Biden attacks again in his war on oil, but rising gas prices will bite him back


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden attacks again in his war on oil, but rising gas prices will bite him back​

8 Sep 2023 ~~ By Liz Peek

With rising gasoline prices once again threatening U.S. consumers — and Joe Biden’s approval ratings — the president is upping his attacks on domestic energy production. Most recently, the White House canceled oil and gas leases on hundreds of thousands of acres in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and extended protections against future drilling to millions more.
It is almost unimaginable. Voters give Joe Biden extremely low marks on his handling of the economy, and even lower grades on how he has dealt with inflation. Almost nothing hits consumers harder or makes them angrier than soaring gasoline prices. When Biden took office, the average price of regular gas was $2.39 per gallon; today it is $3.80 — almost 60 percent higher.
You would think that in the interest of self-preservation, if not the welfare of the country, the president would soften his antagonism to our domestic energy industry. If oil prices remain high or move up going into next year’s presidential election, Republicans will blast Biden for having deliberately restricted U.S. oil and gas production. In fact, most GOP candidates are already promising to restore the “Drill, baby, Drill” approach taken by the former president, which led the country to energy independence.
Joe Biden and his climate zealots believe that reducing U.S. oil and gas production will save the planet. It is an idiotic premise. Oil demand globally is expected to grow by 2.2 million barrels per day this year, even as China’s economy is struggling, and there is no slowdown in sight. The Biden administration’s policies will require that increased demand be met from producing countries with far worse emissions standards than are in effect in the U.S. Not only will the climate suffer, so too will U.S. consumers, who may exact revenge on Joe Biden next year at the voting booth.

This isn’t Biden’s doing. It’s whomever is pulling the Manchurian Candidates strings. Methinks it is Obama and Soros in concert.
Math is hard. It's 62.6% higher.
Actually, fuel is going up dramatically higher again very soon, especially after OPEC followed Russia by taking another 1,000,000 barrels of oil off the market (making 2,000,000 total between both Russia and OPEC.)
This is not a "War On Oil," per se. It is a War On Consumers, the intention ever and always to separate the little guy and gal from their money, nickels and dimes at a time, dollars and more at other times.
One of the simple tenets of real capitalism is the notion of competition, as being good since price competition brings prices down for the consumer.
Then all which raises prices inexorably is the inverse. That is the "war on consumers," whether it be for energy or gaslighting for increased "uptake" of pharmaceuticals and more.
Democrat Socialists of America know they're going to dump him before the next election so know is the time to implement all the bad and unpopular policies. It will all be on Biden's legacy which the DNC will run from.
If gas is $5.00 to $6.00 a gallon who cares Biden is toast anyway.
Look for even more outlandish Maoist Marxist policies in the near future.
A look to the long history of purchasing power of a dollar, as of labor, shows that the war has gone on for decades, a war on competition and for monopolistic control, and all for the benefit of the few and well connected.
Meanwhile, no one seems to be bothered that our capably to refine petroleum is slowly being sabotaged and closed.

Biden attacks again in his war on oil, but rising gas prices will bite him back​

8 Sep 2023 ~~ By Liz Peek

With rising gasoline prices once again threatening U.S. consumers — and Joe Biden’s approval ratings — the president is upping his attacks on domestic energy production. Most recently, the White House canceled oil and gas leases on hundreds of thousands of acres in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and extended protections against future drilling to millions more.
It is almost unimaginable. Voters give Joe Biden extremely low marks on his handling of the economy, and even lower grades on how he has dealt with inflation. Almost nothing hits consumers harder or makes them angrier than soaring gasoline prices. When Biden took office, the average price of regular gas was $2.39 per gallon; today it is $3.80 — almost 60 percent higher.
You would think that in the interest of self-preservation, if not the welfare of the country, the president would soften his antagonism to our domestic energy industry. If oil prices remain high or move up going into next year’s presidential election, Republicans will blast Biden for having deliberately restricted U.S. oil and gas production. In fact, most GOP candidates are already promising to restore the “Drill, baby, Drill” approach taken by the former president, which led the country to energy independence.
Joe Biden and his climate zealots believe that reducing U.S. oil and gas production will save the planet. It is an idiotic premise. Oil demand globally is expected to grow by 2.2 million barrels per day this year, even as China’s economy is struggling, and there is no slowdown in sight. The Biden administration’s policies will require that increased demand be met from producing countries with far worse emissions standards than are in effect in the U.S. Not only will the climate suffer, so too will U.S. consumers, who may exact revenge on Joe Biden next year at the voting booth.

