EXAMPLE) and tie it to a bill for veterans, the opposition comes out and states you wouldn't vote for helping veterans, when you voted against it because it gave a million a piece to Martians!

Neither party will save us on this, especially the extremes of both of them. We need to DEMAND that congress use its power given to them by the constitution, and quit hiding; for if they hide, Republican or Democrat, we should NOT re-elect them.
I don’t think I’m following you about the unelected representatives. How are they getting in without running for their state’s election?

What I do follow you on and certainly agree is that the bulk of US Congress has taken on the behaviors that have been going on for many, many years. Horse trading and secret deal making for votes. Total hogwash iow. Voters don’t vote in these representatives to barter with other reps for votes. As you stated, they’re not doing their jobs and that assessment extends way beyond their daily swindling with “I’ll vote for your bill if you vote for mine“.

Logic has it that if a page number limit for bills would be set, not only would more reps have the time to read it, but voters would be able to actually read bills of interest. Could it be that this is the reason why we have these annual mammoth size bills, because the odds of it being read in completion are slim to none? Slipping in pork is something career politicians are well-versed at doing. There should be straightforward bills with zero pork for anyone. Ever.

A USMB poster recently listed many specifics from the recent BBB. I wondered how many congressional reps could list off these specifics? Twenty or so? Not enough of them is a safe answer.
Trump would not have let Afghanistan fall. Trump could not do infrastructure because of resist 45. Car prices, both new and used, are skyrocketing. Are you trying to tell me that that is only transitory, and that new mileage standards won't increase the cost of cars? Really? Are you that blind? I was asking what Biden has done that would explain why that 41% approve of his performance. You get a D for at least trying to answer the question but your content didn't make much sense.

I saw recently saw where new trucks are selling for 5K over invoice. That's even after trucks instantly became so expensive, price one.
I saw recently saw where new trucks are selling for 5K over invoice. That's even after trucks instantly became so expensive, price one.
That absolutely makes sense considering that inflation is directly tied to the price of cars and the cost/price of oil production.

Recently, a dealership sold several trucks to a business. At first the dealership said there was no way they could come down on the sticker price, absolutely not. But guess what? As the business owner was walking away from the table they suddenly came down $3,000 per truck on the sticker price, most likely because multiple vehicles were in the deal, but still….very telling about what they say they can’t do and what they can do to still make a profit.
I don’t think I’m following you about the unelected representatives. How are they getting in without running for their state’s election?

What I do follow you on and certainly agree is that the bulk of US Congress has taken on the behaviors that have been going on for many, many years. Horse trading and secret deal making for votes. Total hogwash iow. Voters don’t vote in these representatives to barter with other reps for votes. As you stated, they’re not doing their jobs and that assessment extends way beyond their daily swindling with “I’ll vote for your bill if you vote for mine“.

Logic has it that if a page number limit for bills would be set, not only would more reps have the time to read it, but voters would be able to actually read bills of interest. Could it be that this is the reason why we have these annual mammoth size bills, because the odds of it being read in completion are slim to none? Slipping in pork is something career politicians are well-versed at doing. There should be straightforward bills with zero pork for anyone. Ever.

A USMB poster recently listed many specifics from the recent BBB. I wondered how many congressional reps could list off these specifics? Twenty or so? Not enough of them is a safe answer.

Claire, the unelected officials are the people who actually write the bills. Most of them are college students in law, or party hacks that work for both political entities.

Just in case you doubt what I am saying------------>Which of our elected Reps from either House or Senate, could write a 2000 page bill? They can NOT! What you have in actuality, is the bill authors telling these people what they want, then a bunch of unelected people in Washington sitting down and fashioning the bill. It is also why Washington is full of lobbyists. They do as much lobbying to the unelected writers of the bill, as they do with elected officials.

And then, what does congress do; especially the House? Why, they hand the members a 2000 page bill, and tell them the vote will be taken in 2, 4, or 6hrs. Just remember what Pelosi said all those years back, "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it!" And that was from the speaker of the House.

Now, I would never claim Pelosi is an honest broker, but in this instance, she was probably speaking the truth. She had no idea what the hell the bill contained in total either, mainly because, she and her friends didn't write it; their unelected subordinates did.
Claire, the unelected officials are the people who actually write the bills. Most of them are college students in law, or party hacks that work for both political entities.

