Biden considering an "exception" to the filibuster to appease abortionists.

You really confident about that?

Bush appointed Roberts wouldn't have.

I many "righteous" Republicans paid lip-service to Republican ideals...then went off and did the opposite?

Think Ronmey would have nominated these judges? How about Dole...or McCain, or Jeb!, or Kasich?

I don't think so.

Those guys all sucked.

Trump actually DID what he said he would do.

He said he would appoint justices that would overturn Roe in October 2016...

Then he effin' did it. :woohoo:

I don't have the slightest confidence any of the "righteous" Republicans would have done that. Most wouldn't even have had the guts to say it weeks before election day.
Trump appointed the judges he was told to appoint by the Federalist Society.

Any other Republican would have done the same.
If you hate the direction the country is going and want to bitch slap somebody for it, take a look in the mirror to find your culprit.
You really confident about that?

Bush appointed Roberts wouldn't have.

I many "righteous" Republicans paid lip-service to Republican ideals...then went off and did the opposite?

Think Ronmey would have nominated these judges? How about Dole...or McCain, or Jeb!, or Kasich?

I don't think so.

Those guys all sucked.

Trump actually DID what he said he would do.

He said he would appoint justices that would overturn Roe in October 2016...

Then he effin' did it. :woohoo:

I don't have the slightest confidence any of the "righteous" Republicans would have done that. Most wouldn't even have had the guts to say it weeks before election day.
Dude. It was just a matter of time. Casey had already let Jesusland States shut all but a few clinics.

Now personally I hope Dobbs motivates women in places like Iowa and Ohio to make swing states "swing again."
I would far prefer that. Again, they changed it because they are lazy. So many of our issues are because politicians only want paid and the title, not actually do the work of the position.
Actually under its current form it allows the senate to continue to work rather then be sidelined for however long the filibuster lasts.
Congress gets single-digit approval
IMO, largely due to congressional dysfunction brought on by the Repub's steadfast refusal to allow the people's agenda to be enacted. Time after time Repubs have used their ability to obstruct the passage of legislation that's popular with a majority of Americans. In some cases by a wide margin.
Consensus is different than "large majority". Granted, it's a subtle and qualitative difference - mostly it's a different attitude - but it's important, and necessary in a pluralistic nation like ours. It's expressed in the idea that a President should represent the interests of the entire country, not just their base.
Obama was elected with a promise to pass universal health care. He ran on, and won ... with 60 senators. It's how America works.

It is possible for a president like Reagan to use a lesser mandate and convince a maj in congress to try a new tax structure. Or LBJ and civil rights. He needed the gop moderates, and they had support of voters. But Soc Sec, Medicare, Obamacare .... All 60 seat majorities.
IMO, largely due to congressional dysfunction brought on by the Repub's steadfast refusal to allow the people's agenda to be enacted. Time after time Repubs have used their ability to obstruct the passage of legislation that's popular with a majority of Americans. In some cases by a wide margin.
The Hassert Rule. The dems don't have one.
So yeah, I say give whomever wins majority in the Senate the freedom to do whatever they want....if we the people do not like it, in 2 years we can change who has the majority.

Sure about that are ya? Maybe within those 2 years the majority can pretty much rig everything to their favor. What if they also pack the court so there's really no deterrent? What if they federalize all elections and allow all mail-in ballots? What if they add Puerto Rico and DC as new states, adding to the democratic power structure? Things can really turn to shit in just 2 years, and I'm not that confident that we be able to change things back to the way they were. That filibuster in the Senate is a really big deal, might even be the last obstacle to a one-party totalitarian state. You can dismiss that as impossible if you want, but I'm guessing every other totalitarian state in the past or present probably thought the same thing: that can't happen here. And it did.
I am very, very happy Roe v. Wade was overturned. I have said many times that the one thing I am grateful to Trump for is his appointment of pro-life judges.

But I have also pointed out there were far better righteous Republican candidates than Trump who would have done the same thing. Every one of them is a better man than Trump.

Nevertheless, it is a betrayal of the Constitutional principles to which the GOP has staked a claim to then turn around and toss that principle out the window onto the pile of other virtues they used to have.

Leave the decision of abortion to the states.
Why is it when some democrats say something you claim they aren't the whole party and the democratic party did not say it but let a couple republicans say something and you insist it is the whole party,
No. Just one to codify the right that American Women (of all genders?:stir: lol) have enjoyed for nearly 50 years.

Dat's right, step right up, pay yer money and takes yer chances.....and hopefully in two year we'll have another, and on and on....
Instead of taking nibbles they want gulps now. The Democratic Party are now the extremists and have been for a while. You/ the Prog Party are getting closer and closer to perhaps having to kill people for their beliefs.
Trump appointed the judges he was told to appoint by the Federalist Society.

Any other Republican would have done the same.
Again... I'm not convinced...



IMO, largely due to congressional dysfunction brought on by the Repub's steadfast refusal to allow the people's agenda to be enacted. Time after time Repubs have used their ability to obstruct the passage of legislation that's popular with a majority of Americans. In some cases by a wide margin.
Yeah... Like banning late term abortions...

Oh... Wait... You meant things that Dems want that are popular...

... Obstructing policies that are popular but Dems DON'T want... That's 1000% A-okay...
Sure about that are ya? Maybe within those 2 years the majority can pretty much rig everything to their favor. What if they also pack the court so there's really no deterrent? What if they federalize all elections and allow all mail-in ballots? What if they add Puerto Rico and DC as new states, adding to the democratic power structure? Things can really turn to shit in just 2 years, and I'm not that confident that we be able to change things back to the way they were. That filibuster in the Senate is a really big deal, might even be the last obstacle to a one-party totalitarian state. You can dismiss that as impossible if you want, but I'm guessing every other totalitarian state in the past or present probably thought the same thing: that can't happen here. And it did.

All I know is the current system is not working. We are dying a slow death because the people we elect do not give a fuck about the country and hide behind the filibuster when asked why they did not do the thing they said they would.

Something has to give. If you have a better idea lets hear it.
Democrats are proving every day they have no regard for the Constitution or the well established processes of our government. Pack the Supreme Court, suspend the filibuster turn the Impeachment process into a Carnival show. They are dismantling everything they can before they get booted out.

Newsflash. IF the GOP wins the midterms and gets a majority in the Senate they will nuke the filibuster in a Mew York minute

Making Mancin and Sinema look like total dunces
Newsflash. IF the GOP wins the midterms and gets a majority in the Senate they will nuke the filibuster in a Mew York minute

Making Mancin and Sinema look like total dunces
Maybe not until 2025, when they have a gop potus. Biden will have the veto until then
Obama was elected with a promise to pass universal health care. He ran on, and won ... with 60 senators. It's how America works.

It is possible for a president like Reagan to use a lesser mandate and convince a maj in congress to try a new tax structure. Or LBJ and civil rights. He needed the gop moderates, and they had support of voters. But Soc Sec, Medicare, Obamacare .... All 60 seat majorities.
was back before the rock hard partisan divide took hold
You/ the Prog Party are getting closer and closer to perhaps having to kill people for their beliefs.

I gotta say, that's nucking futz, unless of course I run into people who were trying to kill me for my beliefs, then of course I'd have to try to kill them first because um, self preservation.
All I know is the current system is not working. We are dying a slow death because the people we elect do not give a fuck about the country and hide behind the filibuster when asked why they did not do the thing they said they would.

Something has to give. If you have a better idea lets hear it.
Well, honestly, it is not the fillbuster that killed BBB. It was that at least two dem senators did not want to give child tax credits to non-working parents.

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