Biden cleared out Del Rio camp by letting most Haitians in — guaranteeing more crises down the line


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
If the House is flipped next November, I truly hope articles of impeachment are put forward in order to stop Joe Biden from forever destroying this country.
Joe Biden is an evil man that needs to be stopped.


Team Biden has cleared out the vast encampment under that bridge in Del Rio, Texas — but only by waving many of the Haitian migrants into the nation’s interior with papers granting them the right to stay.

At least 2,000 took buses to Houston; hundreds more flew out of San Antonio to cities including New York.

The elections have been "fortified". Don't expect anyone not approved by the shadow cabal to win. If you think Republicans are going to take the house in 2022, you're dreaming. It will be a Democrat blow out.
If the House is flipped next November, I truly hope articles of impeachment are put forward in order to stop Joe Biden from forever destroying this country.
Joe Biden is an evil man that needs to be stopped.

View attachment 547297

Team Biden has cleared out the vast encampment under that bridge in Del Rio, Texas — but only by waving many of the Haitian migrants into the nation’s interior with papers granting them the right to stay.

At least 2,000 took buses to Houston; hundreds more flew out of San Antonio to cities including New York.

Well at least we got the best people from that shit hole
Back during WWII we refused to let a ship of Jews land on our shores and get refugee status. A lot of those Jews wound up murdered by Hitler.

So we wrote a law that says, "if you're persecuted and you make it to the American border, we'll give you a legal hearing and decide if you can enter as a refugee."

Don't get mad at Joe, get mad at the law.
Back during WWII we refused to let a ship of Jews land on our shores and get refugee status. A lot of those Jews wound up murdered by Hitler.

So we wrote a law that says, "if you're persecuted and you make it to the American border, we'll give you a legal hearing and decide if you can enter as a refugee."

Don't get mad at Joe, get mad at the law.
What hearings? There are none. Just "come on in...our taxpayers will fund your way".
Back during WWII we refused to let a ship of Jews land on our shores and get refugee status. A lot of those Jews wound up murdered by Hitler.

So we wrote a law that says, "if you're persecuted and you make it to the American border, we'll give you a legal hearing and decide if you can enter as a refugee."

Don't get mad at Joe, get mad at the law.

Those Hatians living in Chile weren't being persecuted. They simply heard that the U.S. was letting everybody in and want to take advantage of a good situation. Now thousands more are going to follow suit.
This is not the way immigration is supposed to work. WE already let in a million a year legally. Those people who follow the rules and take legal efforts to get here are welcome. Just letting everyone believe they can cheat the system is only inviting more, and is just insanity.
Biden even still refuses to say there is a crisis on the Texas border.... even as he refuses to go there.
And the result of this invasion will be, we'll have the largest number of addicts in the world, we'll have the largest amount of teen hos in the world, we'll have the largest number of homeless and poverty level people we ever had, crime will skyrocket, schools will be overrun, our infrastructure will be totally inadequate, welfare Medicare and Social Security will be driven to insolvency, stagflation will set in, the value of our dollar will be next to nothing, everything will be overcrowded, there will be shortages of everything including utilities, but don't worry. We should have the cleanest toilets on the planet.
Otis Mayfield
Sure get mad at Joe. Those Haitians came by way of Mexico. Trump had the Mexican army at their Southern border to prevent convoys from coming to OUR border. Any that made it had to stay in Mexico until their court date.

Bidung did away with all of that hence the clusterfuck at our border.

Anyone think any of the Haitians Bidung let into the US will make thier court date???
If the House is flipped next November, I truly hope articles of impeachment are put forward in order to stop Joe Biden from forever destroying this country.
Joe Biden is an evil man that needs to be stopped.

View attachment 547297

Team Biden has cleared out the vast encampment under that bridge in Del Rio, Texas — but only by waving many of the Haitian migrants into the nation’s interior with papers granting them the right to stay.

At least 2,000 took buses to Houston; hundreds more flew out of San Antonio to cities including New York.

The article never verifies it's numbers from it's wild claim which means it's untrustworthy for information as to how many were let in and were did they go....So far it is a speculative article.
Back during WWII we refused to let a ship of Jews land on our shores and get refugee status. A lot of those Jews wound up murdered by Hitler.

So we wrote a law that says, "if you're persecuted and you make it to the American border, we'll give you a legal hearing and decide if you can enter as a refugee."

Don't get mad at Joe, get mad at the law.
Oh I will indeed get mad at fucking senile Joe!
This fucker invited all of this when he told the world to "SURGE the border!"
In addition, he along with the other stupid mother fucking Dimocrat presidential candidates raised their hand when asked whose healthcare plan would cover illegal immigrants!
This current invasion is 100% the fault of Biden and Dimocrats!
Another Xiden Virus superspreader even for the Dembot Cult's pandemic
Back during WWII we refused to let a ship of Jews land on our shores and get refugee status. A lot of those Jews wound up murdered by Hitler.

So we wrote a law that says, "if you're persecuted and you make it to the American border, we'll give you a legal hearing and decide if you can enter as a refugee."

Don't get mad at Joe, get mad at the law.

Funny how Trump never adhered to that law and it was very successful.

What Trump did was put out the message no immigrants will be allowed in until their court date. As for asylum or refugee status, his policy was that you can apply at your US embassy in your own country. If you were offered asylum along the way here (Mexico) and refused their offer, it's automatic disqualification for US asylum.

Invaders got the message it's a waste of time trying to get here unless their claim was totally legitimate which most are not, so they stopped coming. In fact from the beginning of 2019 until the end of that year, there was a 90% decrease in border crossings.

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