Biden calls Trump 'MAGA king'

Oh come on. You Trump worshiping morons cannot whine when someone uses a funny nickname for someone, that is one of the reasons you fucks worship Trump

I think it's sad that no one supports Joe Biden. You don't. And as a result, he's still talking about the last president, nearly halfway through his term. It's fucking pathetic.
I think it's sad that no one supports Joe Biden. You don't. And as a result, he's still talking about the last president, nearly halfway through his term. It's fucking pathetic.

are you fucking kidding. Trump was still talking about Obama till COVID started, and then tried to blame COVID things on Obama.

You worshipers have such short memories.

But you are right, I do not support Biden.
are you fucking kidding. Trump was still talking about Obama till COVID started, and then tried to blame COVID things on Obama.

You worshipers have such short memories.

But you are right, I do not support Biden.
"Tried to blame covid things"???? what does that mean tard?....
Obama never restock pilled the pandemic resources after the mini trial of a pandemic under his watch...
All the ventilators had to be manufactured under Trump they had to give tutorials for how to make a mask.... Obama left us in near 3rd world status on many things.... and Joe has us right back in the 3rd world....
I realize this is totally anecdotal evidence but out if the 5 never Trump friends I still have not one will vote for Biden again and four said they would vote for Trump before Biden if that was all they had to choose from.... Biden is hated... Not just disliked he is hated....
But you are right, I do not support Biden.
See the source image
That’s what you said in 2016. Now with rampant inflation, sky high gas prices and food shortages you don’t think he can win? You’re fucking delusional.

I didn't say a thing for 2016. But I did for 2020 and was right. We didn't vote for Biden we voted against Rump.

Inflation has not gone rampant. In fact, it's slowly been going down.

Gas Prices have gone up, yes. But first there was the tranporation problems and then the Russian Oil problem. Neither can be blamed to either Rump of Biden.

Food shortage is a given to the transportation problem. Again, this cannot be blamed on either Rump nor Biden.

The real problem is the hate that your kind keeps spreading. And Rump continues to head that hate speech every day. You want to help with the transportation problem? Go hire out as a long haul trucker.
I didn't say a thing for 2016. But I did for 2020 and was right. We didn't vote for Biden we voted against Rump.

Inflation has not gone rampant. In fact, it's slowly been going down.

Gas Prices have gone up, yes. But first there was the tranporation problems and then the Russian Oil problem. Neither can be blamed to either Rump of Biden.

Food shortage is a given to the transportation problem. Again, this cannot be blamed on either Rump nor Biden.

The real problem is the hate that your kind keeps spreading. And Rump continues to head that hate speech every day. You want to help with the transportation problem? Go hire out as a long haul trucker.
Oh yeah you did. You were one of the harpies clutching your pearls when he won. Great job voting against good policies. You sure showed him.

Inflation of 8.5% is fucking rampant. Having it drop to 8.3 for one month isn’t some game winner.

Production you moron. Bidumb stopped oil production. You can’t transport what you don’t have. And yes it is bidumbs fault we went from energy independent to paupers begging other countries to pump more.

Yeah, it’s the truckers fault. If they would just haul more magical unicorn food to the stores. Fuck dude.

There it is! Everything is wonderful you haters! LMAO! You’re a fucking idiot. You voted for failure to get back at Trump and now you have failure being shoved up your ass, hard and deep. Why the fuck would I go drive trucks? I have a career you moron. If you want to help Bidumb out go get your own fucking CDL.
Oh yeah you did. You were one of the harpies clutching your pearls when he won. Great job voting against good policies. You sure showed him.

Stop lying. But I know you won't. Your creed is why tell the truth when a lie works even better. I gave him a chance until he started doing his cray, cray crap.

Inflation of 8.5% is fucking rampant. Having it drop to 8.3 for one month isn’t some game winner.

And when Rump took over, what was it then? Could it be Covid that caused one hell of a lot of things to go haywire fast and it's still haywire. And yes, 8.3 or 8.5 is considered insane and certainly not sustainable.

Production you moron. Bidumb stopped oil production. You can’t transport what you don’t have. And yes it is bidumbs fault we went from energy independent to paupers begging other countries to pump more.

Biden didn't stop any oil production. He just stop being stupid about some of the future. The Keystone Pipeline turns out would have taken up some of your refinery time for Canadian Oil to be exported outside the US where the major beneficiaries would have been the Canadian Government and Koch Industries. The other thing was to freeze new drilling exploration when over 9000 were already issued unused. Other than that, Biden has done no changes to the US Oil Industry. Now, stop lying. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Yeah, it’s the truckers fault. If they would just haul more magical unicorn food to the stores. Fuck dude.

We have a shortage of Truckers. With the Covid problem, they sought out other jobs and decided to stay there. It ain't easy to be a long haul trucker. Again, I would say for you to stop lying but I know you can't, it's in your Rumpster DNA.

There it is! Everything is wonderful you haters! LMAO! You’re a fucking idiot. You voted for failure to get back at Trump and now you have failure being shoved up your ass, hard and deep. Why the fuck would I go drive trucks? I have a career you moron. If you want to help Bidumb out go get your own fucking CDL.

