Biden asks Americans, "What's the big deal" with giving up their freedoms

Actually that's exactly what he did say, Magnus! Did you not even bother to look at the video?
My question to Joe Biden is this...what right do you have to force me to get an untested vaccine for a virus that I've already had and for which I have natural immunity?
The cherry-picked video that just happened to stop at the exact words? That one? Yeah, I saw it? Did you see the whole video of his speech? Did you even bother?

As for the vaccine? Don't listen to Biden. Don't take the vaccine. What have you got to lose? AmIright?
Biden is getting bipartisan legislation through Congress
Something the previous two Presidents were incapable of

No President has been as incapable of major legislation as Trump was
Biden got an infrastructure bill through Congress...something that both sides of the aisle almost always are willing to pass. What else has he done? Immigration? Don't make me laugh...Kamala is still looking for the "root causes" of immigration! Inflation? Highest levels in forty years! Covid? More deaths under his watch than under Trump's even after being handed the vaccines! Energy independence? He's managed to make us beholden to OPEC in less than a year!
The cherry-picked video that just happened to stop at the exact words? That one? Yeah, I saw it? Did you see the whole video of his speech? Did you even bother?

As for the vaccine? Don't listen to Biden. Don't take the vaccine. What have you got to lose? AmIright?
Show it to me, Magnus! I'd be happy to watch whatever you think bolsters your opinion. So far I've seen nothing.

Why would I listen to Biden about the vaccine? Why would I put myself in peril by taking an untested "vaccine" that we really know nothing about when it comes to long term affects when I've already had Covid and have natural immunity? Care to comment on why Fauci and Biden never want to talk about the MILLIONS of Americans that have natural immunity?
If we can get everybody less free then we are more equal and that’s more fair.
That's easy. A stolen election. Those that voted for that walking, talking disaster put us in this mess.

2022 is right around the corner and 2024 not far behind. Good Lord could one idiot make the messes this walking talking disaster has???
I said in my first post "What did Biden say?" That is a proper question, you proper moron.
Why ask me? Do you think I have a secret source that you don't? You idiots should learn how to work the search engines.
Show it to me, Magnus! I'd be happy to watch whatever you think bolsters your opinion. So far I've seen nothing.

Why would I listen to Biden about the vaccine? Why would I put myself in peril by taking an untested "vaccine" that we really know nothing about when it comes to long term affects when I've already had Covid and have natural immunity? Care to comment on why Fauci and Biden never want to talk about the MILLIONS of Americans that have natural immunity?
Yawn. Another trumptard who doesn't know how to search the internet. Ok, here goes... the full transcript

The pertinent point starts at around 5:39.

As to your other point about not taking the vaccines? I agree. No trumptard should take the vaccine. Please also go and attend all Rump gatherings preferably without wearing masks. Ok, pal? We good, now?
Apparently, Biden also considers giving up freedom to be patriotic. How the hell have we allowed these clowns to rule us?

You honestly haven't realized how incredibly stupid the American people are yet?
You do realize you support fascism in supporting Biden, right? Medical fascism? Ever hear of it? Beyond that, your intellectualism positively blinds me.
Oh my, then the US has had vaccine fascism since before we were a nation when Washington required the troops to have a smallpox vaccine.

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