Biden Continues to Win the Hearts and Minds of Voters


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Don’t get upset at Uncle Joe for his attacks on voters, he’s under a lot of scrutiny right now. Calling voters a dog face pony soldier is what every candidate should do. Suspicions that the impeachment sham was a DNC scheme to prevent a fatally flawed Biden nomination look increasingly plausible.

And yes, we are going to learn a lot about what the DNC did. Trump 2020 Gold.

Don’t get upset at Uncle Joe for his attacks on voters, he’s under a lot of scrutiny right now. Calling voters a dog face pony soldier is what every candidate should do. Suspicions that the impeachment sham was a DNC scheme to prevent a fatally flawed Biden nomination look increasingly plausible.

And yes, we are going to learn a lot about what the DNC did. Trump 2020 Gold.

Somehow I STILL think Biden is going to beat Butt Boy and Bernie for the nomination.
He was supposed to win the election.

But he just looks worse and worse with zero momentum.
Poor woman.
By the tone of her voice, it sounded like she already had self-esteem in negative territory.
Joe finished her off.
Don’t get upset at Uncle Joe for his attacks on voters, he’s under a lot of scrutiny right now. Calling voters a dog face pony soldier is what every candidate should do. Suspicions that the impeachment sham was a DNC scheme to prevent a fatally flawed Biden nomination look increasingly plausible.

And yes, we are going to learn a lot about what the DNC did. Trump 2020 Gold.

Gee and here I thought it was Trump that was supposed to be the incompetent ass who is an idiot unable to even speak without offending people?
Don’t get upset at Uncle Joe for his attacks on voters, he’s under a lot of scrutiny right now. Calling voters a dog face pony soldier is what every candidate should do. Suspicions that the impeachment sham was a DNC scheme to prevent a fatally flawed Biden nomination look increasingly plausible.

And yes, we are going to learn a lot about what the DNC did. Trump 2020 Gold.

Wow! He may be nuttier than Lizzy Cheekbones!!
Considering the multiple threads, and all the other slime the right has thrown at him, I'd say he's got folks pretty worried.

Considering the multiple threads, and all the other slime the right has thrown at him, I'd say he's got folks pretty worried.


You and Joe got the same Alzheimer's doc?
Hmmm....that all you got, some ad homs for his supporters?
He's in better brain shape than the asshole at 1600 Pennsylvania right now.
The Good Lord has hardened the Satanic democrats hearts against winning. Any decent candidate like Tulsi, gets booted while these Communists and certifiable lunatics are the leaders
Considering the multiple threads, and all the other slime the right has thrown at him, I'd say he's got folks pretty worried.


You and Joe got the same Alzheimer's doc?
Hmmm....that all you got, some ad homs for his supporters?
He's in better brain shape than the asshole at 1600 Pennsylvania right now.

He can't even run a campaign fer' chrissakes!
He's fine.
When the democrats can't get their act together in 2020 in Iowa in the present tense, after that GINORMOUS impeachment failure, what's next? Get a time machine and sink the Lusitania posthumously? And blame Trump for it?
I used to be a democrat this much that I cant stand them anymore. The whole reality of rich white boys like Soros/Bloomberg living in their isolated communities and they dictating to us in their store bought echo chambers triggers me.
Crazy Joe said that impeachment trial Republicans used as "political hit job on him".

Wait, what?

Is it true or not that his son who's not qualified to run fryer at McDonald was on board of directors of Burisma? Is it not true that he got paid millions from them? Is it not true that Biden forced Ukraine to fire their prosecutor general, while threatening to withhold a billion of US dollars from them? Is it not true that Ukraine admitted they did interfered in our elections? Is it true or not that Biden was Barry's "point man" in Ukraine?

Now Crazy Joe insist that Trump was using Senate's impeachment trial against him. As far I know, Trump didn't even wanted the trial, it's Democrat party that pushed for it with their hoaxes, that just turned against Democrats themselves. Biden just turned out to be the collateral damage.

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