Biden considers himself, Obama, Pelosi and Schumer leaders of the Democratic Party...


'Ole Wise One'
Apr 20, 2016
Honolulu, Hawaii
This is the best news since they started putting pockets on shirts... I hope they sell this to the lemmings with the all the gusto they can muster up... We all know what the definition of insanity is " Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Albert Einstein...

I recall a member of USMB having the following as a sig when I first joined... The next Republican President has not been born yet... This individual jumped off the cliff...


Biden on Future Leaders of the Democratic Party: Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and Me
There's a void right now.

"Right now" being the operative words.

Just remember 2008: The Democrats thought they had pummeled the GOP into the ash heap of history. Then they went out and over-interpreted their perceived "mandate".

Let's see how the GOP does.
There's a void right now.

"Right now" being the operative words.

Just remember 2008: The Democrats thought they had pummeled the GOP into the ash heap of history. Then they went out and over-interpreted their perceived "mandate".

Let's see how the GOP does.

Void is the proper description, Mac1958... Success is the material that fills that void... IMHO, pbocare was the only success that he brought the Democratic Party in his first term... Possibly the worst healthcare bill that has ever been shoved down the people of the United States... But the party ate it up because he defied the legislative branch of the Government... This is how he won his second term... Promoting Socialism, Communism and Radical Islam was his downfall and was like spraying Roundup on the DNC in 2016...

We will have to see how successful the New Administration will be in the future... I gave pbo an opportunity to do great things in 2009 and it did not take very long for him to blow things up for any kind of partisanship...
The reality is, they are an establishment. The GOP was also until Trump used the protest vote to smash it, Sanders would have done the same had the Democrats believed in fair and honest primaries.

My opinion is that Democrat supporters shouldn't be angry at this point, they should show some respect for Republicans for the fact that their party allowed a candidate like Trump to be involved and succeed. Not that many didn't try to undermine his chances, but at least he was free to run in the primaries without a great deal of subversive tactics. The will of the people spoke, that was the truest form of democracy we have seen in our lifetimes, as ugly as it was.

If Biden really wanted to be a leader, he should have run for president, as Obama wanted. As far as I can see Obama rightfully believed Biden would be a better candidate and president than Hillary. I imagine Biden was stepping back for the parties sake and also due to his own personal family tragedy.

Politics changes so quickly now, it's a different world. I would predict the chances of Biden ever running for president now is slim. The most likely outcome of this current election is that the next person running for Democrats will be an outright socialist. This is why Trump is so going to be so aggressive on jobs. If he fails here the next president will be a socialist and the great nation of America, that beacon of light; will be finished.
This is why Trump is so going to be so aggressive on jobs. If he fails here the next president will be a socialist and the great nation of America, that beacon of light; will be finished.
Those who voted for Trump are still in celebratory mode, and that's perfectly understandable.

But they'd better get past this pretty quickly - the ball is entirely in their court now, and Trump will have maybe two years. After that the next Dem candidate starts firing with both barrels and in earnest.
This is why Trump is so going to be so aggressive on jobs. If he fails here the next president will be a socialist and the great nation of America, that beacon of light; will be finished.
Those who voted for Trump are still in celebratory mode, and that's perfectly understandable.

But they'd better get past this pretty quickly - the ball is entirely in their court now, and Trump will have maybe two years. After that the next Dem candidate starts firing with both barrels and in earnest.

Indeed. Here's a hint it will be different though, he is rolling back the system. Everyone realises that China is stabbing America in the back, all of their gains are coming from Americas losses. Yet, noone had the courage to confront it. Not Bush. not Obama. So when they sit for 8 years and wonder "how come I couldn't succeed as I wanted to?" they refuse to admit it's because they didnt't make the real tough choices.

Trump is rolling back NAFTA, going to punish China and businesses who leave America just for the cheap labour. If he does these things alone, I am going to argue it puts him in a far better spot to address what ails America. As a hardcore laissez-faire economist, it was tough to accept Trumps premises, until he started to speak about details that opened my eyes. 11 Million illegal immigrants, 70,000 factories closed forever, anemic growth rate relative to American history etc. One can't just close their eyes and pretend there isn't an underlying problem.

Globalization will still exist, but it requires some tweaking and evolution. Trump has seen this from the highest level as a billionaire, global investor. Regardless of how much I didn't like his rhetoric and tone during the election, he knows what is going on globally and he has friends and partners who express what is going on. Now he just has to act on what he knows, even if it shifts the system slightly.
Globalization will still exist, but it requires some tweaking and evolution. Trump has seen this from the highest level as a billionaire, global investor.
Whoa, holy crap, you're the only other person I've seen bring this up.

