Biden by TKO in the 8th...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics
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Bernie just sounded even more batshit crazy than usual.

He just didn't have an answer. His best chance wasn't in policies per se, but, in who is most fit for office. He's never went after Bidens weaknesses as VP. The controversies that lead to an impeachment attempt.

Trump has shown in last years Primaries and G.E he calls people out, he battles, jabs from time to time but generally throws hail makers. It's just his nature to battle and fight for what he believes in.

Biden looked good today, but he was only on the defense once or twice, Trump now has 4 years of success, the fear is gone and he wants to win and complete the job as #KAG.

He even has some soundbytes from Bloomberg supporter Judge Judy who stated early on CNN "do you really see Biden as president"? she went at him fairly hard. Trump has a treasure trove of video he will use. On top of his strong skills int he debates.
I was rooting for Burnie's batshit crazy communism a few weeks ago...

But as Plugs has become completely incoherent and combative with the voters, I'd prefer him now. The baggage is an endless supply and the insufferable stuttering nonsense is just a bonus.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the word course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

So Biden is committed to picking a woman as VP, without even knowing who she might be, just because she is a woman.

Isn't that sexist? And divisive? Is Joe saying a woman is a good match to his style of leadership?

That is the biggest difference between these two:
  • Joe says and does what he thinks is politically expedient. History shows he doesn't mean what he says.
  • Bernie at least says what he really means, whether you think it sounds batshit crazy or not.
I think I'd rather have an honest if crazy guy in the WH that Congress can control rather than a liar who isn't telling me at all what he really thinks and intends.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the word course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

So Biden is committed to picking a woman as VP, without even knowing who she might be, just because she is a woman.

Isn't that sexist? And divisive? Is Joe saying a woman is a good match to his style of leadership?

That is the biggest difference between these two:
  • Joe says and does what he thinks is politically expedient. History shows he doesn't mean what he says.
  • Bernie at least says what he really means, whether you think it sounds batshit crazy or not.
I think I'd rather have an honest if crazy guy in the WH that Congress can control rather than a liar who isn't telling me at all what he really thinks and intends.

He just wants some gal so he can sniff her hair and feel her up.
Bernie just sounded even more batshit crazy than usual.

He just didn't have an answer. His best chance wasn't in policies per se, but, in who is most fit for office. He's never went after Bidens weaknesses as VP. The controversies that lead to an impeachment attempt.

Trump has shown in last years Primaries and G.E he calls people out, he battles, jabs from time to time but generally throws hail makers. It's just his nature to battle and fight for what he believes in.

Biden looked good today, but he was only on the defense once or twice, Trump now has 4 years of success, the fear is gone and he wants to win and complete the job as #KAG.

He even has some soundbytes from Bloomberg supporter Judge Judy who stated early on CNN "do you really see Biden as president"? she went at him fairly hard. Trump has a treasure trove of video he will use. On top of his strong skills int he debates.
All Breadline Bernie can do is vomit up platitudes and slogans...Outside of "free shit", he has no specific front-to-back policy positions.

Biden is just plain old daffy.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the word course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics
Early on bernie came across as the statesman and was carrying the fight and the day but biden flipped the script when he hit bernie with the commie worship charges...biden won the night but I also came away liking bernie more than I did going in.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the word course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics
Early on bernie came across as the statesman and was carrying the fight and the day but biden flipped the script when he hit bernie with the commie worship charges...biden won the night but I also came away liking bernie more than I did going in.

Yeah, but that like is only because he was more gentlemanly while Biden decided HE would be the aggressor. Ironic, since it as Bernie who had to play catch up.

Biden as basically on cue didn't stutter or get nervous, was only on the ropes once. Trump isn't going to be as accommodating as Bernie.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.
Biden definite took some Focus Factor and most likely knew the questions or subjects that would be addressed. I agree Biden took Bernie down. I will note while Bernie did say he would support Joe if Joe wins, Bernie never said he would campaign or encourage his supporters to do the same. Bernie towards the end commented that his campaign has the momentum with the youth vote 18-30 and the hispanic vote and that he doesn't think Biden's campaign will be able to bring these demographics out to vote. Sounds like Bernie is upping his payoff...

The moderators once again did a horrible job. At no time did they clarify many of the things both Biden and Sanders where suggesting they would do in response to the CV was in fact already being done by the TRUMP administration.
Biden definite took some Focus Factor and most likely knew the questions or subjects that would be addressed. I agree Biden took Bernie down. I will note while Bernie did say he would support Joe if Joe wins, Bernie never said he would campaign or encourage his supporters to do the same. Bernie towards the end commented that his campaign has the momentum with the youth vote 18-30 and the hispanic vote and that he doesn't think Biden's campaign will be able to bring these demographics out to vote. Sounds like Bernie is upping his payoff...

The moderators once again did a horrible job. At no time did they clarify many of the things both Biden and Sanders where suggesting they would do in response to the CV was in fact already being done by the TRUMP administration.
trump is not doing what is necessary to respond to COVID19.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.

And what planet do you live on?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.

And what planet do you live on?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I live on earth, not fact free world like you do.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.
View attachment 312712

We'll see whose laughing after the election. You guys live in fact free world where trump is perfect. The rest of us see what trump has really done.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.
View attachment 312712

We'll see whose laughing after the election. You guys live in fact free world where trump is perfect. The rest of us see what trump has really done.
Oh blow it out your ass, Buckwheat.

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