This isn’t Biden’s doing. It’s whomever is pulling the Manchurian Candidates strings. Methinks it is Obama and Soros in concert.
Math is hard. It's 62.6% higher.
Actually, fuel is going up dramatically higher again very soon, especially after OPEC followed Russia by taking another 1,000,000 barrels of oil off the market (making 2,000,000 total between both Russia and OPEC.)
This is not a "War On Oil," per se. It is a War On Consumers, the intention ever and always to separate the little guy and gal from their money, nickels and dimes at a time, dollars and more at other times.
One of the simple tenets of real capitalism is the notion of competition, as being good since price competition brings prices down for the consumer.
Then all which raises prices inexorably is the inverse. That is the "war on consumers," whether it be for energy or gaslighting for increased "uptake" of pharmaceuticals and more.
Democrat Socialists of America know they're going to dump him before the next election so know is the time to implement all the bad and unpopular policies. It will all be on Biden's legacy which the DNC will run from.
If gas is $5.00 to $6.00 a gallon who cares Biden is toast anyway.
Look for even more outlandish Maoist Marxist policies in the near future.
A look to the long history of purchasing power of a dollar, as of labor, shows that the war has gone on for decades, a war on competition and for monopolistic control, and all for the benefit of the few and well connected.
Meanwhile, no one seems to be bothered that our capably to refine petroleum is slowly being sabotaged and closed.
Just how hot to you want the planet to be?
Biden and his party have one objective, to enslave the American people by our government. By depriving us of our rights and freedoms as well as impoverishing us, Democrats hope to make us totally dependent on government. Screw that. Back to MAGA.
Just how hot to you want the planet to be?
That's the "big lie" the democrats are promoting. The US should NOT ruin its economy for minimal climate gain.

The climate facts are that the US and EU are NOT the problem. China and India are the problem.

Biden and his party have one objective, to enslave the American people by our government. By depriving us of our rights and freedoms as well as impoverishing us, Democrats hope to make us totally dependent on government. Screw that. Back to MAGA.
Exactly. The "great replacement" of boomers with migrants will give the democrats "one-party rule" forever.
The US will turn into "Elysium" with a few billionaires and the rest of us living in squalor.
Watch what happens to the US auto industry. The UAW wants a 46% raise and going from 40 hours to 32 hours a week.
No one would buy a US car if that happens. Biden and the WH would be cheering that EVs will finally be the cheaper option.
China wins by providing EV batteries, US industry loses.
White House canceled oil and gas leases on hundreds of thousands of acres in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and extended protections against future drilling to millions more.
It is almost unimaginable.
Had no effect on current production. Neither did the 67 million acres of new tracks the BLM put up for lease in the Gulf of Mexico. Which area will produce faster, assuming they find oil?

Why does the Neo-GOP need to lie all the time about everything?

