Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

you are a dumbass who has never owned a business and had to deal with slime like Trump. You could say you are naïve but at your age you are a dumbass.
So, you call ME dumb and naive but you cannot rebut what I wrote. All you can muster up is vile insults. :cuckoo: Oh yeah, and I DO own my own successful business.

Peter Doocy Has Appropriate Response to Biden Attack as Other ‘Reporters’ Show True Colors​

Doocy (and Waters's reaction) was hilarious.
Needless to say, Acosta would have called 911 and demanded Trump be arrested had Trump had said that.
The people at 911 would have said "oh, there's no police in DC anymore. Joey Xi Bai Dungs friends and Dems got rid of them. "You're on your own."
The Select Committee on Jan 6th will now probably be calling Doocy to testify after culling through his E-mails and checking to see where he was on that day, while the FBI begins tapping his phone and his family's phones.
Too soon for a link, but Peter Doocey asked Biden a question about inflation, and Biden - in his typical, out-of-control anger - called him a “stupid son of a bitch.”

No wonder they don’t let Biden talk. Anger and senility do not a good president make.
Riiiiight Trump was the mean one. Well Dems where's the condemnation over Biden a so called POTUS calling a White House reporter a "stupid son of a bitch" on camera no less, for daring ask a question about a relevant topic? Cue the Dem excuse making and news blackout.
You might have a point were it not for the fact that in January 2021 President Biden made this the guaranteed demeanor of his administration.

Biden tells appointees 'I will fire you on the spot' for showing disrespect to colleagues

January 20, 2021

As for your whataboutism.


Trump didn't get squat done. How is the trade deal with China coming? How is his great health care plan that everyone is going to love coming? How are those checks from Mexico for the wall coming along?

As pointed out, a reporter isn't a "colleague". Even then, Biden is mentally incapacitated. What's Trump's excuse?
What's really funny is first Biden snapped at reporters about asking about the Ukraine, and said he was there to talk about the economy.

And then asking about the economy made you a stupid son of a bitch.

We are witnessing the infamous Hitler bunker scene. I look forward to their captions the next few days.

how does that compare to Reagan
Following President Carter's catastrophe, President Reagan's brought the inflation rate in 1981 at 10.38% down to 4.14% for his final year in office of 1988. As I endured the Carter fiasco, I might add that 30-year mortgage rates reached 18% shortly after Reagan took office down to 10.34% at the end of his administration. At the same time, no one believed that rates would ever drop to single digits again.
Trump didn't get squat done. How is the trade deal with China coming? How is his great health care plan that everyone is going to love coming? How are those checks from Mexico for the wall coming along?

As pointed out, a reporter isn't a "colleague". Even then, Biden is mentally incapacitated. What's Trump's excuse?
Trump completed 95% of his campaign promises and we had the best economy until the ChiCom Bio WMD attack.
As I said

No President should speak like this.


You're having heart bypass surgery. You have narrowed your choice of surgeons down to half a dozen. Five above average skills and are very reputable. Several are very likeable and you would enjoy visiting with them on a social basis.

One has magic hands, a noticible lower death rate among his patients. He also KNOWS he is the best! He is arrogant and egotistical, a regular SOB.

I know, all things being equal, you'd pick the surgeon with mediocre skills and invite him over to your house for dinner once you have recovered. Right?
My thought: he can't possibly last another three years. He cannot. It's not so much that he lost his crap at the microphone after a question that he should have ignored. It's that this was bound to happen, and will happen again and again. His "handlers" can only do so much. The long weekends spent in Delaware giving him whatever Swedish treatments they hope will help are only doing so much.

He has to resign or something.

And they loaded up....Kamala. Oh man. You dumb Democrats. lol

You're having heart bypass surgery. You have narrowed your choice of surgeons down to half a dozen. Five above average skills and are very reputable. Several are very likeable and you would enjoy visiting with them on a social basis.

One has magic hands, a noticible lower death rate among his patients. He also KNOWS he is the best! He is arrogant and egotistical, a regular SOB.

I know, all things being equal, you'd pick the surgeon with mediocre skills and invite him over to your house for dinner once you have recovered. Right?

We picked the surgeon with no skills.
Biden didn't disparage the press. He pointed out that Doocy is a stupid son of a bitch.
Why would President Biden disparage the press? Every hour of the day, they bow down to him, suck up to him and throw softballs to him. Steve asks the questions we want answers for along with several other journalists.

Gosh, why would he not cherish the press? The press was more than happy to let him live in his basement without challenging him.

Meanwhile, they relentlessly attacked Trump and tried to trick him for over five years. Then they would write what they wanted anyway even though they knew it was not true.

You're having heart bypass surgery. You have narrowed your choice of surgeons down to half a dozen. Five above average skills and are very reputable. Several are very likeable and you would enjoy visiting with them on a social basis.

One has magic hands, a noticible lower death rate among his patients. He also KNOWS he is the best! He is arrogant and egotistical, a regular SOB.

I know, all things being equal, you'd pick the surgeon with mediocre skills and invite him over to your house for dinner once you have recovered. Right?

And what does that have to do with how a POTUS is supposed to speak?

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