Biden considering an "exception" to the filibuster to appease abortionists.

I gotta say, that's nucking futz, unless of course I run into people who were trying to kill me for my beliefs, then of course I'd have to try to kill them first because um, self preservation.
my future SIL is german fluent and he and "she" ran into a german bizman in a bar a couple of nights ago. He was wondering why we Americans let religion into politics. Ironically, Justice Kennedy (though Catholic) taught classes in Germany most years, and his views on abortion were .... more nuanced. And of course, the theocrats will throw the fetus off the bus the second it's born, and they're all for the electric chair.
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was back before the rock hard partisan divide took hold
I still wonder how much Obama's race played in that. McConnell was conviced (so they say) that Sotomayor was just the tip of the affirmative action socialist onslaught, but ..... Justice Douglas was pretty much a socialist, Sotomayor, not so much. Kentucky has seen its share of cops gunning down a guy just sleeping in his own apt and not even a crook!
Obama was elected with a promise to pass universal health care. He ran on, and won ... with 60 senators. It's how America works.
It's how America has come to work, but I don't believe it was designed to be that way. In any case, we should aspire to more. Thrashing back and forth, with each side passing half-assed initiatives that are undermined by the other when the get back in, is pointless. When you look at major, lasting changes to society (Social Security, Medicare, etc. ...), they all had bi-partisan support - at least some. At least enough to last.

We're divided into two bitterly opposed camps by an antiquated voting scheme that wasn't designed to deal with a global communications network. The lesser-of-two-evils conceit has always been the achilles heel of simple democracy, but television and the internet amplify the effects of LO2E to the point of breaking the system entirely. LO2E has many (most?) eligible voters voting for candidates they know to be bad, simply because the news tells them that if they don't, some other jerk they hate even worse will win. They are voting for bad candidates on purpose. That's never going to produce good results.

I suspect that this won't change until we change the voting system. Though I can see the possibility of a candidate with the courage/intelligence to seek consensus regardless. They'd be bucking the trend in either party, but if they can get nominated, I'd expect them to win. Bigly.
All I know is the current system is not working. We are dying a slow death because the people we elect do not give a fuck about the country and hide behind the filibuster when asked why they did not do the thing they said they would.

Something has to give. If you have a better idea lets hear it.

Yeah, but changing the system by eliminating the filibuster isn't going to solve anything when you've got the same people running it. As bad as things are now, it can get a lot worse if we move to a one-party gov't where there is no dissent and no real opposition.

The only answer I can see is a 3rd party that is for a smaller gov't that pushes social issues down to the states and only focuses on the functions that our citizens and states cannot do for themselves. IOW, the federal gov't is too God Damned big and too intrusive into our daily lives. If we can't or won't go that route then I think we're fucked.
The only answer I can see is a 3rd party that is for a smaller gov't that pushes social issues down to the states and only focuses on the functions that our citizens and states cannot do for themselves. IOW, the federal gov't is too God Damned big and too intrusive into our daily lives. If we can't or won't go that route then I think we're fucked.

Which is what I have been voting for since 1996. But in 1992 a 3rd party candidate scared the shit out of the duopoly and since that time they have worked to divide the nation so that we would never unite behind one again.

Most voting today is voting against the other side since they are the epitome of evil and will destroy the country if you do not vote for your beloved party.

We used to just talk random thoughts about retiring outside the US, with each passing election it becomes more and more serious.
That's a compromise that will likely not make their constituents very happy at all.
That's not a compromise, ya dingleberry.

States will still be able to ban abortion outright.

What they are attempting to do is restrict the States that don't ban abortion after 15 weeks.

Duh. You just kind of spout the first contrarian thought you have.
The Rabid Right has spend decades and finally sold it's soul to achieve this objective of a Rabid Right Wing Court.

A simple majority vote can be undone by another simple majority vote.

The solution is to out vote the Neo-GOP at every level, state, local and federal. Once you control enough states, pass a new amendment that the courts cannot reverse.