Biden attacks again in his war on oil, but rising gas prices will bite him back​

8 Sep 2023 ~~ By Liz Peek

With rising gasoline prices once again threatening U.S. consumers — and Joe Biden’s approval ratings — the president is upping his attacks on domestic energy production. Most recently, the White House canceled oil and gas leases on hundreds of thousands of acres in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and extended protections against future drilling to millions more.
It is almost unimaginable. Voters give Joe Biden extremely low marks on his handling of the economy, and even lower grades on how he has dealt with inflation. Almost nothing hits consumers harder or makes them angrier than soaring gasoline prices. When Biden took office, the average price of regular gas was $2.39 per gallon; today it is $3.80 — almost 60 percent higher.
You would think that in the interest of self-preservation, if not the welfare of the country, the president would soften his antagonism to our domestic energy industry. If oil prices remain high or move up going into next year’s presidential election, Republicans will blast Biden for having deliberately restricted U.S. oil and gas production. In fact, most GOP candidates are already promising to restore the “Drill, baby, Drill” approach taken by the former president, which led the country to energy independence.
Joe Biden and his climate zealots believe that reducing U.S. oil and gas production will save the planet. It is an idiotic premise. Oil demand globally is expected to grow by 2.2 million barrels per day this year, even as China’s economy is struggling, and there is no slowdown in sight. The Biden administration’s policies will require that increased demand be met from producing countries with far worse emissions standards than are in effect in the U.S. Not only will the climate suffer, so too will U.S. consumers, who may exact revenge on Joe Biden next year at the voting booth.

This isn’t Biden’s doing. It’s whomever is pulling the Manchurian Candidates strings. Methinks it is Obama and Soros in concert.
Math is hard. It's 62.6% higher.
Actually, fuel is going up dramatically higher again very soon, especially after OPEC followed Russia by taking another 1,000,000 barrels of oil off the market (making 2,000,000 total between both Russia and OPEC.)
This is not a "War On Oil," per se. It is a War On Consumers, the intention ever and always to separate the little guy and gal from their money, nickels and dimes at a time, dollars and more at other times.
One of the simple tenets of real capitalism is the notion of competition, as being good since price competition brings prices down for the consumer.
Then all which raises prices inexorably is the inverse. That is the "war on consumers," whether it be for energy or gaslighting for increased "uptake" of pharmaceuticals and more.
Democrat Socialists of America know they're going to dump him before the next election so know is the time to implement all the bad and unpopular policies. It will all be on Biden's legacy which the DNC will run from.
If gas is $5.00 to $6.00 a gallon who cares Biden is toast anyway.
Look for even more outlandish Maoist Marxist policies in the near future.
A look to the long history of purchasing power of a dollar, as of labor, shows that the war has gone on for decades, a war on competition and for monopolistic control, and all for the benefit of the few and well connected.
Meanwhile, no one seems to be bothered that our capably to refine petroleum is slowly being sabotaged and closed.
But if we don't bankrupt the world putting the whole planet in a Great Depression, we can't save the world.
That's the "big lie" the democrats are promoting. The US should NOT ruin its economy for minimal climate gain.

The climate facts are that the US and EU are NOT the problem. China and India are the problem.

View attachment 829194
Seriously that is your response?

Can you post the increase in China’s renewable power production.
Seriously that is your response?

Can you post the increase in China’s renewable power production.
China is a nuclear country, with a nice big pile of coal they burn. Renewables provide almost no electricity. Why do you think the price tag is now over a $100 trillion dollars

If you want a clean earth, quit supporting inefficient wind turbines and solar panels.
Had no effect on current production. Neither did the 67 million acres of new tracks the BLM put up for lease in the Gulf of Mexico. Which area will produce faster, assuming they find oil?

Why does the Neo-GOP need to lie all the time about everything?
“…assuming they find oil.”
You might ask China, Russia, and India the same.
Everyone has, it’s a stupid position of ignorance that you post from.

China increased renewable energy over 400% last year. They also want to claim dominance in EVs.

Which you as a carbon fuckup cede.
You might ask China, Russia, and India the same.
China is very clear in their position that AGW is a serious threat.

The problem is they have almost a billion and a half people. The logistics of that get complicated, and they can't just shut down all of their coal plants and oil refineries, any more than we can. They would destroy their own economy. They are taking serious steps to try to mitigate their impact in the years to come though.
Everyone has, it’s a stupid position of ignorance that you post from.

China increased renewable energy over 400% last year. They also want to claim dominance in EVs.

Which you as a carbon fuckup cede.
You need to look at China’s carbon footprint in spite of a bullshit 400 percent increase in renewables…. Obviously, 400 percent is not enough.

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