Biden doesn't know what is happening in Europe.

Will, you can give me a thumbs down, but the fact is, sitting on your hands and not voting, or voting for some nobody with zero chance to win, only made the votes for Biden more potent. That is a fact, whether you like the outcome or not.

The reality of this political climate is we live in a two-party system and you are not going to get some no name libertarian elected president. You're only going to end up helping someone like Biden get elected, which you and others like you did. Congrats.
Will, you can give me a thumbs down, but the fact is, sitting on your hands and not voting, or voting for some nobody with zero chance to win, only made the votes for Biden more potent. That is a fact, whether you like the outcome or not.

The reality of this political climate is we live in a two-party system and you are not going to get some no name libertarian elected president. You're only going to end up getting someone like Biden elected, which you and others like you did. Congrats.

I'm also not going to be responsible for putting any of those assholes in office.

and not a GODDAMN thing you say, or infer, will change that.
Only a moron would think that.

I went thru the same stupid crap when I refused to vote for Hillary or Trump in 2016.

Is everything black/white, Repub/Dem in your world?
We have mods calling people morons? Nice. This form is going to hell in a handbasket.
I am sorry Moon Bat but you are confused and in denial about the damaged caused by the Democrat leadership in the White House and Congress.

We saw this Democrat inflation when Carter was President and it took tough policies by Reagan to stop it and this Biden clown doesn't the courage to stop it.

We had plenty of oil until the Democrat shitheads, in the back pocket of the filthy Environmental Wackos, put an end to it. We went from being energy independence to having to buy Middle East and Russia oil and the Democrat turds own that shit sandwich. We see it every time we fill up at the pump. You can deny all you want Moon Bat but we know how Biden fucked it up.

It is a fact that the Democrats Dirty Tricks Department stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. The Democrats stole our Democracy any we got the prize of a stupid, corrupt and inept President as the prize.

Pull your head out of your ass Moon Bat. You just embarrass yourself posting that silly ass DU kind of crap.
Biden has issued more oil drilling lease permits than your hero Trump. Up 37%. Environmentalists are shitting themselves over it. Go ahead and bitch over that issue.
Biden has issued more oil drilling lease permits than your hero Trump. Up 37%. Environmentalists are shitting themselves over it. Go ahead and bitch over that issue.

Stop being a fucking moronic Moon Bat in denial. Have you paid for gas at the pump lately? It is twice what it was when Trump was President. We were energy independent under Trump and now we are buying oil from the Russians and Potatohead is begging the Saudis to give us more.

Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change

Joe Biden Faces Fight to Block Oil and Gas Drilling in Gulf of Mexico

Biden halts oil and gas leases, permits on US land and water

Keystone pipeline officially canceled after Biden revokes key permit

Biden Administration Continues to Shut Down Alaska’s Domestic Energy Production with “No Action” Decision

I could post hundreds of other facts about Potatohead fucking the US in energy to kiss the ass of the Environmental Wackos but tying to educate you stupid uneducated Moon Bats is like talking to a brick wall.
Who want's Biden in charge as commander in chief during a shooting war, a show of hands? Yeah, nobody.

Blues, Leftists refuse to look at what is right in front of their faces, they just do.

When Trump was faced with COVID, what did he do as a business man? He called in big pharma, took away the power of the FDA, told them.......I am removing regs, I am funding you, and the American people want a G**damn vaccine ASAP, and don't fu** us, or I am going to fu** you 3 times over. Less than a year later......that which should have taken by Governments own admissions 5 years, was released. It saved millions across the globe, so much so, the next Democratic Administration insisted that every person HAD to take it. Under normal government operations and if Hilly would have been there, we still would have NO vaccine!

Biden has that power now! See the fuel prices? Has he called in every oil corporation in the country doing the same thing, asking what do we need to do? Nope! In fact, he wants to cut a deal with.........the Iranians????? No summit on American oil? No oil professionals at all, just a bunch of enviro politicians guiding Mr Depends? And Trump was an idiot?

This is why Americans know, this crew of clowns have to go. They are NOT about America or the world, they are all about Leftist policies. They would rather fund Pooty through oil and try to contain him, then go against their own ideas, even if it means disaster.

They gotta go, and November can't get here fast enough!
Stop being a fucking moronic Moon Bat in denial. Have you paid for gas at the pump lately? It is twice what it was when Trump was President. We were energy independent under Trump and now we are buying oil from the Russians and Potatohead is begging the Saudis to give us more.

Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change

Joe Biden Faces Fight to Block Oil and Gas Drilling in Gulf of Mexico

Biden halts oil and gas leases, permits on US land and water

Keystone pipeline officially canceled after Biden revokes key permit

Biden Administration Continues to Shut Down Alaska’s Domestic Energy Production with “No Action” Decision

I could post hundreds of other facts about Potatohead fucking the US in energy to kiss the ass of the Environmental Wackos but tying to educate you stupid uneducated Moon Bats is like talking to a brick wall.
And you can thank that LA judge for the injunction. Doesn't change the fact that Biden issued more permits.
Tell me asshole, how much would it cost to refine tarsands so you could use it in your vehicle?
You stupid Moon Bats with you four years of despicable Trump Derangement Syndrome, are hypocritical assholes complaining about us Americans holding Biden accountable for his destruction of our country.
Can you return to the topic now?

