Biden divided America and his own party

So you agree. He is not controversial and still his approval rating sucks in every cagey. Why? He is an inept fool. You two have that in common.
Dude ran on “I’m not mean”, “I’m not Trump” and “lets put whitey in their place”
No real political platform, no real policies…..FEELZ people like Mac1958 voted for an empty suit that would unwind Trumps body of work and all the good deeds he did for good real American’s.
They revenge voted.
An alternative to the radial wings of the two current parties.

In the current system no matter how bad one party messes it up, no matter how much they lie to their voters, they know that within 4 to 6 years they will be back in power.

Thus there is no incentive to them to ever do what we the people want them to do, because they know that people like you will 100% of the time vote for them anyhow.

This is why we have 30 trillion dollars in debt

This is why we have never fixed our immigration problems.
I get the theory….but what could/would they run on that’s actually sellable to enough people?
Dude ran on “I’m not mean”, “I’m not Trump” and “lets put whitey in their place”
No real political platform, no real policies…..FEELZ people like Mac1958 voted for an empty suit that would unwind Trumps body of work and all the good deeds he did for good real American’s.
They revenge voted.
Mac1958 is a lying PoS. I busted him. The rest are lemmings.
Many like gipper want a nutless pussy in there….Anybody with balls is dubbed “WARMONGER”
gipper is a Depends wearing old fool. Don’t care what he says or thinks. I ll watch the debates and make my selection in 2024. Meanwhile take back the House in 2022 and hold Biden accountable for Afghanistan. I want a full investigation. The 13 dead marines deserve at least that much.
So you agree. He is not controversial and still his approval rating sucks in every cagey. Why? He is an inept fool. You two have that in common.
There are two parts to a rating. The rater and the ratee. If the raters are moronic nutbags is says nothing about the person being rated.
You have none to give that would be worth reading.
Considering your prior post, I’ll take this as an indication you are still struggling your way through middle school, or maybe long haul ODS.
Lib Reality…..where a man can look down at his penis but become a woman by proclamation.
hahaha…us sane folks call that the Twilight Zone
Sane folks don’t obsess about other peoples penises. This ties into the moronic nutbag part.
Sane folks don’t obsess about other peoples penises. This ties into the moronic nutbag part.
Sane folks do when those who have them claim to be girls and want to use the same locker rooms and play sports against their daughters
Sane folks don’t obsess about other peoples penises. This ties into the moronic nutbag part.
Hahaha…the only “obsessed“ nutbags I know are the ones that show up at the capitol in pink pussy hats.
Oh shit…I think I see you in the center of the image.

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