Biden blows up right wing china Joe nonsense.

2. trump met with trump [Putin] in private with no one else attending. So inappropriate. What did they talk about? Trump was working for us and told us it was none of our business. so it must have n been about trumps personal business. Or how to influence the 2020 election

Or it could have been to thank Putin for his help in 2016.
Trump may have wanted Putin to help in 2020, but after the Mueller report and the indictments of 12 Russians at the GRU, everybody was watching Putin too closely for him to do in 2020, what he did in 2016.

But the Russian hack of business and government computers may have be in preparation, But the watchful eye of DHS cyber security may have kept Putin from helping Trump under their watchful eye.

Putin wanted to undermine confidence in US elections.. With Trump's help he did accomplish that. Thump has set up his Office of the Former President and said he will continue his activism.. So, the lies and incitement will continue unabated.
True. 40% of our country thinks the election was rigged. With zero evidence. I can’t wait for the rudy trial. Dominion is suing him for a billion dollars and they may sue trump too.
Putin must really suck. He got Don the win in 2016, but lost to a old senile warmongering corporatist swamp creature in 2020. To think this creature got more votes than anyone EVER! Maybe Don was so bad it brought out 100% of eligible voters, for the first time. some cases more votes than eligible voters. Go figure.
And u
2. trump met with trump [Putin] in private with no one else attending. So inappropriate. What did they talk about? Trump was working for us and told us it was none of our business. so it must have n been about trumps personal business. Or how to influence the 2020 election

Or it could have been to thank Putin for his help in 2016.
Trump may have wanted Putin to help in 2020, but after the Mueller report and the indictments of 12 Russians at the GRU, everybody was watching Putin too closely for him to do in 2020, what he did in 2016.

But the Russian hack of business and government computers may have be in preparation, But the watchful eye of DHS cyber security may have kept Putin from helping Trump under their watchful eye.

Putin wanted to undermine confidence in US elections.. With Trump's help he did accomplish that. Thump has set up his Office of the Former President and said he will continue his activism.. So, the lies and incitement will continue unabated.
True. 40% of our country thinks the election was rigged. With zero evidence. I can’t wait for the rudy trial. Dominion is suing him for a billion dollars and they may sue trump too.

Rudy has recanted his lies publicly.
Too late. He has already caused too much damage. Who’s going to use dominion voting machines next time?

I hope Dominion sues them anyway.

I'm sure they will. As mentioned before, they should also sue Trump, because he echoed what Rudy said, and Rudy is Trumps lawyer. And the thing about lawsuits for things like defamation, which Trump as of late has tried to avoid, there is discovery, and depositions under oath.
Us liberals are looking forward to the truth coming out.

Republicans wanted to halt the election results until they could audit dominion. Fuck that. If you have no evidence you don’t get to stop the election.

But now republicans have their chance. Feel free to look over the dominion voting machines all you want and let us know if they cheated. I bet they find nothing.
2. trump met with trump [Putin] in private with no one else attending. So inappropriate. What did they talk about? Trump was working for us and told us it was none of our business. so it must have n been about trumps personal business. Or how to influence the 2020 election

Or it could have been to thank Putin for his help in 2016.
Trump may have wanted Putin to help in 2020, but after the Mueller report and the indictments of 12 Russians at the GRU, everybody was watching Putin too closely for him to do in 2020, what he did in 2016.

But the Russian hack of business and government computers may have be in preparation, But the watchful eye of DHS cyber security may have kept Putin from helping Trump under their watchful eye.

Putin wanted to undermine confidence in US elections.. With Trump's help he did accomplish that. Thump has set up his Office of the Former President and said he will continue his activism.. So, the lies and incitement will continue unabated.
True. 40% of our country thinks the election was rigged. With zero evidence. I can’t wait for the rudy trial. Dominion is suing him for a billion dollars and they may sue trump too.
Putin must really suck. He got Don the win in 2016, but lost to a old senile warmongering corporatist swamp creature in 2020. To think this creature got more votes than anyone EVER! Maybe Don was so bad it brought out 100% of eligible voters, for the first time. some cases more votes than eligible voters. Go figure.
Got any proof or is this just more right wing fake news?
I propose we call him Xump. :D turns out that China is one of only three foreign nations—the others are Britain and Ireland—where Mr. Trump maintains a bank account, according to an analysis of the president’s tax records...The foreign accounts do not show up on Mr. Trump’s public financial disclosures, where he must list personal assets, because they are held under corporate names. The identities of the financial institutions are not clear.​
The Chinese account is controlled by Trump International Hotels Management LLC, which the tax records show paid $188,561 in taxes in China while pursuing licensing deals there from 2013 to 2015.​
In 2017, the company reported an unusually large spike in revenue—some $17.5 million, more than the previous five years’ combined. It was accompanied by a $15.1 million withdrawal by Mr. Trump from the company’s capital account.​

2. trump met with trump [Putin] in private with no one else attending. So inappropriate. What did they talk about? Trump was working for us and told us it was none of our business. so it must have n been about trumps personal business. Or how to influence the 2020 election

Or it could have been to thank Putin for his help in 2016.
Trump may have wanted Putin to help in 2020, but after the Mueller report and the indictments of 12 Russians at the GRU, everybody was watching Putin too closely for him to do in 2020, what he did in 2016.

But the Russian hack of business and government computers may have be in preparation, But the watchful eye of DHS cyber security may have kept Putin from helping Trump under their watchful eye.

