Biden divided America and his own party

Sane folks don’t obsess about other peoples penises. This ties into the moronic nutbag part.
”Sane” folks can also always be found at gay pride parades.
We discussed this. You’re amnesia must be kicking in. Trump scored above 50% on the economy. He was polarizing. Biden you admitted was a senile harmless old fool. He doesn’t score above 50% in any category. He consistently sucks.
The economy was solid before the pandemic and a president always gets credit yet Trump’s approval was lower than elderly Biden’s digging out of the Trump pandemic. How’s that? Shit Trump had already given his SOTU by then and Biden still has his jump from it in front of him. He’ll be 45% or higher in a few weeks.
gipper is a Depends wearing old fool. Don’t care what he says or thinks. I ll watch the debates and make my selection in 2024. Meanwhile take back the House in 2022 and hold Biden accountable for Afghanistan. I want a full investigation. The 13 dead marines deserve at least that much.
Dupe. It won’t make any difference if the Rs take Congress. You’d think you’d know that by now.

I guess after all this constant war and constant failures, even a dumb ass like you would see the light.
The economy was solid before the pandemic and a president always gets credit yet Trump’s approval was lower than elderly Biden’s digging out of the Trump pandemic. How’s that? Shit Trump had already given his SOTU by then and Biden still has his jump from it in front of him. He’ll be 45% or higher in a few weeks.
Trump was above 50% on the economy. Biden may be at 30% by the time the mid term elections are held. What will he fuck up next?
Dupe. It won’t make any difference if the Rs take Congress. You’d think you’d know that by now.

I guess after all this constant war and constant failures, even a dumb ass like you would see the light.
I see the light. It’s in your room at the mental institution
I like it….NOW, do you honestly believe those are vastly sought after policies?
Remember…supposedly 81 million voted against all three of those policies.

Actually about 156 million voted against all three of those policies.
Trump was above 50% on the economy. Biden may be at 30% by the time the mid term elections are held. What will he fuck up next?
His approval was 39% you turd. You’re not stupid you’re devoid of ethics, which is worse. Most of these guys on here really are stupid and are being taken advantage of and being fooled by others. You simply chose to fool yourself. That’s much worse.
Trump was an idiot. Trump butt kissers are polarizing and dangerous. Biden is as noncontroversial as they come. The only way to hate Biden is to make up shit. Oh. That’s it.
I think the last five Presidents were idiots and all five were polarizing. It is easy to dislike the Presidents however I don’t hate any of them. Biden is too dismissive which his mess ups. Border, Afghanistan, inflation, supply chain issues. Not blaming him however according to him there Is no border crisis, Afghanistan went smoothly, no inflation despite the numbers, no supply chain crisis, I guess he believes waiting on car parts for months is normal. He glosses over issues.
His approval was 39% you turd. You’re not stupid you’re devoid of ethics, which is worse. Most of these guys on here really are stupid and are being taken advantage of and being fooled by others. You simply chose to fool yourself. That’s much worse.
Was 39% and may be 30% by November. What did it you understand about that?
I think the last five Presidents were idiots and all five were polarizing. It is easy to dislike the Presidents however I don’t hate any of them. Biden is too dismissive which his mess ups. Border, Afghanistan, inflation, supply chain issues. Not blaming him however according to him there Is no border crisis, Afghanistan went smoothly, no inflation despite the numbers, no supply chain crisis, I guess he believes waiting on car parts for months is normal. He glosses over issues.
He’s been up front about inflation and the supply chain. Only nuts think prices are up because poor people have too much money. That’s the right wing position. They think everyone got rich off unemployment even though the GDP which includes government spending was shit for most of last two years only making it back up this year.

Afghanistan was a tough spot. Trump didn’t set anyone up for success. A single suicide Bonner got through. 9/11 was a disaster and no one blamed Bush. They rallied behind him. Now right wingers hate America and just want to see it burn. Hell, they love them some Putin.

