*biden continues to pay back ukraine for prosecutor firing

If the Bidens are so corrupt why does the right have to make things up about them?
Isn't that really the question to ask about the Left's claims about Trump?
  • 90% of all claims made by media attacking Trump were distortions to outright lies.
  • The Dems, working WITH government are working together to soft-pedal to outright conceal bad news about Joe.
  • If Trump were really so bad then why does the media lie so much?
  • And if Joe is so good (most popular president!) then why can't the Left find anything good about his administration to brag about?
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Isn't that really the question to ask about the Left's claims about Trump?
  • 90% of all claims made by media attacking Trump were distortions to outright lies.
  • The Dems, working WITH government are working together to soft-pedal to outright conceal bad news about Joe.
  • If Trump were really so bad then why does the media lie so much?
  • And if Joe is so good (most popular president!) then why can't the Left finding anything good about his administration to brag about?

Don't expect the democrats to raise even a finger questioning any of this. Hillary sold favors to foreign countries in exchange for contributions and Joe is on the same red wagon.

Yet the Dems had the temerity to impeach Trump for calling Ukraine to ask if they could help in his investigation of Biden corruption!

The real shame being that the GOP gave it all a total pass and McCarthy recently BRAGGED about the GOP letting stuff like this go as one of the GOP's "high water marks" in doing "what is best for the country" by taking it, doing nothing, then moving on, thus assuring it remains business as usual in DC.
Dirty corrupt democrat bastards get away with it because the media is just as corrupt.... I wrote McCarthy's office and asked where the Ukraine money is going since there is a war going on I asked how do they track the money...and that crooked RINO bastard never returned an answer.,...
Isn't that really the question to ask about the Left's claims about Trump?
  • 90% of all claims made by media attacking Trump were distortions to outright lies.
Can you support that number with evidence? As my kids used to say, 90% of all statistics are made up.
Can you support that number with evidence? As my kids used to say, 90% of all statistics are made up.
Maybe you could explain why media went silent on Trump claims proven to be false and saw their viewer rating plummet when the dust settled.
Can you support that number with evidence?


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