Biden doesn't know what is happening in Europe.

There is a difference between not knowing what is going on and not caring

We have seen how much Biden cares about American and his own troops in Afghanistan, why would he care about Americans in the Ukraine or care about Ukrainians?

Not going to happen.

His only job is to virtue signal caring by doing some random sanctions but continuing to buy Russian oil by increased amounts which is funding Putin's war effort.
It is not only that Biden doesn't know anything, the sonofabitch doesn't even suspect anything.
I chose sanity.

(didn't vote for either)


I sorta get it.
I chose sanity. (didn't vote for either)

What is sane about that? All you accomplished was to let the more corrupt of the two parties have an easier time stealing an election from an abrasive narcissistic pro-America businessman with weak political skills who nevertheless was doing great things for the country, to put a guy in office who shits himself, don't know the day of the week, has put the Dollar on the brink of losing world baseline economic trading status (which would devastate the country), become central to the biggest scandal to ever hit the USA (spying on a president and stealing his reelection using a foreign country to try to affect an election), arm terrorists with 28 billion in weapons, send our debt looming over 30 trillion, wreck the economy, give us 40-year high inflation, food-shortages (in America!), and now looming at the brink of war or being cyber-attacked.

I would have picked Trump and world peace.
He's doing ok. It was either Biden or the psychopath. I chose Biden.
He isdoing terrible. There was no one to vote for so I only voted the county level candidates left the state and fed selections blank. Neither biden or trump are fit for anything more than sitting on their porch drinking lemonade and watching the traffic go by.
Sorry, he LOST.
The problem with Progs is they demand their pound of flesh even if they do not warrant it. You do not study personalities. Trump lives for this. You do not let sleeping dogs lie. He must be doing something behind the scenes. Remember. Politics has become a war and it is a shame. Repub voters though, not only have to fight Progs they also have to question their own. Of course, it is more difficult to be a Republican because accusations of every hate in every form is thrown at them and it is not the truth.
The problem with Progs is they demand their pound of flesh even if they do not warrant it. You do not study personalities. Trump lives for this. You do not let sleeping dogs lie. He must be doing something behind the scenes. Remember. Politics has become a war and it is a shame. Repub voters though, not only have to fight Progs they also have to question their own. Of course, it is more difficult to be a Republican because accusations of every hate in every form is thrown at them and it is not the truth.
Boo hoo hoo. Trump lost to a bad guy. To fn bad for you.
There is a difference between not knowing what is going on and not caring

We have seen how much Biden cares about American and his own troops in Afghanistan, why would he care about Americans in the Ukraine or care about Ukrainians?

Not going to happen.

His only job is to virtue signal caring by doing some random sanctions but continuing to buy Russian oil by increased amounts which is funding Putin's war effort.
He has no intentions of angering Putin further, he needs Putin to help him manufacture a phony nuke deal with Iran, so Biden may then pose self as a great statesmen or some such, pure unadulterated clinical psychopathy, total disconnect from humanity, his only interest being self-aggrandizement. Such a man is a monster, I have posted elsewhere three links substantiating accusations Biden is slow walking promised military aid to Ukraine so as not to piss off Putin, whom again, Biden needs, and outright denying them others, such as surplus soon to be decommissioned aircraft such as, A10's and F16's, all just sitting there, waiting to be thrown away, just like the 90-billion dollars in war gear left to Taliban and China by Biden....

...and you got runaway inflation, soaring cost of energy, increased taxes, millions of Illegals, the disaster in Afghanistan, incompetent leadership, disastrous Environmental Wacko policies, a stolen election and a fucking weak corrupt dumbass, who is owned by the Chinese, for a Commander in Chief.

Congratulation moron!
You are the idiot. Inflation? It should be expected as those that pretty much saved during the Covid crisis start spending. Add on the supply chain disaster that is exacerbated by a labor shortage, which Biden had nothing to do with, and you get more dollars chasing fewer goods, the very definition of inflation. The whole playing people not to work, that was passed during the Trump administration, except for the refundable additional child tax credit which has now expired. The two biggest factors effecting the decreased labor participation rate are the Affordable Care Act and Fortnight. I would be happy to explain that to you but I am pretty sure it is over your head.

The soaring cost of energy, again, this is a demand issue. As the economy ramps up the demand for energy is going to increase. What you probably don't know is that domestic production is at levels higher than during the Trump administration. Sales of drilling rights on federal lands are at record levels and approval of drilling exceeds that of the Trump administration. The problem with gas prices is that we are all getting hosed, but the Biden administration has initiated investigation into the cause of that hosing. Results will be forthcoming.

Increased taxes? List them, document them, because I ain't seeing them and I am damn sure you are not paying them. The disaster in Afghanistan, Trump is the one that made the deal with the Taliban, not Biden. He was just foolish enough to honor that deal. Which is kind of like China, he has pretty much maintained Trump's polices toward China so if he is bought by China it must mean Trump was as well. Which may very well be true since Trump's devil spawn solicitated American citizenship for investments in their real estate ventures.

