Biden declared Jackson non qualified

In the end, even whether she is confirmed or not is irrelevant. If she were confirmed she replaces a radical leftist who has contempt for the Constitution. Breyer differs from Jackson only in that Breyer isn't a racist.

If Jackson isn't confirmed then Soros will just put out another racist radical Communist. You will NEVER push a Roberts onto the democrats, only conservatives switch sides once confirmed.

And it won't matter because the court will still be 5 to 4.
How the previous picks for SCOTUS were screened for their qualifications has everything to do with this. You are making claims about the current one that you did not make about the past ones, and the only difference is the color of their skin.

You area racist piece of shit, just own up to it and move on

Trolling Traitor, how was "Wise Latina" Sotomayor, the Teddy Kennedy of the SCOTUS, "screened for qualifications?"

Female? Check!
Hispanic? Check!
Communist? Check!


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Go fuck yourself. You’re a coward who STILL hasn’t shown one thing I allegedly said about skin color. My family says you’re a fucking retarded coward with no balls asshole. Stay stupid.

Oh no! Your imaginary family says mean things about ever will I be able to sleep tonight!

The only reason to ask for LSAT scores is due to her skin color, you know that and I know that.

Now, go hug your imaginary family :banana: :banana: :banana:
Oh no! Your imaginary family says mean things about ever will I be able to sleep tonight!

The only reason to ask for LSAT scores is due to her skin color, you know that and I know that.

Now, go hug your imaginary family :banana: :banana: :banana:
Just to bitch slap your fucking retarded, racist, piece of shit, uneducated ass some more, you can now produce where I said anything about LSAT scores you proven lying asshole. Talk about much family again fuckwad. Oh right, you don’t have the balls to say any of this shit to anybody's face. Now go fuck your male blow up doll “wife” some more. :fu::fu::ahole-1:
He does though. You all did not ask for his LSAT scores because he was a white dude.

You all never talked about his overturned rulings because he was a white dude

Nope, you are just a parrot spewing the party talking points. You have no idea how many times she has been overturned as a ratio of her rulings and no idea how that compares to other justices.
He only had one ruling that was overturned.
She has an affection for sex offenders.

Apparently some can’t handle the truth you stated. It is true.

And this is being set up to help step this pervert down.

i would shut up too when one can't refute a single word of what I said.....

And I will repeat it

Conservatives have been against EVERY EMANCIPATION EFFORT made by virtually EVERY HISTORICALLY OPPRESSED GROUP

Black folks..

Hell, Conservatives even gave handicap folks a hard fucking time when they advocated for things...

Then they bang on about us being a republic, not a democracy! LOL. In a pure republic, representatives supposedly protect minorities by isolating them from the tyranny of majority rule where everyone decides everything for themselves individually. One might think, Hey, I know. Promoting some minorities to power would ensure their interests get represented, right? Republicans here respond, "What!? That's racism you emasculated communist!"
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Mod's I apologize if there is already a thread - but I couldn't find one.

Biden's pick is Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Jackson is a radical left Marxist with open contempt for the Constitution. Brown was appointed to the federal court of appeals just over a year ago by Biden and required a tie breaking vote from Harris to gain confirmation.

Jackson has literally ZERO chance of confirmation.

But that is the point. The democrats face a BRUTAL mid-term election. Soros nominated Jackson precisely because she can't be confirmed. The party seeks to leverage this to paint Republicans as racist and misogynist for opposing Jackson. (To democrats. Justice Barrett isn't a woman since she didn't kill her babies.)

This is all about campaigning.

I don't know what the odds are of confirmation, we shall see.

But Sleepy Joe missed a huge opportunity to nominate a BIPARTISAN pick- a black chick that is acceptable to the center. Had Biden nominated Candace Owens, or perhaps Diamond and/or Silk, the GOP would be glad to support a candidate willing to be bipartisan.
I don't know what the odds are of confirmation, we shall see.

But Sleepy Joe missed a huge opportunity to nominate a BIPARTISAN pick- a black chick that is acceptable to the center. Had Biden nominated Candace Owens, or perhaps Diamond and/or Silk, the GOP would be glad to support a candidate willing to be bipartisan.

But those aren't serious nominees.

Someone like Janice Rogers Brown is, though.

Oh, but Xi's man filibustered to block her.


"I can assure that would be a very, very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibustered," Biden told CBS' "Face the Nation."

Mark Chenoweth is with the New Civil Liberties Alliance.

"They didn't want President (George W.) Bush to have the opportunity to appoint the first Hispanic male or African-American female to the U.S. Supreme Court," he told NewsMax.

"So they thought if they could keep those folks from getting elevated to the court right below that, then they could keep that from happening."}

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Another thing I dislike about Jackson is the fact that she would be just another justice from Harvard or Yale as 8 justices already come from those 2 institutions.

How about some DIVERSITY on the Supreme Court?

Aren't there black broads graduating from schools in other parts of the country? Why not someone from Alabama or Michigan? Perhaps Liberty, Oral Roberts or Bob Jones?

This is just the same old shit, different day.
I don't know what the odds are of confirmation, we shall see.

But Sleepy Joe missed a huge opportunity to nominate a BIPARTISAN pick- a black chick that is acceptable to the center. Had Biden nominated Candace Owens, or perhaps Diamond and/or Silk, the GOP would be glad to support a candidate willing to be bipartisan.
Oh bwaahahahahah....

Diamond and/or Silk both are smarter than Jackson...

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