Biden couldnt have done this on his own

Fk dude Biden hadn’t been in any race until SC.
Right, a whopping 3 primaries. You're a goddamn genius.
Really? Name the 5 primaries before South Carolina, then.
Feb 3
Feb 11
New Hampshire
Feb 22
Feb 29
South Carolina
Mar 3
So we agree, SC was the fourth. And I know people are talking about an historical resurgence, but I also hear people calling this before Tuesday. I'm one of them, kind of. Southern Dems are traditional voters. They like people they are familiar with, like Biden, especially the black voters having to yet again choose among some white people.
Yeah cause they all met and plotted out Tuesday!
The DNC did it

How did they make people vote for Biden? Be specific.
They did not make people vote for Biden - they muscled the field down to 3 candidates. That is also why Warren, who has even less of a road to victory Buttigieg did, is still in this race. She peals a few votes from Sanders.

Denying the DNC did not whittle the field down is just purposefully ignoring the obvious. Consequently, this is exactly what the Republicans should have done last round but they let it ride and watched the populist tear the party apart. The Dems are trying desperately not to repeat that error and it looks like they are going to succeed. Bernie Bros will be upset but Bernie Bros are always upset.
Creepy Joe is a romantic stubbornly disguised as a realist, Crazy Bernie is a realist stubbornly disguised as a romantic.

your choice, America!
It is that simple

Republicans didn’t want Trump but they ended up with him because their candidates were too stubborn to drop out.

Fortunately, America wanted Trump!
Actually, America wanted Hillary
KKKalifornia wanted Hillary. 30 states wanted Trump, and if you look at my sig you will see the county breakdown.:iyfyus.jpg:
America is...

We the People
And America elected Trump.

But the people didn’t
Yea thats why he was winning until the DNC told the others to fuck off
Ahhhh, well he may have have pluralities, but Bernie didn't poll majorities in NC VA and Tx
I just looked at 4 recent polls on TX dem prinaries and bernie was leading them all.
I didnt check the other 2 because you are obviously making shit up

From Real Clear politics, the most recent three complete before the elections from the 3 largest states outside CA

Sanders Biden Bloomberg Warren Pete Klobachar Gabberd Steyer .. in that order

CBS News/YouGovCBS News 2/27 - 2/29 635 LV 30 26 13 17 6 6 0 1 Sanders +4
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 513 LV 30 21 21 13 9 5 1 1 Sanders +9
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 556 LV 34 19 15 10 8 3 1 1 Sanders +15

N. Car
East Carolina U.ECU 2/27 - 2/28 499 LV 29 25 14 11 5 4 1 Biden +4
Civitas (R)Civitas (R) 2/26 - 2/27 587 LV 27 19 16 11 5 4 -- Biden +8
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 568 LV 24 26 15 11 5 7 1 Sanders +2
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 536 LV 25 27 18 11 6 10 1 Sanders +2

Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/25 499 LV 19 28 17 17 5 1 12 Sanders +9
MonmouthMonmouth 2/13 - 2/16 400 LV 18 22 5 22 9 1 11 Tie
Christopher Newport Univ.CNU 2/3 - 2/23 561 LV 22 17 8 13 5 -- 8 Biden +5

Sanders didn't have a maj in any of those. I think if you total Sanders with Warren and the rest in another column, it's fairly even.

What happened appears to be that Bloomberg's support collapsed and went to Biden, and Bernie underperformed. Whether his base didn't come out (and it appears the new voters stayed home according to media) or the blacks really came out for Biden after SC and Bernie choosing not to show up for the march over the Pettis Bridge this weekend.

The problem with these polls (all of em) is that they were mostly done PRIOR to his endorsement from Clyburn and the huge win in SC.
I'm sorry but I don't see ANY polls giving Bernie close to 50% and that's what it takes to win a Dem nomination.

Ok, but I think we might be talking about different stuff ;)
Ahhhh, well he may have have pluralities, but Bernie didn't poll majorities in NC VA and Tx
I just looked at 4 recent polls on TX dem prinaries and bernie was leading them all.
I didnt check the other 2 because you are obviously making shit up

From Real Clear politics, the most recent three complete before the elections from the 3 largest states outside CA

Sanders Biden Bloomberg Warren Pete Klobachar Gabberd Steyer .. in that order

CBS News/YouGovCBS News 2/27 - 2/29 635 LV 30 26 13 17 6 6 0 1 Sanders +4
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 513 LV 30 21 21 13 9 5 1 1 Sanders +9
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 556 LV 34 19 15 10 8 3 1 1 Sanders +15

N. Car
East Carolina U.ECU 2/27 - 2/28 499 LV 29 25 14 11 5 4 1 Biden +4
Civitas (R)Civitas (R) 2/26 - 2/27 587 LV 27 19 16 11 5 4 -- Biden +8
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 568 LV 24 26 15 11 5 7 1 Sanders +2
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 536 LV 25 27 18 11 6 10 1 Sanders +2

Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/25 499 LV 19 28 17 17 5 1 12 Sanders +9
MonmouthMonmouth 2/13 - 2/16 400 LV 18 22 5 22 9 1 11 Tie
Christopher Newport Univ.CNU 2/3 - 2/23 561 LV 22 17 8 13 5 -- 8 Biden +5

Sanders didn't have a maj in any of those. I think if you total Sanders with Warren and the rest in another column, it's fairly even.

What happened appears to be that Bloomberg's support collapsed and went to Biden, and Bernie underperformed. Whether his base didn't come out (and it appears the new voters stayed home according to media) or the blacks really came out for Biden after SC and Bernie choosing not to show up for the march over the Pettis Bridge this weekend.