Just in case you doubt what I am saying------------>Which of our elected Reps from either House or Senate, could write a 2000 page bill? They can NOT! What you have in actuality, is the bill authors telling these people what they want, then a bunch of unelected people in Washington sitting down and fashioning the bill. It is also why Washington is full of lobbyists. They do as much lobbying to the unelected writers of the bill, as they do with elected officials.

And then, what does congress do; especially the House? Why, they hand the members a 2000 page bill, and tell them the vote will be taken in 2, 4, or 6hrs. Just remember what Pelosi said all those years back, "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it!" And that was from the speaker of the House.

Now, I would never claim Pelosi is an honest broker, but in this instance, she was probably speaking the truth. She had no idea what the hell the bill contained in total either, mainly because, she and her friends didn't write it; their unelected subordinates did.
I’ve always been under the impression that constitutional lawyers write these massive bills. Wow. A whole level of legal bartering between special interests lobbying the known bill writers! Thank you for cluing me in. I’m also going to look into what kind of money these “bill writers” make, assuming it’s disclosed publicly. Good grief. Exactly how crowded is this “lobby” where they shift shape and position themselves like jockeys to barter first? Lol
I’ve always been under the impression that constitutional lawyers write these massive bills. Wow. A whole level of legal bartering between special interests lobbying the known bill writers! Thank you for cluing me in. I’m also going to look into what kind of money these “bill writers” make, assuming it’s disclosed publicly. Good grief. Exactly how crowded is this “lobby” where they shift shape and position themselves like jockeys to barter first? Lol

My friend, these people are not paid much; at least by Washington DC standards. They are mostly idealogues who work for next to nothing, trying to shape our country in the image they believe in.

Where the problem comes in is----------->these people work for congressperson A. Congressperson A loses or retires, and if the same party retains the seat, these people are passed on to the new seat holder. In essence, the SAME people are writing the bills that did for the last person, even if the last person was removed.

Also, these people that write the bills, become part of the Washington DC establishment after a certain amount of time. They can NOT legally be paid up front for the nonsense they put in the bill to help the lobbyists. But what DOES happen is, after they graduate from law school or whatever, they are POST PAID for their service, by being moved out of their supposed servitude service to congress, and being put in high paid positions in lobbying firms to repay them for their ENLIGHTENED writing of the bills they produced, lol. After repayment occurs, they move into private practice, with all of their contacts still in place, making a fortune. And then, the cycle resumes with the NEWER people working for congress.

Again my friend, you, Republicans, and Moderate Democrats who read this post will scoff; at least some will at what I have written. Some will proclaim that I am smoking something, lol.

And so I challenge those who doubt what I have written to check the RICHEST districts in America. Once done, come back and explain how Congresspeople make a good wage, but not an outlandish one. And yet, always number or 1 or 2 on the richest districts with the highest property values in America, surround Washington DC. You would THINK it would be where all the Hollyweird stars are, or maybe where most of the hedge fund managers live in NYC, but it isn't! It is all around WASHINGTON DC!

Exactly what do you think all these rich people are doing there! I already told you, lol. And, if you think it is party specific, I have some swampland in Florida I will sell you el-cheapo. When a bill is written, 95% of YOUR congress at the very least, has absolutely no idea what is in it. And yet, we elect them to vote on it, go figure. And then after they vote, what do they do? They pick certain things out on WHY they DID or did NOT vote for it, and their staff gave them that ammunition too.

In closing, let me say it is NOT just Democrats that are fools; it is Republicans too. We elect them both, they get a great pension, take no responsibility if they can help it, and once they retire or we remove them, become lobbyists who make more in a week, then we make in a year. Not all, but most of these people come to congress making low 6 figures, and leave multi millionaires. In some cases, they come to congress making less than that. It is like winning the lottery, and we changed the odds by voting for them, lol.

I refuse to sit here and tell all of us to vote Republican. What I will tell you though is-----------> If you hate millionaires and billionaires, then you are enabling them by putting the same people back in office constantly. That is what the lobbyists rely on. They only have to work 4 or 5% of the new congress, because ALL of us are so dumb.

Either WAKE UP, or quit blaming the other political party for your problems. YOU are your own WORST enemy!
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President Trump's approvals have continued going up after being cheated out of his second term.

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