Biden by TKO in the 8th...

That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the word course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

So Biden is committed to picking a woman as VP, without even knowing who she might be, just because she is a woman.

Isn't that sexist? And divisive? Is Joe saying a woman is a good match to his style of leadership?

That is the biggest difference between these two:
  • Joe says and does what he thinks is politically expedient. History shows he doesn't mean what he says.
  • Bernie at least says what he really means, whether you think it sounds batshit crazy or not.
I think I'd rather have an honest if crazy guy in the WH that Congress can control rather than a liar who isn't telling me at all what he really thinks and intends.

I agree Bernie is honest and he did catch Biden in a lie on attacking social security. Unfortunately, bernie is way tooooo far left...even though he as a person is sincere and likeable.

Biden was well prepared...I have to wonder if someone did not furnish him the questions to be asked ahead of Donna Brazille did for hillary.....yet still fox gave her a job???

They probably hit him up with a massive dose of B12.

Works for Jagger, ya know?
trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.

Give it a rest, you racist, race-baiting, race-obsessed, Democratic-Party, plantation house negro.

When you give your racism a rest, I will stop. Now since this discussion was not about race, and that I said nothing about race unless I was called a racial slur, then it seems that you are obsessed with race. If I was a house negro, I'd be a republican.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the word course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

So Biden is committed to picking a woman as VP, without even knowing who she might be, just because she is a woman.

Isn't that sexist? And divisive? Is Joe saying a woman is a good match to his style of leadership?

That is the biggest difference between these two:
  • Joe says and does what he thinks is politically expedient. History shows he doesn't mean what he says.
  • Bernie at least says what he really means, whether you think it sounds batshit crazy or not.
I think I'd rather have an honest if crazy guy in the WH that Congress can control rather than a liar who isn't telling me at all what he really thinks and intends.

He just wants some gal so he can sniff her hair and feel her up.

Damn, that's a horrific thought if his pick is Stacey Abrams.
Biden did a fine job tonight. The woman VP was icing on the cake.

Why do you think that it is so critical for Sleepy Joe to pick a broad to run for VP, instead of the best qualified individual regardless of their sexual identity?
A woman is the best qualified.

The only times that a major party picked a broad as VP candidate before was when the candidate was desperate.

Mondale and McCain were already heading for a schlonging when they pulled that move.
A "schlonging", very appropriate!
Biden did a fine job tonight. The woman VP was icing on the cake.

Why do you think that it is so critical for Sleepy Joe to pick a broad to run for VP, instead of the best qualified individual regardless of their sexual identity?
A woman is the best qualified.

The only times that a major party picked a broad as VP candidate before was when the candidate was desperate.

Mondale and McCain were already heading for a schlonging when they pulled that move.
A "schlonging", very appropriate!

Biden is about to be the next president.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the word course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

So Biden is committed to picking a woman as VP, without even knowing who she might be, just because she is a woman.

Isn't that sexist? And divisive? Is Joe saying a woman is a good match to his style of leadership?

That is the biggest difference between these two:
  • Joe says and does what he thinks is politically expedient. History shows he doesn't mean what he says.
  • Bernie at least says what he really means, whether you think it sounds batshit crazy or not.
I think I'd rather have an honest if crazy guy in the WH that Congress can control rather than a liar who isn't telling me at all what he really thinks and intends.

He just wants some gal so he can sniff her hair and feel her up.

Damn, that's a horrific thought if his pick is Stacey Abrams.
YIKES! You ARE correct.
Biden did a fine job tonight. The woman VP was icing on the cake.

Why do you think that it is so critical for Sleepy Joe to pick a broad to run for VP, instead of the best qualified individual regardless of their sexual identity?
A woman is the best qualified.

The only times that a major party picked a broad as VP candidate before was when the candidate was desperate.

Mondale and McCain were already heading for a schlonging when they pulled that move.
A "schlonging", very appropriate!

Biden is about to be the next president.

Of the Flat Earth Club, maybe.
Why do you think that it is so critical for Sleepy Joe to pick a broad to run for VP, instead of the best qualified individual regardless of their sexual identity?
A woman is the best qualified.

The only times that a major party picked a broad as VP candidate before was when the candidate was desperate.

Mondale and McCain were already heading for a schlonging when they pulled that move.
A "schlonging", very appropriate!

Biden is about to be the next president.

Of the Flat Earth Club, maybe.

No, that would be trump.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.
The truth is 180 degrees from what you posted.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.

And what planet do you live on?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I live on earth, not fact free world like you do.

No something is definitely wrong with you you wouldn’t know a fact if it slapped you in the back of you head. I can see you’re their number one useful idiot and you’re great at it. The Democratic Party is dead get use to being miserable for a very long time [emoji631]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dementia wins!

This is an example of cognitive decline. Or early onset dementia.

Didn't you leave the board?

Your boy trump is 73 and showing sings of mental decline. Face It like a man.

Trump is very sharp, and in total command of the situation. No one on either side of the aisle could have stood up to the abuse that Trump has, and been so astoundingly productive.

Sleepy Joe doesn't even know what state he's in, and confuses his sister and his wife. Biden wasn't such hot shit years ago, and he's gone downhill considerably since then.
That's how I saw this. He wanted it more and played hardball, wanting to put an end to Bernies campaign and he might have.

Unfortunately for him, the same points he scored against Bernie, are also issues that Trump wins large on, in particular China. The issue I have said, along with the economy and Open Borders, are major issues that Trump is far and away the winner.

Trump is going to go at him hard and his record when VP with Obama. The millions of jobs lost to China, the eight years of doing little to stop China. While Trump has confronted them aggressively, changing the worlds course. THAT is the greatest leadership we have seen since Reagan.

That goes for all leaders, from Bush to Giuliani. Trump calling out and standing up to China might have literally have saved Western liberty and our values of freedom.

Also, the Paris Accord is really unpopular with the voters he needs. Trump is going to remind him, not only did it give China cash, but, all the leaders failed with their objectives, while America decreased emissions the most through capitalism and free market industrial leadership, not global socialist boondoggles. I'm actually surprised Biden supported the Paris Accord, I think it's a really bad issue for him.

I think he took Bernie down hard. Bernies chances can't be more than 4-5% now to be the Dem nominee. That's how I saw it.

Democratic primary debate: Biden commits to picking a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

trump will get destroyed by Biden. trump has no record to be going after anybody about. His presidency has been a failure at every level but self promotion.

Biden has no idea where he even is
Biden did a fine job tonight. The woman VP was icing on the cake.
Let's HOPE he's smart and chooses Tulsi Gabbard........
Tulsi Gabbard is not qualified.
Disagree with her on everything but she is FAR more qualified to lead the Dimwit Party
Tulsi Gabbard is more qualified than trump, but she's not qualified to lead the democratic party in this election.
TRY to keep up with the conversation, numb nuts. Tulsi would be VICE PRESIDENT, not president.
Biden did a fine job tonight. The woman VP was icing on the cake.
Let's HOPE he's smart and chooses Tulsi Gabbard........
Tulsi Gabbard is not qualified.
Disagree with her on everything but she is FAR more qualified to lead the Dimwit Party
Tulsi Gabbard is more qualified than trump, but she's not qualified to lead the democratic party in this election.
TRY to keep up with the conversation, numb nuts. Tulsi would be VICE PRESIDENT, not president.

Understand that Gabbard is not leadership material at this time. A VP is a leader and in this case, a VP should be able to take over in case the president passes away while in office.

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