It's the only way to be sure.

Vote out all the Neo-GOP, while you can ladies.
🖕 You're a blooming retard talk about rabid that is you and your fellow leftists. You are the problem with America.
It's how America has come to work, but I don't believe it was designed to be that way. In any case, we should aspire to more. Thrashing back and forth, with each side passing half-assed initiatives that are undermined by the other when the get back in, is pointless. When you look at major, lasting changes to society (Social Security, Medicare, etc. ...), they all had bi-partisan support - at least some. At least enough to last.

We're divided into two bitterly opposed camps by an antiquated voting scheme that wasn't designed to deal with a global communications network. The lesser-of-two-evils conceit has always been the achilles heel of simple democracy, but television and the internet amplify the effects of LO2E to the point of breaking the system entirely. LO2E has many (most?) eligible voters voting for candidates they know to be bad, simply because the news tells them that if they don't, some other jerk they hate even worse will win. They are voting for bad candidates on purpose. That's never going to produce good results.

This drives the parties to focus, almost exclusively, on fear. They don't bother trying to sell a candidate on the candidate's virtues, or on a platform with broad appeal. They barely bother with a platform at all. Instead, they crank up the fear machine and demonize the opposition. The opposition is obliged to respond in kind, and we devolve into a shitshow where each party is pleading they they aren't quite as bad as the other. And the other is Satan incarnate.

I suspect that this won't change until we change the voting system. Though I can see the possibility of a candidate with the courage/intelligence to seek consensus regardless. They'd be bucking the trend in either party, but if they can get nominated, I'd expect them to win. Bigly.
I agree we currently are divided so badly that no compromise was possible, but I'm not without any hope. Even McConnell was ok with trying to work with Biden after Jan. 6 scared the shit out of any sane person. The Trump fans are weeping up the big steal, but to the extent they really believe it, it's self-deception. Their problem is that a maj doesn't buy the replacement theory or that Toyota are .... BAD. Most of would like a toyota than ran for 30 years. So Trump REALLY was their one and only hope, and he never sniffed 50% and even won the nomination with only a plurality of gop primary votes.

The gop senate is offering a compromise of sorts on soc sec, but it's really the progs who aren't buying in. They're still pissed because most don't agree that it's a good thing to pay people not to work. Immigration is really unsellable to the very right of the gop so long as there's some "right to stay." But the latinos themselves don't support illegal immigration. So, maybe when more of us old white pendejos die.

I also agree that we don't function as the founders, or at least Washington wanted. The party system arrived with John Adams and Jefferson. But we have compromised. We compromised on race in 1965, and I still maintain that if it weren't for paying women to have kids out of wedlock, we'd have more or less racial harmony in the south. White and black working poor don't like people who suck off the tit. That's why Obamacare is actually NOT THAT UNPOPULAR. It gives WORKERS a benefit. Medicare ... you don't work, you don't get it. BRIEFLY we compromised largely because of Perot and balanced the budget ... until W decided to loot the country for perpetual wars and the 1%, and I don't think he ever really had a reason beyond ..."well my Dad got to be President."

Whether W destroyed America along with the gop that Eisenhower and Reagan left ... I dunno.
🖕 You're a blooming retard talk about rabid that is you and your fellow leftists. You are the problem with America.
Fuck you Trigger. The only way to stop the Rabid Right Wing court is by a Constitutional Amendment.

Whose with me..................
The Rabid Right has spend decades and finally sold it's soul to achieve this objective of a Rabid Right Wing Court.

A simple majority vote can be undone by another simple majority vote.

The solution is to out vote the Neo-GOP at every level, state, local and federal. Once you control enough states, pass a new amendment that the courts cannot reverse.

It's the only way to be sure.