Biden hasn’t changed any border policies, much to the chagrin of the left, except child separation which everyone hated anyway and he is hearing asylum requests. Big deal. I think he’s been slow on immigration reform and that’s a valid complaint.
Was 39% and may be 30% by November. What did it you understand about that?
Biden’s is 40%. Trumps was 39%. Regardless the floor for both guys is 39%. That’s hardcore supporters and it won’t go down from there. Hell, if Trump didn’t lose his Republican support by outright trying to bribe Ukraine into perjury by withholding rockets they now need then nothing will erode a candidates below 39%.
He’s been up front about inflation and the supply chain. Only nuts think prices are up because poor people have too much money. That’s the right wing position. They think everyone got rich off unemployment even though the GDP which includes government spending was shit for most of last two years only making it back up this year.

Afghanistan was a tough spot. Trump didn’t set anyone up for success. A single suicide Bonner got through. 9/11 was a disaster and no one blamed Bush. They rallied behind him. Now right wingers hate America and just want to see it burn. Hell, they love them some Putin.

Biden hasn’t changed any border policies, much to the chagrin of the left, except child separation which everyone hated anyway and he is hearing asylum requests. Big deal. I think he’s been slow on immigration reform and that’s a valid complaint.

No the government infusing almost $4 trillion into the economy is a big issue. Couple that with supply link issues because of Covid, shortages have abound and will continue to do so.

Biden set the dates to withdraw, Trump did not withdraw from Afghanistan, Biden did. Bush isn’t the current President, Biden is.

No one has changed border policies! The current President could get some solutions and try implementing them instead of denying the crisis.
No the government infusing almost $4 trillion into the economy is a big issue. Couple that with supply link issues because of Covid, shortages have abound and will continue to do so.

Biden set the dates to withdraw, Trump did not withdraw from Afghanistan, Biden did. Bush isn’t the current President, Biden is.

No one has changed border policies! The current President could get some solutions and try implementing them instead of denying the crisis.
Biden extended the date, but didnt set them.
Originally, the doha agreement in February 2020, set the date of withdrawal of US forces at May 2021. But the full evacuation didnt finish until August.
No the government infusing almost $4 trillion into the economy is a big issue. Couple that with supply link issues because of Covid, shortages have abound and will continue to do so.

Biden set the dates to withdraw, Trump did not withdraw from Afghanistan, Biden did. Bush isn’t the current President, Biden is.

No one has changed border policies! The current President could get some solutions and try implementing them instead of denying the crisis.
There was less economic activity in the US in 2020 even with stimulus. Poor people getting money isn’t the problem. Let me explain it to you easily:
  • Car prices are way up
  • Car sales vehicles are not up
  • It is not a demand spike in car sales fueling prices
  • There is a production shortfall making less cars available so fewer cars than demand makes prices go up

  • House prices are way up
  • New housing starts just hit average levels this year after a decade of shortfalls
  • Houses are on average 39 years old right now a record
  • Houses have been under produced
Poor people having too much money isn’t fueling price increases. That’s moronic and the basis of your argument.
There was less economic activity in the US in 2020 even with stimulus. Poor people getting money isn’t the problem. Let me explain it to you easily:
  • Car prices are way up
  • Car sales vehicles are not up
  • It is not a demand spike in car sales fueling prices
  • There is a production shortfall making less cars available so fewer cars than demand makes prices go up

  • House prices are way up
  • New housing starts just hit average levels this year after a decade of shortfalls
  • Houses are on average 39 years old right now a record
  • Houses have been under produced
Poor people having too much money isn’t fueling price increases. That’s moronic and the basis of your argument.
Where in the hell did I say poor people getting money was the problem? Four trillion dollars was infused into the economy, it went to everyone not just the poor. Couple that as I pointed out earlier, with supply chain disruptions and you are creating a demand, finding workers to work through the pandemic was limited. Wages started to rise.

The moron is the idiot that can’t comprehend what they read and that is you.
Biden’s is 40%. Trumps was 39%. Regardless the floor for both guys is 39%. That’s hardcore supporters and it won’t go down from there. Hell, if Trump didn’t lose his Republican support by outright trying to bribe Ukraine into perjury by withholding rockets they now need then nothing will erode a candidates below 39%.
Trump was over 50% for the economy. Biden sucks at everything.

In a March 8-9 survey, roughly 59 percent of voters approved of his (Trump) handling of economy and jobs.


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