Yes, I understand the concept and attraction of globalization, but are simply not ready for it yet. And by "we", I mean "humans". And we may not be for decades or generations. The Left has been pushing too hard on this -- which is what ideologies always do -- and it's just not yet time.

We'll see. I've been wrong so many times about Trump at this point, I'll just watch and hope for the best. His most hopeful characteristic for me (and this is from someone who voted against him) is that he appears to be largely non-ideological, and that could be significant.
Bernie did well, the Dems need to reject American freedoms and values and openly embrace Socialism and Communism
Those who voted for Trump are still in celebratory mode, and that's perfectly understandable.

But they'd better get past this pretty quickly - the ball is entirely in their court now, and Trump will have maybe two years. After that the next Dem candidate starts firing with both barrels and in earnest.

Mac1958, what you say is absolutely correct... The DNC has to reorganize in the next 2 years if The Trump Administration has any success at all... Remember what happened to the House of Representatives in 2010... I think they called it a Tea Party... pbocare was rammed down the voters throat and then arrogance took up residence the Speaker of the House and Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid...

It will take some strong Democratic leadership if the Trump Admin. has any success at all...
Bernie did well, the Dems need to reject American freedoms and values and openly embrace Socialism and Communism

Seriously stop trying to find one word labels for your opponents. Bernie and Trump agreed on several issues. Is Trump a socialist?

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Actually Have a Lot in Common

Now later the media started screaming that they were totally different on every issue trying to scare the Bernie supporters into Hillary's corner. Obviously it didn't work.

This is the sad little truth. That no party is right on every issue, and no party is wrong on every issue. The Libertarian party is right about drugs. They should have been legalized years ago. Seriously. Take a moment and imagine the lawsuits that the cartels would be hit with ten minutes after the drugs are legalized. No one could afford to sell them. It would be a huge boon to the Mercedes and BMW dealers as every lawyer involved got new cars.

The Republicans are wrong on their support for all things law and order. The cops are not the faultless defenders of jack shit.

You realize I hope that Trump got elected despite going against the Republican Party on several issues.

Those issues will be major stumbling blocks for the administration since Republicans in Congress are unlikely to do much against their own interests.

Don't just question the left wing news. Question it all.

Sent from my iPhone using
Bernie did well, the Dems need to reject American freedoms and values and openly embrace Socialism and Communism

Seriously stop trying to find one word labels for your opponents. Bernie and Trump agreed on several issues. Is Trump a socialist?

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Actually Have a Lot in Common

Now later the media started screaming that they were totally different on every issue trying to scare the Bernie supporters into Hillary's corner. Obviously it didn't work.

This is the sad little truth. That no party is right on every issue, and no party is wrong on every issue. The Libertarian party is right about drugs. They should have been legalized years ago. Seriously. Take a moment and imagine the lawsuits that the cartels would be hit with ten minutes after the drugs are legalized. No one could afford to sell them. It would be a huge boon to the Mercedes and BMW dealers as every lawyer involved got new cars.

The Republicans are wrong on their support for all things law and order. The cops are not the faultless defenders of jack shit.

You realize I hope that Trump got elected despite going against the Republican Party on several issues.

Those issues will be major stumbling blocks for the administration since Republicans in Congress are unlikely to do much against their own interests.

Don't just question the left wing news. Question it all.

Sent from my iPhone using
There's a void right now.

"Right now" being the operative words.

Just remember 2008: The Democrats thought they had pummeled the GOP into the ash heap of history. Then they went out and over-interpreted their perceived "mandate".

Let's see how the GOP does.

Void is the proper description, Mac1958... Success is the material that fills that void... IMHO, pbocare was the only success that he brought the Democratic Party in his first term... Possibly the worst healthcare bill that has ever been shoved down the people of the United States... But the party ate it up because he defied the legislative branch of the Government... This is how he won his second term... Promoting Socialism, Communism and Radical Islam was his downfall and was like spraying Roundup on the DNC in 2016...

We will have to see how successful the New Administration will be in the future... I gave pbo an opportunity to do great things in 2009 and it did not take very long for him to blow things up for any kind of partisanship...
Ridge, I'm a little confused about your comment that the Democrats promoted "Socialism, Communism, and Radical Islam". Especially since Trump's new BFF is KGB trained and uses his early training as a leadership style. Many Republican also go a tad overboard in the rationale the defending non-violent American Muslims as support for "Radical Islam" IMHO. And then there's the tired and typical what-did-Obama-ever-do-for-the-country? Your denial is pre-noted: Here’s the verdict on that ‘terrible’ Obama economy
Ridge, I'm a little confused about your comment that the Democrats promoted "Socialism, Communism, and Radical Islam". Especially since Trump's new BFF is KGB trained and uses his early training as a leadership style. Many Republican also go a tad overboard in the rationale the defending non-violent American Muslims as support for "Radical Islam" IMHO. And then there's the tired and typical what-did-Obama-ever-do-for-the-country? Your denial is pre-noted: Here’s the verdict on that ‘terrible’ Obama economy

Bullwinkle first and foremost I never said the Democrats promoted what you listed. I said pbo was responsible for this.