Vote out all the Neo-GOP, while you can ladies.
I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to McConnell (gee, imagine that). But, imo, he played the right to life folks (not 5000 btw ... or Pope Francis, btw).
But he used them to get a Federalist Supreme Court that will further enshrine the sanctity of capital and the corporation as a person. Dobbs is not all bad if it gets people politically active. I thought the all volunteer army and Roe took away incentives to vote. And I don't think W's wars would have flown if middle class kids had to take number for a draft lottery. Although, our military would not be as well trained. And it wouldn't be all bad if we actually started caring for throw away kids
Fuck you Trigger. The only way to stop the Rabid Right Wing court is by a Constitutional Amendment.

Whose with me..................
🖕Right back at you trigger. So you want to stop the existence of the constitution? You rabid leftists used the courts to get what you wanted. Now you don't like the courts when you have constitutionalist on the bench.
Democrats are proving every day they have no regard for the Constitution or the well established processes of our government. Pack the Supreme Court, suspend the filibuster turn the Impeachment process into a Carnival show. They are dismantling everything they can before they get booted out.

What you have posted makes absolutely no sense, Pack the court Mitch! what impeachment process? What has been dismantled? Only thing truth, many would like to end the filibuster.
Democrats are proving every day they have no regard for the Constitution or the well established processes of our government. Pack the Supreme Court, suspend the filibuster turn the Impeachment process into a Carnival show. They are dismantling everything they can before they get booted out.

Piling on more kindling so when the battle between the Patriots and the Lord vs. Globalists and Satan finally ignites, they'll pretend to be surprised by the "suddenness" and intensity
The Rabid Right has spend decades and finally sold it's soul to achieve this objective of a Rabid Right Wing Court.

A simple majority vote can be undone by another simple majority vote.

The solution is to out vote the Neo-GOP at every level, state, local and federal. Once you control enough states, pass a new amendment that the courts cannot reverse.

It's the only way to be sure.

Vote out all the Neo-GOP, while you can ladies.
Blind is right.

Neo-Lib is the same as Neo-Con.

Same exact thing.

Same people, even.
Ending the filibuster would probably push us over the edge.
I'm all ready over the edge. I got home at 5 last night and asked my wife if she wanted me to make the pasta sauce with the roma toms garlic and oil, and she said no she had it. 45 mins later she tells me she's too tired and I'm ruining my diet with grilled cheese!
So you want to stop the existence of the constitution?
No, I want to codify the right America women in every state have enjoyed for nearly the last 50 years that the hack court has stripped away from them in an amendment.

Pretending that is calling for the dissolution of the Constitution is a gross hyperbole.

I oppose overriding the filibuster as kicking the can down the road.
No, I want to codify the right America women in every state have enjoyed for nearly the last 50 years that the hack court has stripped away from them in an amendment.

Pretending that is calling for the dissolution of the Constitution is a gross hyperbole.

I oppose overriding the filibuster as kicking the can down the road.
Unfortunately, the filibuster isn't in the Constitution. It should have been, but wasn't. It's a "workaround" that injects a much needed buffer to majority rule, but the cruel irony is that it can be done away with by majority rule.
No, I want to codify the right America women in every state have enjoyed for nearly the last 50 years that the hack court has stripped away from them in an amendment.

Pretending that is calling for the dissolution of the Constitution is a gross hyperbole.

I oppose overriding the filibuster as kicking the can down the road.
No such thing as a right to kill a baby.
Unfortunately, the filibuster isn't in the Constitution. It should have been, but wasn't. It's a "workaround" that injects a much needed buffer to majority rule, but the cruel irony is that it can be done away with by majority rule.
Bottom line is very simple: The ideologues in the Senate want to turn what the Founding Fathers called ‘the cooling saucer of democracy’ into the rubber stamp of dictatorship. We will not let them. They want, because they can’t get their way on every judge, to change the rules in mid-stream, to wash away 200 years of history. They want to make this country into a banana republic, where if you don’t get your way, you change the rules. Are we going to let them? It’ll be a doomsday for democracy if we do.”

That was what Sen. Chuck Schumer said in 2005, as he successfully argued that Republicans should not change the Senate’s filibuster rules to get their way.

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