Putin wanted to undermine confidence in US elections.. With Trump's help he did accomplish that. Thump has set up his Office of the Former President and said he will continue his activism.. So, the lies and incitement will continue unabated.
True. 40% of our country thinks the election was rigged. With zero evidence. I can’t wait for the rudy trial. Dominion is suing him for a billion dollars and they may sue trump too.
Putin must really suck. He got Don the win in 2016, but lost to a old senile warmongering corporatist swamp creature in 2020. To think this creature got more votes than anyone EVER! Maybe Don was so bad it brought out 100% of eligible voters, for the first time. some cases more votes than eligible voters. Go figure.

Hahaha.. like Trump's lie that 3 to 5 million illegals voted in 2016?

You guys NEVER learn .. He keeps making fools of you over and over again.
Building alliances is the way to counter Chinese aggression and it is reassuring that there is now an adult in the White House after 4 years of it being occupied by a Chinese tax payer.

America First does not tolerate the building of alliances

Well they did tolerate alliances - Just not with our allies. Donnie had no problem buddying up with murderous autocrats in Russia, NoKo (that one ended in embarrassment) - Turkey, Philippines and for a while - yes CHIIIINA. Sad :confused:
2. trump met with trump [Putin] in private with no one else attending. So inappropriate. What did they talk about? Trump was working for us and told us it was none of our business. so it must have n been about trumps personal business. Or how to influence the 2020 election

Or it could have been to thank Putin for his help in 2016.
Trump may have wanted Putin to help in 2020, but after the Mueller report and the indictments of 12 Russians at the GRU, everybody was watching Putin too closely for him to do in 2020, what he did in 2016.

But the Russian hack of business and government computers may have be in preparation, But the watchful eye of DHS cyber security may have kept Putin from helping Trump under their watchful eye.

Putin wanted to undermine confidence in US elections.. With Trump's help he did accomplish that. Thump has set up his Office of the Former President and said he will continue his activism.. So, the lies and incitement will continue unabated.
True. 40% of our country thinks the election was rigged. With zero evidence. I can’t wait for the rudy trial. Dominion is suing him for a billion dollars and they may sue trump too.
Putin must really suck. He got Don the win in 2016, but lost to a old senile warmongering corporatist swamp creature in 2020. To think this creature got more votes than anyone EVER! Maybe Don was so bad it brought out 100% of eligible voters, for the first time. some cases more votes than eligible voters. Go figure.

Hahaha.. like Trump's lie that 3 to 5 million illegals voted in 2016?

You guys NEVER learn .. He keeps making fools of you over and over again.
I bet you republicans in red states cheat. I bet their voting machines are rigged. I bet dead republicans vote. I bet republicans vote more than once. I bet republicans throw out democratic votes.
Building alliances is the way to counter Chinese aggression and it is reassuring that there is now an adult in the White House after 4 years of it being occupied by a Chinese tax payer.

America First does not tolerate the building of alliances

Well they did tolerate alliances - Just not with our allies. Donnie had no problem buddying up with murderous autocrats in Russia, NoKo (that one ended in embarrassment) - Turkey, Philippines and for a while - yes CHIIIINA. Sad :confused:
The war with china is economic first and military second

the democracies cannot resist china if they are economically weak

biden will make America weak where it really counts
Sleepy Joe is on track to be the BEST President of the 21st century.

He has big shoes to fill.

In my opinion Obama was the best president of the 21st century.

Thus far.

We have to wait and see what Biden does.

It's way too early for me to make any decisions if Biden is the best.
No one benefited more from the Trump presidency than China. Under Trump’s presidency, Chinese influence expanded exponentially.

Trump minions really, in earnest, do not understand nor believe this. They have no clue how China blossomed under Trumpism.
They also claim trump won his trade war with China but can’t tell us how exactly. From what I heard he only slightly made things a little better for american corporations but nothing he did helps American workers. And before republicans say something is better than nothing, don’t forget these corporations are the globalist corporations you claim to dislike.

Just like when trump took us from 2.2% growth under obama to 2.3% growth. Suddenly it was the best economy America had ever seen. Lol

Well I understand that President Joe is considered to be a pawn of Beijing but these actions do not support that fantasy. Building alliances is the way to counter Chinese aggression and it is reassuring that there is now an adult in the White House after 4 years of it being occupied by a Chinese tax payer.
Sounds like he wants to pretend to be “tough on China”, when he already sold this country out to the CCP decades ago, and got paid by China to do it.
He’ll continue to let China flood out markets with cheap Chinese slave labor made goods.
China Joe was bought lock, stock and barrel by the Chicoms. That is an established fact.

However, the stupid Useful idiots will deny that just like they denied that China Joe did steal the election with unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Honesty is not something these Useful Idiot Moon Bats ever embrace.

Well I understand that President Joe is considered to be a pawn of Beijing but these actions do not support that fantasy. Building alliances is the way to counter Chinese aggression and it is reassuring that there is now an adult in the White House after 4 years of it being occupied by a Chinese tax payer.
Joe Biden is putting the US back into the Paris Accord which will enable the Chinese to dominate the rest of the world economically. How do you build an "alliance" against that? There is a reason China paid millions of dollars to the Biden family, Tommy...if you'd take your head out of your nether regions for a'd grasp why that is!

LOLOL.. You don't have a clue what the Paris Accord it.... Neither did Trump.

I live inside your head, you sicko deviant gimp. lol

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