Biden Deserves Credit, Not Blame, for Afghanistan

This from the Atlantic guy gets it:

America’s longest war has been by any measure a costly failure, and the errors in managing the conflict deserve scrutiny in the years to come. But Joe Biden doesn’t “own” the mayhem on the ground right now. What we’re seeing is the culmination of 20 years of bad decisions by U.S. political and military leaders. If anything, Americans should feel proud of what the U.S. government and military have accomplished in these past two weeks. President Biden deserves credit, not blame.

Unlike his three immediate predecessors in the Oval Office, all of whom also came to see the futility of the Afghan operation, Biden alone had the political courage to fully end America’s involvement. Although Donald Trump made a plan to end the war, he set a departure datethat fell after the end of his first term and created conditions that made the situation Biden inherited more precarious. And despite significant pressure and obstacles, Biden has overseen a military and government that have managed, since the announcement of America’s withdrawal, one of the most extraordinary logistical feats in their recent history. By the time the last American plane lifts off from Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 31, the total number of Americans and Afghan allies extricated from the country may exceed 120,000.

Biden fan fiction...LOL!
I’m not buying that. We’ve been there 20 years. We apparently have lots of friendly Afghans willing to help us, based on the number trying to leave the country. This is a failure for which people need to be held accountable.
No we didn’t. We had lots of Afghans who were taking our money and doing whatever they wanted. We’ve never had any real connection to Afghans.
This from the Atlantic guy gets it:

America’s longest war has been by any measure a costly failure, and the errors in managing the conflict deserve scrutiny in the years to come. But Joe Biden doesn’t “own” the mayhem on the ground right now. What we’re seeing is the culmination of 20 years of bad decisions by U.S. political and military leaders. If anything, Americans should feel proud of what the U.S. government and military have accomplished in these past two weeks. President Biden deserves credit, not blame.

Unlike his three immediate predecessors in the Oval Office, all of whom also came to see the futility of the Afghan operation, Biden alone had the political courage to fully end America’s involvement. Although Donald Trump made a plan to end the war, he set a departure datethat fell after the end of his first term and created conditions that made the situation Biden inherited more precarious. And despite significant pressure and obstacles, Biden has overseen a military and government that have managed, since the announcement of America’s withdrawal, one of the most extraordinary logistical feats in their recent history. By the time the last American plane lifts off from Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 31, the total number of Americans and Afghan allies extricated from the country may exceed 120,000.


President Biden did as promised when promised, ending Bush's failed, illegal war in Afghanistan.
I’m not buying that. We’ve been there 20 years. We apparently have lots of friendly Afghans willing to help us, based on the number trying to leave the country. This is a failure for which people need to be held accountable.
“People” spread over 20 years
Intelligence told Biden that the Afghan army would fall quickly, Biden watched the Afghan army collapse in province after province and STILL left 89 billion dollars worth of arms and equipment to be turned over to the Taliban. It is an inexcusable fuck up.
Just assume Biden knew the Afghan Army would fold quickly.

What do we do then?
This from the Atlantic guy gets it:

America’s longest war has been by any measure a costly failure, and the errors in managing the conflict deserve scrutiny in the years to come. But Joe Biden doesn’t “own” the mayhem on the ground right now. What we’re seeing is the culmination of 20 years of bad decisions by U.S. political and military leaders. If anything, Americans should feel proud of what the U.S. government and military have accomplished in these past two weeks. President Biden deserves credit, not blame.

Unlike his three immediate predecessors in the Oval Office, all of whom also came to see the futility of the Afghan operation, Biden alone had the political courage to fully end America’s involvement. Although Donald Trump made a plan to end the war, he set a departure datethat fell after the end of his first term and created conditions that made the situation Biden inherited more precarious. And despite significant pressure and obstacles, Biden has overseen a military and government that have managed, since the announcement of America’s withdrawal, one of the most extraordinary logistical feats in their recent history. By the time the last American plane lifts off from Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 31, the total number of Americans and Afghan allies extricated from the country may exceed 120,000.

The "Atlantic" are proven liars. Whatever they say is to be ignored.
It's sad that some people are so cognitively dissonant that they fall for this propagnda.

In other news: Xiden abandoned thousands of people who are now hostages of the Taliban. Some will be murdered. Some will be raped. Some will be enslaved. And he also gifted the Taliban $85B+ of military equipment and armaments.

Heckuva Job, Plugs!
You talk about propaganda then post “Xiden”. You’re blinded by hate. May God have mercy on your soul.
I’m sure some of that is true, but it can’t explain the immediate collapse of a government Joe and others in our government claimed would continue to rule. The fact it collapsed instantly means to me our officials in military and government really screwed up. How does one screw up this bad after being there twenty years?
Would you have supported Trumps withdrawal if you knew Afghanistan would collapse immediately? Just curious.
When the Taliban failed to meet the benchmarks set in the agreement there is no way that Trump would have continued
WHAT BENCHMARK in Trump's agreement, did the Taliban fail to meet? You said it, so please point out what the Taliban failed to meet, and when they failed to meet it? Was it during the Trump administration or the Biden?

Please point out the benchmark in the agreement, thank you....
You talk about propaganda then post “Xiden”. You’re blinded by hate. May God have mercy on your soul.

Here's a little story about that: No.

I am not blinded by hate. I can see quite clearly what a fraud Xiden the FICUS is. He's the first Potted Plant installed in the White House by the Chinese.
Would you have supported Trumps withdrawal if you knew Afghanistan would collapse immediately? Just curious.
If you’ve paid any attention to my posts you’d know I’m all about non-intervention. Trump was right to want out, but than the crazy Lynn Cheney fucked things up. Joe got us out. That’s great. Now he should start firing people.
Really? Can you name another time where we pulled off a withdrawal of tens of thousands of people with only 13 casualities?

Sure, we've pulled off smaller withdrawals such as Lebanon, Somalia, where government had completely collapsed. But they were smaller, and easily accessed by the sea.

That we got this many people out so quickly with so few fatalities is actually kind of commendable.
The rumors I am hearing is the Taliban is rounding up the Afghans who helped us and executing them. Also many of the people we “rescued“ never helped us at all.

If true this will damage our reputations for years and years if not decades and decades. It will be hard to find anyone willing to work with us when we invade nations in the future. We will make nice promises and the natives will laugh at us and remind us of Afghanistan.

We also left billions of dollars of operational weapons and vehicles.

The rumors I am hearing is the Taliban is rounding up the Afghans who helped us and executing them. Also many of the people we “rescued“ never helped us at all.

If true this will damage our reputations for years and years if not decades and decades. It will be hard to find anyone willing to work with us when we invade nations in the future. We will make nice promises and the natives will laugh at us and remind us of Afghanistan.

We also left billions of dollars of operational weapons and vehicles.

Rumors you heard huh?

If you’ve paid any attention to my posts you’d know I’m all about non-intervention. Trump was right to want out, but than the crazy Lynn Cheney fucked things up. Joe got us out. That’s great. Now he should start firing people.
Here's a little story about that: No.

I am not blinded by hate. I can see quite clearly what a fraud Xiden the FICUS is. He's the first Potted Plant installed in the White House by the Chinese.
You’re not blinded by hate…


So where has this happened previously?

What do you base that claim on?
I base my claim on this letter.


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