Biden Deserves Credit, Not Blame, for Afghanistan

The rumors I am hearing is the Taliban is rounding up the Afghans who helped us and executing them. Also many of the people we “rescued“ never helped us at all.

Rumors? When you have facts, let me know.

I was wondering how long it would take you shitheads to go from "Oh, my God those poor Afghans" to "Oh, my God, Scary Muslims!!!"

If true this will damage our reputations for years and years if not decades and decades. It will be hard to find anyone willing to work with us when we invade nations in the future. We will make nice promises and the natives will laugh at us and remind us of Afghanistan.
You talk like that's a bad thing. If that were the case, no one would have trusted us after Vietnam, but whenever we foolishly invade a country, there will ALWAYS be quislings willing to take our money and pretend to be on our side as long as we pay them.

What should happen is we should learn is that you can't invade someone else's country and then expect them to be happy about it. But we didn't learn that lesson 50 years ago in Vietnam and we didn't learn it 100 years ago in the Philippines.

We also left billions of dollars of operational weapons and vehicles.

Yes, the military industrial complex made a killing... so what? Most of that equipment is obsolete and they'll have a hard time maintaining it.
Even Ann Coulter recognizes Biden deserves credit.

The Biden apologists are shameless.
How about a balanced assessment? But first, tell me who won the 2020 election and are you vaccinated?. I need to handicap your assessment based on those answers.
Whether the Afghan war was really a failure in any way remains to be seen.

Our primary goal was to destroy Al Queda in Afghanistan. We succeeded in that mission.

We had no interest in removing the Taliban from power, except for the fact that they were protecting Al Queda. They are no longer protecting Al Queda.

No, we did not invade Afghanistan to promote women's rights.

At this point, the Taliban is not the same Taliban that it was 20 years ago. They have suffered for 20 years under American occupation (and they didn't like it), and they're unlikely to make the same mistakes that led to the start of this war. They are more likely to play nice with the world community.

Afghanistan has been permanently transformed.

Anybody that joins the military knows what the risks are. If she didn't want her son to take those risks she should have convinced him not to join the military.

This could have been written by any mother whose lost a son or daughter in any war.

It's the conscripts that we should feel sorry for, not the volunteers.
Whether the Afghan war was really a failure in any way remains to be seen.

Our primary goal was to destroy Al Queda in Afghanistan. We succeeded in that mission.

We had no interest in removing the Taliban from power, except for the fact that they were protecting Al Queda. They are no longer protecting Al Queda.

No, we did not invade Afghanistan to promote women's rights.

At this point, the Taliban is not the same Taliban that it was 20 years ago. They have suffered for 20 years under American occupation (and they didn't like it), and they're unlikely to make the same mistakes that led to the start of this war. They are more likely to play nice with the world community.

Afghanistan has been permanently transformed.
Afghanistan has been permanently transformed? How so? It looks to me as though it's in the same condition as it was in 2000. There's no apperant transformation.

Al Qaeda does exist in Afghanistan. We helped reconstitute them. The Taliban isn't going to drive them out.

The twenty year war was all a waste of time, money and lives. ,
Rumors? When you have facts, let me know.

I was wondering how long it would take you shitheads to go from "Oh, my God those poor Afghans" to "Oh, my God, Scary Muslims!!!"

You talk like that's a bad thing. If that were the case, no one would have trusted us after Vietnam, but whenever we foolishly invade a country, there will ALWAYS be quislings willing to take our money and pretend to be on our side as long as we pay them.

What should happen is we should learn is that you can't invade someone else's country and then expect them to be happy about it. But we didn't learn that lesson 50 years ago in Vietnam and we didn't learn it 100 years ago in the Philippines.

Yes, the military industrial complex made a killing... so what? Most of that equipment is obsolete and they'll have a hard time maintaining it.
I have stated my approach before.

Our military is great at destroying things. Unfortunately they and our politicians suck at nation rebuilding.

They next time a terrorist group kills a large number of people in our nation we should first ask the nation that is harboring them to turn them over to us. If that doesn’t happen we should invade and destroy the terrorists and anything that stands in our way. Then we should pack up and leave but mention if necessary we will return and hell on earth will reign again In that nation.

Of course that policy will never be followed as the military industrial complex makes big bucks off of nation rebuilding and politicians and their friends make fortunes through corruption and malfeasance.
Serious question. There’s been regular flights to Afghanistan. Why didn’t anyone leave earlier if everyone was so eager to do so?

The answer, asshole, is that the people only wanted to leave when there was imminent danger. There was only imminent danger when the military pulled out and the Afghan government collapsed.

So you see, your childish thinking doesn’t get the challenges, does it?

The reason people didn't leave before Shaky Joe surrendered is very simple: Because they are someone's employees and they were at their jobs. There was no danger to them before Shaky Joe got skeered and ran.
Afghanistan has been permanently transformed? How so? It looks to me as though it's in the same condition as it was in 2000. There's no apperant transformation.

Al Qaeda does exist in Afghanistan. We helped reconstitute them. The Taliban isn't going to drive them out.

The twenty year war was all a waste of time, money and lives. ,

There is no evidence so far that any of what you say is true. Just some blathering Trumpbots.

We'll find out in the coming years whether the Taliban has been transformed, but all evidence at this time points to "Yes".
The reason people didn't leave before Shaky Joe surrendered is very simple: Because they are someone's employees and they were at their jobs. There was no danger to them before Shaky Joe got skeered and ran.
Who was their employer and what was their job?
Why were they even in Afghanistan? Vacation?
Everyone that I’ve read about are people visiting family. Almost exclusively recent immigrants to the US, often on SIV through their work with the US government.
There is no evidence so far that any of what you say is true. Just some blathering Trumpbots.

We'll find out in the coming years whether the Taliban has been transformed, but all evidence at this time points to "Yes".
I can see that you can’t be taken seriously
After 20 years of aimless war it is over thanks to the political whim of Trump and the political will of Biden.
American involvement in a war that has gone on for over 40 years, is largely over. Final details yet to be seen.

The conflict/war in the Afghan region will remain, and likely spread back towards Pakistan, where the Taliban has roots, a base, and support of significant factions within the ISI

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