Biden Denies RFK Jr. Secret Service Protection For The THIRD Time

What an A-hole Biden is. RFK Jr. has already had his house broken into by an intruder. There's no doubt that Biden wants RFK Jr. eliminated because the recent polls show him pulling 17% of the vote away from him in swing states. If I remember correctly, when Obama ran Bush gave him Secret Service protection within 3 months. RFK Jr. deserves it. There's no doubt another Sirhan Sirhan is out there wanting to bump off another Kennedy.

If RFK Jr. is assassinated you can kiss any chances the Joe Biden can win the Presidential election in the trash can.

Once again Joe Biden proves beyond any doubt that he is not a capable President. In my opinion Joe Biden is the worst President in modern history even worse than Jimmy Carter.
If RFK Jr. is assassinated you can kiss any chances the Joe Biden can win the Presidential election in the trash can.

Once again Joe Biden proves beyond any doubt that he is not a capable President. In my opinion Joe Biden is the worst President in modern history even worse than Jimmy Carter.
now there is the best reason ever to protect rfk.he teavels to these proud boy recruiting rallies, and it may not escape a real trump fan that .223 would be enough to win one for dear leader.
nice arbitrary number there

haley, who opposes trump, probably needs the protection more than his dem running god does.
Well, reading the articles, it should also be based, somewhat, upon the numbers of threats the individual particular campaigns have received.

It seems to me, they have received credible threats, but then? We only hear from them, so their PoV might be biased. We don't get to see the internal investigations.

Everyone has their own biases of course.
You leftists make excuses for everything, Kennedy isn't lying, you are. I don't give a flying fuck what the statute says about 120 days, the Xiden Admin. turned Kennedy down three times. Democruds eat their own as well, you see it all the time - look at Gabbard and Bernie.

On November 5, 2015, Ben Carson and Trump were provided Secret Service protection, even Obummer's Democracks were better than this corrupt/anti- Democratic-Constitution - Ethics Demonicrats.

"Then-candidate Donald Trump received Secret Service protection almost one year prior to the 2016 general election, after being approved in 2015, along with fellow GOP contender Ben Carson, in the lead-up to the Iowa caucuses. In 2020, now-President Joe Biden said that candidates should receive protection earlier than normal, after a protester rushed the stage at an event and his wife ran toward them in defense of her husband.

Like Biden in 2020, Mike Pence once had Secret Service protection as vice president but doesn't have it currently on the campaign trail, nor has he requested it as of now, according to his campaign. Federal law states that vice presidents lose their Secret Service protection six months after leaving office."

now there is the best reason ever to protect rfk.he teavels to these proud boy recruiting rallies, and it may not escape a real trump fan that .223 would be enough to win one for dear leader.
Why would a Proud Boy assassinate RFK Jr. to help Trump. He is taking more votes from Joe Biden than Trump. Even Trump feels RFK Jr. hurts Joe Biden.

Well, reading the articles, it should also be based, somewhat, upon the numbers of threats the individual particular campaigns have received.

It seems to me, they have received credible threats, but then? We only hear from them, so their PoV might be biased. We don't get to see the internal investigations.

Everyone has their own biases of course.
secret service protection costs are very high, and they have lost a few. (there are a few studies of secret service practices on 22 nov 1963.)

rfk may have more reason for paranoia than most. i find the death threats , harassment and cyber bullying very ungentlemanly, but in the trump era do as trump does i guess.

there is a law authorizing protection, perhaps it is being followed and needs revision? perhaps it is being interpreted in a politically advantageous way? trump era stuff.
Why would a Proud Boy assassinate RFK Jr. to help Trump. He is taking more votes from Joe Biden than Trump. Even Trump feels RFK Jr. hurts Joe Biden.

there was a post upthread that postulated that if rfk were assassinated it would be blamed on biden (fairly or not) and trump would win, through popular renulsion at bidens horriblealleged deed , the mandate he will claim whether he wins or not.

it kind of makes sense , because, you know as well as i that some very crazy people take trumps every dumb ass tweet as marching orders.

too long and rambling of an answer, but, eehh.
there was a post upthread that postulated that if rfk were assassinated it would be blamed on biden (fairly or not) and trump would win, through popular renulsion at bidens horriblealleged deed , the mandate he will claim whether he wins or not.

it kind of makes sense , because, you know as well as i that some very crazy people take trumps every dumb ass tweet as marching orders.

too long and rambling of an answer, but, eehh.
Most of the craziness are Progs. We see it every day. And are then told different.
there was a post upthread that postulated that if rfk were assassinated it would be blamed on biden (fairly or not) and trump would win, through popular renulsion at bidens horriblealleged deed , the mandate he will claim whether he wins or not.

it kind of makes sense , because, you know as well as i that some very crazy people take trumps every dumb ass tweet as marching orders.

too long and rambling of an answer, but, eehh.
Well if RFK Jr. Is assassinated you can bet the liberal media will try to blame Trump. The FBI will of course try to blame it on a MAGA Christian Trump supporter. They are probably trying to find some fool to be used as the fall guy right now.
What an A-hole Biden is. RFK Jr. has already had his house broken into by an intruder. There's no doubt that Biden wants RFK Jr. eliminated because the recent polls show him pulling 17% of the vote away from him in swing states. If I remember correctly, when Obama ran Bush gave him Secret Service protection within 3 months. RFK Jr. deserves it. There's no doubt another Sirhan Sirhan is out there wanting to bump off another Kennedy.

Fauci gets a team of US marshals, even though he retired 18 months ago!


What an A-hole Biden is. RFK Jr. has already had his house broken into by an intruder. There's no doubt that Biden wants RFK Jr. eliminated because the recent polls show him pulling 17% of the vote away from him in swing states. If I remember correctly, when Obama ran Bush gave him Secret Service protection within 3 months. RFK Jr. deserves it. There's no doubt another Sirhan Sirhan is out there wanting to bump off another Kennedy.

I hope Hillary doesn’t send RFK a suicide request
Did you see that smirk of his when he was asked about Trump’s convictions? That man is evil.
One of his high ranking federal DOJ officials took a major demotion and was placed under Alvin Bragg in NY just before Braggs activist prosecution started.

Very suspect… it’s not crazy to think he and/or his administration was driving this along.
One of his high ranking federal DOJ officials took a major demotion and was placed under Alvin Bragg in NY just before Braggs activist prosecution started.

Very suspect… it’s not crazy to think he and/or his administration was driving this along.
Yes, I was aware of this. Biden’s administration was knee-deep in pushing for this ridiculous “felony conviction” so they could label Trump with it and hope the useful idiots fall for it.

I expect Biden and both mods will be on a three-person attack using this to try to anger Trump while “convincing” people he’s a criminal.

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