Biden Black and Hispanic voter support has collapsed spectacularly.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Here are the shocking numbers from Liberal USA Today. Biden is bleeding Black and Hispanic voters like no other Democratic President in modern history.

In 2020: Black 87% Hispanic 65%

Now: Black 63% Hispanic 34%

Here are the shocking numbers from Liberal USA Today. Biden is bleeding Black and Hispanic voters like no other Democratic President in modern history.

In 2020: Black 87% Hispanic 65%

Now: Black 63% Hispanic 34%

The Dems know it, and are in a panic. And their attempts to imprison their key opponent, or distract him with numerous cases, or even keep his name off the ballot have and will fail miserably.

The question remains: do the Dems have such an infallible fraud system in place that they can overcome his lead?
I'll believe it when I see it on election day.

Blacks and Hispanics aren't smart enough to vote Republican.

They don't have to vote republican. They just have to stay home. Ironically though part of the reason he is losing blacks is because people think he is kowtowing to Hispanics and Hispanics think that he isn't doing anything for them.
They don't have to vote republican. They just have to stay home. Ironically though part of the reason he is losing blacks is because people think he is kowtowing to Hispanics and Hispanics think that he isn't doing anything for them.
Biden has worked wonders for illegals and queers. The citizen, Hispanic, Black or any color is being shit on.
Here are the shocking numbers from Liberal USA Today. Biden is bleeding Black and Hispanic voters like no other Democratic President in modern history.

In 2020: Black 87% Hispanic 65%

Now: Black 63% Hispanic 34%

But there is only a 20% chance of that.
The Democrats are far too greedy and expect their legal POC constituents to share government assistance with all the illegals flooding in. The illegals have already skipped the line and it doesn't help that they can skip the line regarding many other things. The Democrats end goal is to make America into a demographic that only votes them into office in perpetuity. It's too bad that the policies needed for this to come to fruition are terrible and Americans, especially POC's, are starting to realize this.
I'll believe it when I see it on election day.

Blacks and Hispanics aren't smart enough to vote Republican.

The Cubans are usually smart enough and Hispanics don't like other Hispanics crowding their space in general. Blacks, especially in Chicago, are fed up with the illegals. Trump's mugshot has given him some street cred too.
It looks like it's going to be up to retarded Whites and illegal aliens to get Biden reelected.
Here are the shocking numbers from Liberal USA Today. Biden is bleeding Black and Hispanic voters like no other Democratic President in modern history.

In 2020: Black 87% Hispanic 65%

Now: Black 63% Hispanic 34%

People know when they’re being fucked over. Skin color is irrelevant.
The Democrats are far too greedy and expect their legal POC constituents to share government assistance with all the illegals flooding in. The illegals have already skipped the line and it doesn't help that they can skip the line regarding many other things. The Democrats end goal is to make America into a demographic that only votes them into office in perpetuity. It's too bad that the policies needed for this to come to fruition are terrible and Americans, especially POC's, are starting to realize this.

People know when they’re being fucked over. Skin color is irrelevant.
Biden's administration is such a failure, they're losing their most faithful POC constituents. But never fear, Taylor Swift is going to come to their rescue!
Here are the shocking numbers from Liberal USA Today. Biden is bleeding Black and Hispanic voters like no other Democratic President in modern history.

In 2020: Black 87% Hispanic 65%

Now: Black 63% Hispanic 34%

Biden is such a fake that even the blacks finally woke up to the fact that the Democrats make promises at election time they have no intention of keeping.

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