Five Times Obama Has Apologized for America

( Videos of each Obama quote at link below text.)

1. April 3, 2009: Strasbourg, France

“In America, there’s a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.”

2. April 6, 2009: Ankara, Turkey to the Turkish Parliament

“Another issue that confronts all democracies as they move to the future is how we deal with the past. The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history.”

3. April 17, 2009, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, at the Summit of the Americas

“While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms.”

4. April 20, 2009: CIA headquarters, Langley, Va.

“Don’t be discouraged that we have to acknowledge potentially we’ve made some mistakes. That’s how we learn.”

5. May 21, 2009: National Archives in Washington D.C.

Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions. … I also believe that all too often our government made decisions based on fear rather than foresight; that all too often our government trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions. Instead of strategically applying our power and our principles, too often we set those principles aside as luxuries that we could no longer afford. And during this season of fear, too many of us — Democrats and Republicans, politicians, journalists, and citizens — fell silent. In other words, we went off course.”

As far as President Elect Trump's bff, is nothing but a partisan attack with no evidence at all...

pbo has been cooking the books in his favor for the last 8 years...
There's a void right now.

"Right now" being the operative words.

Just remember 2008: The Democrats thought they had pummeled the GOP into the ash heap of history. Then they went out and over-interpreted their perceived "mandate".

Let's see how the GOP does.

The difference is that in 2008 there were at least some lower level Republicans trying to make a name for themselves.

For the Dems, they best they may have is Booker from NJ, and as we have seen, NJ politicians often have issues due to the corrupt nature of Jersey politics.

Who else is there? Warren? Sanders part deux?
This is why Trump is so going to be so aggressive on jobs. If he fails here the next president will be a socialist and the great nation of America, that beacon of light; will be finished.
Those who voted for Trump are still in celebratory mode, and that's perfectly understandable.

But they'd better get past this pretty quickly - the ball is entirely in their court now, and Trump will have maybe two years. After that the next Dem candidate starts firing with both barrels and in earnest.

Just remember there are two types of Trump voters, those who think he can change things, and those who didn't want Hillary anywhere near the Oval office.

The "NeverHillary" people are already into post-gloat (I know I am).
There's a void right now.

"Right now" being the operative words.

Just remember 2008: The Democrats thought they had pummeled the GOP into the ash heap of history. Then they went out and over-interpreted their perceived "mandate".

Let's see how the GOP does.

The difference is that in 2008 there were at least some lower level Republicans trying to make a name for themselves.

For the Dems, they best they may have is Booker from NJ, and as we have seen, NJ politicians often have issues due to the corrupt nature of Jersey politics.

Who else is there? Warren? Sanders part deux?
Yeah, I dunno.

It may depend on the energy in the party, and which way it goes. So does it go hardcore with Sanders/Warren type, double down on Identity Politics, or move in more a Blue Dog direction (which I'd like to see)? Then a leader from within that could emerge. Maybe.
There's a void right now.

"Right now" being the operative words.

Just remember 2008: The Democrats thought they had pummeled the GOP into the ash heap of history. Then they went out and over-interpreted their perceived "mandate".

Let's see how the GOP does.

The difference is that in 2008 there were at least some lower level Republicans trying to make a name for themselves.

For the Dems, they best they may have is Booker from NJ, and as we have seen, NJ politicians often have issues due to the corrupt nature of Jersey politics.

Who else is there? Warren? Sanders part deux?
Yeah, I dunno.

It may depend on the energy in the party, and which way it goes. So does it go hardcore with Sanders/Warren type, double down on Identity Politics, or move in more a Blue Dog direction (which I'd like to see)? Then a leader from within that could emerge. Maybe.

I just can't trust the "blue dog" side of the Dems, because once in power, the core of the party tends to take hold. As opposed to the Republicans, where once in power the establishment types grab hold.

Clinton the First was able to keep the party mostly in the center, but I don't think they have anyone in the bullpen with that level of personality.
Even the huff-po is in fear of the future...

Democrats Are Not Very Excited About The Future Of Their Party | The Huffington Post

Democrats are not feeling especially rosy about their party’s path forward, a new HuffPost/YouGov survey released Sunday finds.

Just 13 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters say they’re enthusiastic about their party’s future, compared to 35 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning voters who say they are enthusiastic about the outlook for the GOP.

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