Biden couldnt have done this on his own

The DNC did it despite the lefts rhetoric. The DNC can do what it wants because it knows most of its cult will fall in line.
Democrats are fucking pathetic
If you are referring to the sudden shift in their primary game plan, I don't see the problem. The DNC is a privately owned and operated organization and any American has the right to influence our political landscape as they see fit. Comrade Bernie may have a rabid base but almost nothing beyond it and would be roadkill for D Trump. Biden is marginally better and will also get run over by the T-Train but may not take the party down with him.

And JFTR, Sanders is not a Democrat.
Biden can prove unbeatable in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin

States Trump can’t win without
And how will Biden do that? He doesn't at this point know what (or who) Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin are, FFS.

C'mon man … turn on your record player.

Biden has a strong labor record.
He won’t ignore those states like Hillary did
Fortunately, America wanted Trump!
Depends on what you mean by “America”.
The America that trump is president. Your president
Whew, that was tough

Americans don’t vote for president. If they did, Trump wouldn’t be president.
That sucks for you then
That’s why I question people when they said “America voted for Trump”. They aren’t referring to Americans. That’s all.
Well sure they are, it’s the United States of Americans. Who else votes?
They don’t want Bernie, it’s that simple
It is that simple

Republicans didn’t want Trump but they ended up with him because their candidates were too stubborn to drop out.

Fortunately, America wanted Trump!
Actually, America wanted Hillary
KKKalifornia wanted Hillary. 30 states wanted Trump, and if you look at my sig you will see the county breakdown.:iyfyus.jpg:
America is...

We the People
And America elected Trump.

Buttgig was getting 20% of votes that’s fking ridiculous.
No dummy, Pete got 14% and 8% in the last two primaries before Super Tuesday.

Why are you such a damn idiot? Is this trolling? Say stupid shit, then revel in the attention when people prove you wrong?
Buttgig was getting 20% of votes that’s fking ridiculous.
No dummy, Pete got 14% and 8% in the last two primaries before Super Tuesday.

Why are you such a damn idiot? Is this trolling? Say stupid shit, then revel in the attention when people prove you wrong?
Fk dude Biden hadn’t been in any race until SC. So fking what? Buttgig voters will go to Biden. He told them to. Right? It’s now conclusive that you are indeed stupid
Biden is a suit with a retarded puppet in it. Someone else is hiding behind the curtain, pulling his strings, and that's what a Biden presidency would be.

He probably wouldn't even be aware of whatever bills or orders he was signing when they placed them on the desk and handed him a pen.

"Just sign the papers Mr. President, and we'll give you your squeaky toy back..."
Change "Biden" to "Trump" and you've got a perfectly accurate post.

Can't tue both be that?
Fk dude Biden hadn’t been in any race until SC.
Right, a whopping 3 primaries. You're a goddamn genius.
Really? Name the 5 primaries before South Carolina, then.
Feb 3
Feb 11
New Hampshire
Feb 22
Feb 29
South Carolina
Mar 3
So we agree, SC was the fourth. And I know people are talking about an historical resurgence, but I also hear people calling this before Tuesday. I'm one of them, kind of. Southern Dems are traditional voters. They like people they are familiar with, like Biden, especially the black voters having to yet again choose among some white people.

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