Biden delivers the perfect Q1 '23 GDP.. not too high, not too low. Market is amazed.

Remember how conservatives ridiculed anyone who didn't think we were in a recession?

That got flushed down the memory hole.
You are exposing how stupid someone is, just not who you think it is.

Of course it is. That idiot denied saying Trump created jobs. So I quoted him saying Trump created jobs. Even worse, he claims the most workers we had was in the 1990’s. Completely false according to BLS statistics.
You mean like the Fed raising the federal fund rate?

OMG! Do you get your economic ideas from The Banker

Where do you get these bizarre ideas????

It's stupid but I'll explain it to you: the government puts the money printing presses into overdrive, the money flows through essentially the same economy making everything more expensive -- this is the tricky and stupid part - in an effort to "curb inflation" instead of taking dollars OUT of the economy, the Federal reserves raises interest rates to curtail or crimple economy growth. It's fucking stupid, but that's modern economics. I was an economic major and nearly scratched a hole in my head trying to figure this out
The Fed controls the money supply, not Biden. The biggest increase in the money supply came under Trump.

It's like Global Warming, they've been fed lies sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many fucking time they no longer know what's reality
Who in their right mind would want to invest in America now?

Massive inflation, $33 trillion in debt, millions and millions of goddamn Illegals flooding into the country with drugs and welfare, a combined cost of government being almost 40% of the GDP, a weakened military, artificial high cost of energy, dismal economic growth and a corrupt President that is owned by the Chicoms.
Move. We will miss you.
Inflation is caused by a sudden increase in money supply. That's about all you have to know. If the economy is worth $100 and the government suddenly decides to print up $125 worth of dollars, you get inflation
I haven’t disagreed with anything you said.

All I said was that the federal reserve controls the money supply, not the president. I also said that the money supply expanded most under the last administration. You can see that here.

Inflation is caused by a sudden increase in money supply. That's about all you have to know. If the economy is worth $100 and the government suddenly decides to print up $125 worth of dollars, you get inflation
You can get inflation when supply is less than demand without any money supply changes.

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