The problem with these polls (all of em) is that they were mostly done PRIOR to his endorsement from Clyburn and the huge win in SC.
I'm sorry but I don't see ANY polls giving Bernie close to 50% and that's what it takes to win a Dem nomination.

Ok, but I think we might be talking about different stuff ;)
I was talking about Sanders winning. If YOU or anyone had any doubt the centrists were going to coalesce over whomever had the best chance, you were mistaken
I just looked at 4 recent polls on TX dem prinaries and bernie was leading them all.
I didnt check the other 2 because you are obviously making shit up

From Real Clear politics, the most recent three complete before the elections from the 3 largest states outside CA

Sanders Biden Bloomberg Warren Pete Klobachar Gabberd Steyer .. in that order

CBS News/YouGovCBS News 2/27 - 2/29 635 LV 30 26 13 17 6 6 0 1 Sanders +4
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 513 LV 30 21 21 13 9 5 1 1 Sanders +9
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 556 LV 34 19 15 10 8 3 1 1 Sanders +15

N. Car
East Carolina U.ECU 2/27 - 2/28 499 LV 29 25 14 11 5 4 1 Biden +4
Civitas (R)Civitas (R) 2/26 - 2/27 587 LV 27 19 16 11 5 4 -- Biden +8
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 568 LV 24 26 15 11 5 7 1 Sanders +2
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 536 LV 25 27 18 11 6 10 1 Sanders +2

Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/25 499 LV 19 28 17 17 5 1 12 Sanders +9
MonmouthMonmouth 2/13 - 2/16 400 LV 18 22 5 22 9 1 11 Tie
Christopher Newport Univ.CNU 2/3 - 2/23 561 LV 22 17 8 13 5 -- 8 Biden +5

Sanders didn't have a maj in any of those. I think if you total Sanders with Warren and the rest in another column, it's fairly even.

What happened appears to be that Bloomberg's support collapsed and went to Biden, and Bernie underperformed. Whether his base didn't come out (and it appears the new voters stayed home according to media) or the blacks really came out for Biden after SC and Bernie choosing not to show up for the march over the Pettis Bridge this weekend.

The problem with these polls (all of em) is that they were mostly done PRIOR to his endorsement from Clyburn and the huge win in SC.
I'm sorry but I don't see ANY polls giving Bernie close to 50% and that's what it takes to win a Dem nomination.

Ok, but I think we might be talking about different stuff ;)
I was talking about Sanders winning. If YOU or anyone had any doubt the centrists were going to coalesce over whomever had the best chance, you were mistaken

Oh I had no doubt the the centrists would coalesce. Still confused, but I'm confused most of the time ;)
Depends on what you mean by “America”.
The America that trump is president. Your president
Whew, that was tough

Americans don’t vote for president. If they did, Trump wouldn’t be president.
That sucks for you then
That’s why I question people when they said “America voted for Trump”. They aren’t referring to Americans. That’s all.
Well sure they are, it’s the United States of Americans. Who else votes?

Americans don’t vote for president.
The America that trump is president. Your president
Whew, that was tough

Americans don’t vote for president. If they did, Trump wouldn’t be president.
That sucks for you then
That’s why I question people when they said “America voted for Trump”. They aren’t referring to Americans. That’s all.
Well sure they are, it’s the United States of Americans. Who else votes?

Americans don’t vote for president.
I love the EC
The America that trump is president. Your president
Whew, that was tough

Americans don’t vote for president. If they did, Trump wouldn’t be president.
That sucks for you then
That’s why I question people when they said “America voted for Trump”. They aren’t referring to Americans. That’s all.
Well sure they are, it’s the United States of Americans. Who else votes?

Americans don’t vote for president.
who in the united states of americans votes then? i'm curious where you're going.
Americans don’t vote for president. If they did, Trump wouldn’t be president.
That sucks for you then
That’s why I question people when they said “America voted for Trump”. They aren’t referring to Americans. That’s all.
Well sure they are, it’s the United States of Americans. Who else votes?

Americans don’t vote for president.
who in the united states of americans votes then? i'm curious where you're going.
Americans vote alright. Although our turnout rate is rather poor in the industrialized world.

Americans don’t vote for president. Look up the electoral college.
That sucks for you then
That’s why I question people when they said “America voted for Trump”. They aren’t referring to Americans. That’s all.
Well sure they are, it’s the United States of Americans. Who else votes?

Americans don’t vote for president.
who in the united states of americans votes then? i'm curious where you're going.
Americans vote alright. Although our turnout rate is rather poor in the industrialized world.

Americans don’t vote for president. Look up the electoral college.
hahahahahahahaha americans in states vote for the states delegates. Americans vote for the state delegates for the candidate running for ............. wait for it.........president.
That’s why I question people when they said “America voted for Trump”. They aren’t referring to Americans. That’s all.
Well sure they are, it’s the United States of Americans. Who else votes?

Americans don’t vote for president.
who in the united states of americans votes then? i'm curious where you're going.
Americans vote alright. Although our turnout rate is rather poor in the industrialized world.

Americans don’t vote for president. Look up the electoral college.
hahahahahahahaha americans in states vote for the states delegates. Americans vote.

Americans vote but they don’t vote for president. It’s a fact.
Well sure they are, it’s the United States of Americans. Who else votes?

Americans don’t vote for president.
who in the united states of americans votes then? i'm curious where you're going.
Americans vote alright. Although our turnout rate is rather poor in the industrialized world.

Americans don’t vote for president. Look up the electoral college.
hahahahahahahaha americans in states vote for the states delegates. Americans vote.

Americans vote but they don’t vote for president. It’s a fact.
you're thought process is just all fkd like you.

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