And those environmental wacko polices--trot them out here. Most environmentalist are pissed at Biden. The increased sales of drilling permits, the largest auction of such permits in American history coming up this month, increased approval of off-shore drilling. What wacko polices are you talking about?

But you really show your ignorance when you start screaming about a stolen election. I don't know how many times I have to say this. No president has ever won reelection with Trump's approval ratings. That will apply to Biden as well. I mean accept it, not everyone is as stupid as you dumbshit Trump supporters. He alienated so many parts of the American population that he had no chance of winning, hence the whole, don't vote by mail bullshit. The assclown Trump was setting himself up for his only chance at retaining power, overthrowing an election. The fact that you goons still believe that horseshit is indicative of your ignorance. God bless your hearts.
Yes the boy is confused. Many decades ago we called it being beaucoup dinky dau.

Imagine someone being so stupid as to voted for him to be Commander in Chief?

Biden suffers senior moment on Russia…

“How did we get to the place where Putin decides to invade Russia? Nothing like this has happened since WWII.”

Stop being so childish with your hate. He knows exactly what's going on.

Your problem is YOU don't.
You are the idiot. Inflation? It should be expected as those that pretty much saved during the Covid crisis start spending. Add on the supply chain disaster that is exacerbated by a labor shortage, which Biden had nothing to do with, and you get more dollars chasing fewer goods, the very definition of inflation. The whole playing people not to work, that was passed during the Trump administration, except for the refundable additional child tax credit which has now expired. The two biggest factors effecting the decreased labor participation rate are the Affordable Care Act and Fortnight. I would be happy to explain that to you but I am pretty sure it is over your head.

The soaring cost of energy, again, this is a demand issue. As the economy ramps up the demand for energy is going to increase. What you probably don't know is that domestic production is at levels higher than during the Trump administration. Sales of drilling rights on federal lands are at record levels and approval of drilling exceeds that of the Trump administration. The problem with gas prices is that we are all getting hosed, but the Biden administration has initiated investigation into the cause of that hosing. Results will be forthcoming.

Increased taxes? List them, document them, because I ain't seeing them and I am damn sure you are not paying them. The disaster in Afghanistan, Trump is the one that made the deal with the Taliban, not Biden. He was just foolish enough to honor that deal. Which is kind of like China, he has pretty much maintained Trump's polices toward China so if he is bought by China it must mean Trump was as well. Which may very well be true since Trump's devil spawn solicitated American citizenship for investments in their real estate ventures.

And those environmental wacko polices--trot them out here. Most environmentalist are pissed at Biden. The increased sales of drilling permits, the largest auction of such permits in American history coming up this month, increased approval of off-shore drilling. What wacko polices are you talking about?

But you really show your ignorance when you start screaming about a stolen election. I don't know how many times I have to say this. No president has ever won reelection with Trump's approval ratings. That will apply to Biden as well. I mean accept it, not everyone is as stupid as you dumbshit Trump supporters. He alienated so many parts of the American population that he had no chance of winning, hence the whole, don't vote by mail bullshit. The assclown Trump was setting himself up for his only chance at retaining power, overthrowing an election. The fact that you goons still believe that horseshit is indicative of your ignorance. God bless your hearts.

I am sorry Moon Bat but you are confused and in denial about the damaged caused by the Democrat leadership in the White House and Congress.

We saw this Democrat inflation when Carter was President and it took tough policies by Reagan to stop it and this Biden clown doesn't the courage to stop it.

We had plenty of oil until the Democrat shitheads, in the back pocket of the filthy Environmental Wackos, put an end to it. We went from being energy independence to having to buy Middle East and Russia oil and the Democrat turds own that shit sandwich. We see it every time we fill up at the pump. You can deny all you want Moon Bat but we know how Biden fucked it up.

It is a fact that the Democrats Dirty Tricks Department stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. The Democrats stole our Democracy any we got the prize of a stupid, corrupt and inept President as the prize.

Pull your head out of your ass Moon Bat. You just embarrass yourself posting that silly ass DU kind of crap.
Stop being so childish with your hate. He knows exactly what's going on.

Your problem is YOU don't.
You stupid Moon Bats with you four years of despicable Trump Derangement Syndrome, are hypocritical assholes complaining about us Americans holding Biden accountable for his destruction of our country.
Yes the boy is confused. Many decades ago we called it being beaucoup dinky dau.

Imagine someone being so stupid as to voted for him to be Commander in Chief?

Biden suffers senior moment on Russia…

“How did we get to the place where Putin decides to invade Russia? Nothing like this has happened since WWII.”

The guy doesn't know what's happening in the White House ffs, and Europe is so far away.

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