Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

You are right. Donald Trump is a perfect gentleman. He may grab women by the pussy but he does it with respect.
Trump didn't file bk. 6 of his 500 plus companies did. That is actually a GOOD record for a businessman.

BTW---what the fuck is Biden saying inflation is good do you not understand is death nail for the US and the US $$$?
Very true. These far-left characters know the truth but it is all they can resort to when backed into a corner, they pull out old lies if the new ones aren't working,

Over the decades, I would guess the Trump organization has owned thousands of businesses.
Biden thinks everybody who asks him a question he can't answer is a stupid son of a bitch. Since anyone can do that, we must be the dumbest country on the planet. Just look at our President.
Biden will learn he shouldn't tell the truth. But it is true America is regarded as very dumb. Just look at the dysfunctional electoral and political systems it puts up with.
Trump didn't get squat done. How is the trade deal with China coming? How is his great health care plan that everyone is going to love coming? How are those checks from Mexico for the wall coming along?

As pointed out, a reporter isn't a "colleague". Even then, Biden is mentally incapacitated. What's Trump's excuse?
It's amazing how democrats and Republicans are so caught up in the partisan BS that neither side sees how pathetically hypocritical they are. Republicans attacks Biden for things they praised Trump for, and Democrats overlook anything Biden does even if its sothing they would hav attack Trump for
It's amazing how democrats and Republicans are so caught up in the partisan BS that neither side sees how pathetically hypocritical they are. Republicans attacks Biden for things they praised Trump for, and Democrats overlook anything Biden does even if its sothing they would hav attack Trump for

Thats because partisan hacks cannot get out of their own way….
I feel sorry for US Middle Class who were paying $2.89 under Trump and now paying $1 more under Biden. Punishing US oil companies and rewarding foreign oil companies makes you happy. You might want to table your economic envy and educate yourself a little on billion dollar companies. Oil Companies are happy to hit 5 percent of those billions for profit. This after trying to make a profit against all the risk they assume. Then there is the 18 cents per gallon the Federal Government gets for assuming no risk. Now comparatively contrast oil’s profit against billions vs. a Microsoft or IBM’s 26 percent margin against billions?
The billions I mentioned were profit dumb ass.
Why would President Biden disparage the press? Every hour of the day, they bow down to him, suck up to him and throw softballs to him. Steve asks the questions we want answers for along with several other journalists.

Gosh, why would he not cherish the press? The press was more than happy to let him live in his basement without challenging him.

Meanwhile, they relentlessly attacked Trump and tried to trick him for over five years. Then they would write what they wanted anyway even though they knew it was not true.
You batshit crazy trump supporters need to get on the same page. You need to read the goofy remark I was responding to.
As noted already, the topic is the hypocrisy of Trump supporters.
And you don’t see the hypocrisy of Biden supporters, or the anti-Trump contingent?

Biden ran as being “not Trump“, after the never-ending complaints about Trump’s abrasiveness - and promising civility in the WH. And libs made it clear that they just couldn’t tolerate Trump’s “mean tweets,” raising the roof after every borderline rough comment.

But now that we see that Biden is a low-class trashy mouth, worse than Trump, the libs on this forum rush in to his defense, saying that Trump was nasty too. But that is the point! You libs used his abrasiveness to run him out of office - you sure couldn’t do it if you were truthful about his accomplishments - and now that Biden sounds like a crass street thug, it’s acceptable.

If you hypocritical leftists didn’t have double standards, you’d have no standards at all.

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