Biden considering an "exception" to the filibuster to appease abortionists.

Democrats are proving every day they have no regard for the Constitution or the well established processes of our government. Pack the Supreme Court, suspend the filibuster turn the Impeachment process into a Carnival show. They are dismantling everything they can before they get booted out.

The GOP would overturn the filibuster to impose a national abortion ban if it wins the midterms​

And replace it with what? Serious question: do you have a better idea? If so, what is it? I think the current form is about as good as it can get, the problem is not our form of gov't but instead the people that are running it.

Not sure what you mean by an active event? As in dynamic and ever changing?

Joe Biden can run his mouth all day long about an exception to the filibuster, but let's be honest: he can't do shit about how Congress does its business. And once the filibuster can be bypassed by an exception, it's gone. Everything will be an exception by both sides.

No, active as in no other Senate business got done while the filibuster was happening. Not sure if it has to be a talking filibuster like in the past where they went on as long as someone could keep talking.

But boy howdy I sure do agree with you that the problem is not our form of gov't but instead the people that are running it.
Pretty typical. Bad when they do it, great when we do it. And people condemn me when I will not support either party.
They are stuck in a false dichotomy and ASSUME anyone who points out their hypocrisy is a member of the opposite party.
We had a Senate Majority Leader who decided to deny a Supreme Court nomination because it was an election year.

That's not in the Constitution but that didn't stop the tard herd from cheering this blatantly partisan hackery.

Then that very same Senate Majority Leader gave two confirmations to the next president in an election year.

Strangely, the tard herd also cheered this extreme hypocrisy.

And now one of those tards has started a topic to whine about the other party ignoring the Constitution and rigging the courts and blah blah blah blah...

"A plague on both your houses."
Democrats are proving every day they have no regard for the Constitution or the well established processes of our government. Pack the Supreme Court, suspend the filibuster turn the Impeachment process into a Carnival show. They are dismantling everything they can before they get booted out.

That sounds reasonable. Just like how the court made an exception to its rulings to appease the anti-choicers.
No, active as in no other Senate business got done while the filibuster was happening.

Would you also change the requirement to end debate (cloture) from 60 to 50? Once that happens, that's the end of any chance at bipartisan deals and negotiations, which is the way it was intended to be. Tyranny of the majority. It would be mob rule, 50% votes +1 in the Senate as it is today in the House, and the minority party might as well not bother to show up for all the good it'll do them. Does anyone think Nancy Pelosi gives a tinker's damn about what the House repubs want? Or Joe Biden? Or Chuck Schumer in the Senate? As long as the Supreme Court does not strike down their legislation, they could do whatever the hell they want. Is that what you want?
Why are you repeating the same post I made?
I didn't. I posted the same link in a less manipulative format that reveals that the "GOP" being quoted is Maryland's Michael Steele...Never Trumper former GOP leader... a paid commentator on MSNBC...

"Squishy, pretend-Republican Michael Steele appeared on leftist MSNBC to assert that the GOP would overturn the filibuster to pass a federal ban on abortion if the party takes back the House and Senate in the midterms.

Host Katy Tur teed up the baseless accusation with the former chairman of the Republican National Committee by asking him if he thought the Republicans would go that far."

Could you find me a quote from Bill Crystal, Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney as well...just to round out the field?
I highly doubt the GOP would do that. Just as the dems had Manchin and Sinema to stop the democrats from doing it, so too would some republicans also refuse to vote for that, and more than two of them IMHO. Not when the majority of Americans support abortion in the 1st trimester. Nor any other reason for that matter.

Some House Republicans who oppose abortion rights are pushing legislation to implement a nationwide abortion ban at 15 weeks, coming just hours after the Supreme Court released its opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

So much for letting the states decide!
I highly doubt the GOP would do that. Just as the dems had Manchin and Sinema to stop the democrats from doing it, so too would some republicans also refuse to vote for that, and more than two of them IMHO. Not when the majority of Americans support abortion in the 1st trimester. Nor any other reason for that matter.

The way we are going it wont be long before we have one side or both arguing the majority only needs 47 votes to pass something.
Would you also change the requirement to end debate (cloture) from 60 to 50? Once that happens, that's the end of any chance at bipartisan deals and negotiations, which is the way it was intended to be. Tyranny of the majority. It would be mob rule, 50% votes +1 in the Senate as it is today in the House, and the minority party might as well not bother to show up for all the good it'll do them. Does anyone think Nancy Pelosi gives a tinker's damn about what the House repubs want? Or Joe Biden? Or Chuck Schumer in the Senate? As long as the Supreme Court does not strike down their legislation, they could do whatever the hell they want. Is that what you want?

The way the filibusters involved long speeches in which a senator attempted to block a vote from proceeding by refusing to yield the floor. It took effort and time and kept the Senate from doing anything else. Thus it was used sparingly and only on the most important issues.

Today we have the lazy "silent" filibuster and it takes no effort what so ever and has no impact on the work of the Senate and gives the minority party the true power in the senate outside of approving nominations.

I do not think any one in Congress today gives a tinker's damn what the other party wants or even what is good for the country. All that matters is party power. Do anything at all to harm the party power and you will be punished.

The current filibuster system gives the party in power a built in excuse for not getting shit done "Well, we tried but they did the filibuster". The current filibuster is stupid and just maintains the laziness of our elected officials.

So yeah, I say give whomever wins majority in the Senate the freedom to to whatever they want....if we the people do not like it, in 2 years we can change who has the majority.

What we have now is no longer sustainable as there is truly zero reasons to work with the other side and doing so is detrimental to your political career.

Some House Republicans who oppose abortion rights are pushing legislation to implement a nationwide abortion ban at 15 weeks, coming just hours after the Supreme Court released its opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

So much for letting the states decide!
Why are you complaining about this.

That's a compromise that will likely not make their constituents very happy at all.

Are you anti-everything?

The Dems are complaining and the Republicans are offering a compromise that will accommodate the Democrats concerns AND upset their own base.

And it rids the nation of second and third trimester abortions, which nearly no one supports.

Are you simply contrarian for the sake of being contrarian...or are you so butthurt over the Trump take over of the Republican party that you're out to sabotage any gains and/or compromises?
Democrats are proving every day they have no regard for the Constitution or the well established processes of our government. Pack the Supreme Court, suspend the filibuster turn the Impeachment process into a Carnival show. They are dismantling everything they can before they get booted out.

I'm sure you realize it was McConnell who ended the fillibuster for Sup Ct nominees.
Democrats are proving every day they have no regard for the Constitution or the well established processes of our government. Pack the Supreme Court, suspend the filibuster turn the Impeachment process into a Carnival show. They are dismantling everything they can before they get booted out.

Or, maybe - and bear with me here, I know it sounds crazy but - Democrats could put together a platform that had real consensus support from the public? Instead of just doubling down on stupid and hoping to squeeze out a slim electoral win the same old identity politics.
Why are you complaining about this.

That's a compromise that will likely not make their constituents very happy at all.

Are you anti-everything?

The Dems are complaining and the Republicans are offering a compromise that will accommodate the Democrats concerns AND upset their own base.

And it rids the nation of second and third trimester abortions, which nearly no one supports.

Are you simply contrarian for the sake of being contrarian...or are you so butthurt over the Trump take over of the Republican party that you're out to sabotage any gains and/or compromises?
The pro-life movement, of which I am a part, has consistently demanded that abortion be left up to the states.

This new movement to institute a nationwide ban is utterly contrary to the beliefs they have always claimed to have.

Like everything else, the modern day organization formerly known as the Republican party has tossed every last part of their beliefs out the window.

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