Biden asks Americans, "What's the big deal" with giving up their freedoms

“Everybody talks about freedom about not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about you make sure you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else.”


REAL Americans get vaccinated
Real Americans will do so when it suits them. If Trump was still in office you and the entire left would still be unvaccinated.
Yes he is, He will guarantee Trump is going to be our glorious president again!

As long as Kamila Harris is VP, Trump will never be President
She will just overturn it
Trump says she has the power
So what’s the big deal? Apparently he just doesn’t understand freedom is the root of patriotism, not the other way around. I love the part about getting vaccinated so they won’t spread the disease, but wait, isn’t that a contradiction to Dr Wu Han and the CDC’s mask, social distancing, proclamation that once your vaccinated you can’t get the virus or spread the virus? I thought he wanted those unvaccinated to perish, after all the unvaccinated voted for Trump. Well, if he thinks freedom isn’t worth much he better return to his bunker because he will find out differently when those freedoms are systematically stripped away by his buds.
It's unbelievable, and incredibly dangerous, that Biden keeps repeating the Big Lie that vaccinated people can't spread Covid.

Biden cultists are too dumb to know any better, but then they go around spreading this lie and killing people who otherwise deserve to live.

The corporate media is also pushing this lie by allowing Biden to repeat it everywhere without calling it out.

It's clearly a lie, but how do you figure Biden cultists "spreading this lie" is "killing people who otherwise deserve to live." It makes them look like fucking idiots, sure. But how does looking like an idiot by repeating clearly false info kill anyone? That makes you sound exactly like the mainstream media and Democrats who hype covid Panic porn non-stop. Enough of this hyperbolic covid hysteria already.
I am perfectly fine with Trumptards not getting the Trump Vaccine and then dying just to spite Biden. They are dying off in such large numbers it may affect the outcome of elections.

Especially since all those dead Trumptards will end up voting for Brandon and Kamala in 2024. :lol:

Yawn. Nope, he didn't say that. Apparently, the trumptards feel the need to lie when it comes to Biden.
Actually that's exactly what he did say, Magnus! Did you not even bother to look at the video?
My question to Joe Biden is this...what right do you have to force me to get an untested vaccine for a virus that I've already had and for which I have natural immunity?
Biden will still be President
Harris will be VP
Biden will be the lamest lame duck President in the history of the country at that point, Winger! If you think he's ineffectual NOW with majorities in the House and Senate...just wait until you see how meaningless he'll become after next November!
Biden will be the lamest lame duck President in the history of the country at that point, Winger! If you think he's ineffectual NOW with majorities in the House and Senate...just wait until you see how meaningless he'll become after next November!

Biden is getting bipartisan legislation through Congress
Something the previous two Presidents were incapable of

No President has been as incapable of major legislation as Trump was

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