Biden divided America and his own party

There is an old joke that if the president cured cancer the other side would attack him for the lost jobs.

I think that is where we are now.
No we are at normal people on one side and people on the other side who doesn't know what sex they are let alone could find Ukraine on a map.
Inflation is no presidents fault, it is global. The others I agree with, though the Afghanistan situation has it’s roots in multiple administrations, Biden botched the withdrawal. Trump allowed Russia to improve and modernize it’s military, he all but gave Russia Syria to brutally practice in, and be ready to take Ukraine. I agree that the border situation has been ongoing and contrary to the popular Trump mythology, it really didn’t change much under Trump did it?
I don't believe that Biden botched the withdrawal. By not including the Afghan government in the discussions of withdrawal, the Taliban were in fat city and were aided by the Immediate government collapse.
I don't believe that Biden botched the withdrawal. By not including the Afghan government in the discussions of withdrawal, the Taliban were in fat city and were aided by the Immediate government collapse.
What I don’t get is the lack of criticism of the US military and intelligence agencies. They were in country 20 fucking years, but failed to develop an effective Afghan government. Was anyone criticized? Was anyone fired? So much for nation building, but they never learn.

We have the usual:

— Border Crisis
— Inflation
— War in Ukraine
— Botched Afghanistan withdrawal

It’s so bad that post his next State of the Union, Rashida Tlaib is going to give a response. Yes, someone from his own party. You cannot make this stuff up. It would be like Jim Jordan giving a response to Trump’s State of the Union in 2017.

Even the Democratic Party doesn’t have confidence in Biden.

Truth over Facts
Stupid analogy. The republicans couldn’t pass shit with a real majority not the slim one the Dems are stuck with. Wall? Not passed. Repeal? Not passed. Infrastructure? Not passed. Deficit reduction? Kept saying this was the last budget deficit he was signing then signed another.

Biden is faring better with a slimmer lead. And Biden hasn’t given up like Trump did. Biden made a mistake by not pushing the moderates harder but who knows if that would have worked? Two of them dug in their heels. Liberals smell blood on the moderates and will be pushing to pull more left not this appeasement crap they settled on.
Stupid analogy. The republicans couldn’t pass shit with a real majority not the slim one the Dems are stuck with. Wall? Not passed. Repeal? Not passed. Infrastructure? Not passed. Deficit reduction? Kept saying this was the last budget deficit he was signing then signed another.

Biden is faring better with a slimmer lead. And Biden hasn’t given up like Trump did. Biden made a mistake by not pushing the moderates harder but who knows if that would have worked? Two of them dug in their heels. Liberals smell blood on the moderates and will be pushing to pull more left not this appeasement crap they settled on.
39% approval rating. Faring great.
39% approval rating. Faring great.
Trump was polarizing. Biden is an idiot. Trump scored above 50% on handling the economy. Biden doesn’t score above 50% in any category.
Trump was an idiot. Trump butt kissers are polarizing and dangerous. Biden is as noncontroversial as they come. The only way to hate Biden is to make up shit. Oh. That’s it.
Trump was an idiot. Trump butt kissers are polarizing and dangerous. Biden is as noncontroversial as they come. The only way to hate Biden is to make up shit. Oh. That’s it.
So you agree. He is not controversial and still his approval rating sucks in every cagey. Why? He is an inept fool. You two have that in common.
This country has long been divided, it is just getting worse and it will continue down this road as long as there is a two party system.

They are merely the tool of the duopoly.
This third party that gives you people a boner….what three unique / revolutionary policies could/would such a party run on that are sensible and sustainable in todays America?
Please, no pipe dreams…Give it to me straight.
Sell me, I’d love a third, fourth and fifth party if they could actually offer something real…..and if they had a chance at winning.
This third party that gives you people a boner….what three unique / revolutionary policies could/would such a party run on that are sensible and sustainable in todays America?
Please, no pipe dreams…Give it to me straight.
Sell me, I’d love a third, fourth and fifth party if they could actually offer something real…..and if they had a chance at winning.

An alternative to the radial wings of the two current parties.

In the current system no matter how bad one party messes it up, no matter how much they lie to their voters, they know that within 4 to 6 years they will be back in power.

Thus there is no incentive to them to ever do what we the people want them to do, because they know that people like you will 100% of the time vote for them anyhow.

This is why we have 30 trillion dollars in debt

This is why we have never fixed our immigration problems.

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