I spent my time at the ripe old age of 18 before I got my draft notice. And then I paid my dues making sure you are free to make a damned fool of yourself and lie out your ass. IF you think driving a truck isn't a carreer you are a complete idiot. I guess my 20+ years in the Military protecting your sorry lying butt wasn't a carreer either.
So Trump is the king of making America Great Again?.... Okay we will take that....
I am 98% sure Biden doesn't even know what MAGA is an acronym for....
Exactly what I was going to say.

It's a fitting title, King of Making America Great Again.

Build Back Better? Nothing is built, little is back to normal, and nothing is better.

Just about everywhere in the world now, things are deteriorating for the general civilian population. It's as if the governments are working against the people, deliberately lowering standards of living everywhere, using things like COIVD and a war in Ukraine as an excuse.

We can see now why Trump was such a threat to the Deep State type globalists working on power grabs. Trump tried to put the people first.
Why is Trump relevant today though? Wasn't the campaign all about "I will always be accountable" etc?
No, it was about putting Americans first for a change.

Renegotiating bad trade deals, strengthening our military, removing oppressive regulations, putting everyone back to work who wants the opportunity, making us energy independent again

Life was good, other than everyone hoarding paper products, LOL.

He's still relevant because MAGA King is very likely to win our next presidential election if it is not stolen.
Watch this angry bastard.....

Notice how he acts like boxes of food from the government should be so efficient and widespread that people shouldn't even have to wait in line. Worked in Venezuela, eh.

That's absolutely absurd. It's not normal to get free food. Waiting in line for free food should be expected. People wait in line even when paying for their own food.

He wants everyone to have to wait in line for a box of food. Before long, they'll be saying to people that "Republicans and Trump want to take away your food," LOL.

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Stop lying. But I know you won't. Your creed is why tell the truth when a lie works even better. I gave him a chance until he started doing his cray, cray crap.

And when Rump took over, what was it then? Could it be Covid that caused one hell of a lot of things to go haywire fast and it's still haywire. And yes, 8.3 or 8.5 is considered insane and certainly not sustainable.

Biden didn't stop any oil production. He just stop being stupid about some of the future. The Keystone Pipeline turns out would have taken up some of your refinery time for Canadian Oil to be exported outside the US where the major beneficiaries would have been the Canadian Government and Koch Industries. The other thing was to freeze new drilling exploration when over 9000 were already issued unused. Other than that, Biden has done no changes to the US Oil Industry. Now, stop lying. Oh, that's right, you can't.

We have a shortage of Truckers. With the Covid problem, they sought out other jobs and decided to stay there. It ain't easy to be a long haul trucker. Again, I would say for you to stop lying but I know you can't, it's in your Rumpster DNA.

I spent my time at the ripe old age of 18 before I got my draft notice. And then I paid my dues making sure you are free to make a damned fool of yourself and lie out your ass. IF you think driving a truck isn't a carreer you are a complete idiot. I guess my 20+ years in the Military protecting your sorry lying butt wasn't a carreer either.
Inflation was 2% throughout Trumps term. That includes the king flu shit down.

Fun link.

My career isn’t trucking. Thanks for spending 20 years so I can tell you you’re an idiot.

Shutting down oil pipelines is pretty much the point. Bidumb did and continues to do that. We could have used that oil here. The world market would have been better if it was done.

You can’t continue to dance around the stupid claiming victory. No sane person sees this Bidumb admin as a victory for the US. Nobody. And you can’t bullshit your way into making that happen.
First it was 'Ultra MAGA', now it's 'MAGA King'?
Biden is endowing Trump with super powers now?
Biden is in league with the rest of Americans now to get Trump back where he belongs?

Just when you think the DNC has everything is as fucked up, farcical, and comical as the DNC can make it, they pull the rug out from under us completely and start backing Trump????!!!

But..........first he LIES, as DementiacRats do..........

“Under my predecessor — the great MAGA king — the deficit increased every single year he was president,” he told the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers conference, which was also being held in Chicago. "The first year of my presidency, the first year, I reduced the deficit.”

Then, he's reminding us of how BADLY we need HIM out of the White House and Trump back in it......

“I call it the ultra-MAGA plan, Make America Great Again plan,” Biden told the union conference. At the fundraiser he struck a similar note, saying, "I think we have to point out how radical it is ... so people are reminded what’s at stake here.”

Thanks Brainless Babbling Biden for REMINDING AMERICA how heinously the DNC has fucked this country up, and now needing Trump back in power BADLY to fix all YOUR corruption, lies, and murderous ways!!
Are you retarded?
The problem with this Potatohead asshole is that he doesn't have any Mega MAGA. If he did have it then he wouldn't be fucking up everything.
He is utterly insane. Literally no grip on reality.
Trump rants & raves that he won the election. That's his reality & his asseaters like you go along with it.

So spare us the bullshit about Biden. Your credibility is zeeeeeeero.
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