I hope you feel relief to belch more rubbish like that. It must be uncomfortable. Have a valium
I am sorry Moon Bat but you are confused and in denial about the damaged caused by the Democrat leadership in the White House and Congress.

We saw this Democrat inflation when Carter was President and it took tough policies by Reagan to stop it and this Biden clown doesn't the courage to stop it.

We had plenty of oil until the Democrat shitheads, in the back pocket of the filthy Environmental Wackos, put an end to it. We went from being energy independence to having to buy Middle East and Russia oil and the Democrat turds own that shit sandwich. We see it every time we fill up at the pump. You can deny all you want Moon Bat but we know how Biden fucked it up.

It is a fact that the Democrats Dirty Tricks Department stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. The Democrats stole our Democracy any we got the prize of a stupid, corrupt and inept President as the prize.

Pull your head out of your ass Moon Bat. You just embarrass yourself posting that silly ass DU kind of crap.
Look, I hate to break it to you. You are grossly misinformed. How did Biden bow to the environmentalists? They are pissed as hell at him. For instance,

Environmental groups like the League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund, and Sunrise, spent some $1.5 million in the 2020 elections mostly for Biden and other Democrats. Yet, in the last few months the Biden administration has given the go-ahead to various projects either on federal land or necessitating federal approval: the Willow project, a large oil drilling project on Alaska’s North Slope, oil and leases in Wyoming, and the continued use of the Dakota Access pipeline. All of these projects were approved by Donald Trump’s administration and fiercely opposed by environmental organizations.

The Keystone pipeline was dead before Biden ever took office, and for good reason. It would have increased gas prices in the US. The ban of drilling on federal lands, a judge struck it down a few months later. I mean you really need to evaluate your news sources. For instance,

The Joe Biden administration has auctioned off $192 million worth of new oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced this week. Exxon, Shell, Chevron and others bought up 1.7 million acres in all.

Blocking new oil and gas leases on federal lands and waters was one of the president’s campaign promises on climate. And he did, temporarily, right after he took office.

But in June — after more than a dozen states sued — a federal judge in Louisiana ordered that the lease sales start again.

We never stopped buying Middle East and Russian oil, and hell, Keystone was a direct pipeline to Canada, that is importing oil no matter how you want to spin it. In fact, Canada is our number one supplier. In fact, in 2019 the US imported over 3.3 billion barrels of oil. I hardly call that "energy independent".

I mean the level of your delusion is almost to the point of needing professional help. News sources that feed that delusion should be prosecuted for gross negligence.

But, I will admit something. Damn skippy, to address inflation we should take the steps Reagan took, or more accurately Reagan and Volcker with the Federal Reserve. Volcker put the pedal to the floor on interest rate increases. Hell yeah, I want 15% and higher CD rates and 20% and higher mortgage rates. That happens I will probably make a million a month. And I can pay cash for homes as the price plummets. But more importantly, Reagan delivered the biggest tax increase in American history at the time to rein in that inflation. Glad to see you are supporting Biden's initiatives to increase taxes. Reagan increased them in 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1987. Bush Sr. continued with an increase in 1990 and Clinton hit it again in 1993.

Blues, Leftists refuse to look at what is right in front of their faces, they just do.

When Trump was faced with COVID, what did he do as a business man? He called in big pharma, took away the power of the FDA, told them.......I am removing regs, I am funding you, and the American people want a G**damn vaccine ASAP, and don't fu** us, or I am going to fu** you 3 times over. Less than a year later......that which should have taken by Governments own admissions 5 years, was released. It saved millions across the globe, so much so, the next Democratic Administration insisted that every person HAD to take it. Under normal government operations and if Hilly would have been there, we still would have NO vaccine!

Biden has that power now! See the fuel prices? Has he called in every oil corporation in the country doing the same thing, asking what do we need to do? Nope! In fact, he wants to cut a deal with.........the Iranians????? No summit on American oil? No oil professionals at all, just a bunch of enviro politicians guiding Mr Depends? And Trump was an idiot?

This is why Americans know, this crew of clowns have to go. They are NOT about America or the world, they are all about Leftist policies. They would rather fund Pooty through oil and try to contain him, then go against their own ideas, even if it means disaster.

They gotta go, and November can't get here fast enough!
More delusion, the first, and most common Covid vaccine is the Pfizer vaccine, developed in Germany, with German money and Dolly Parton's million dollars.
Look, I hate to break it to you. You are grossly misinformed. How did Biden bow to the environmentalists? They are pissed as hell at him. For instance,

Environmental groups like the League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund, and Sunrise, spent some $1.5 million in the 2020 elections mostly for Biden and other Democrats. Yet, in the last few months the Biden administration has given the go-ahead to various projects either on federal land or necessitating federal approval: the Willow project, a large oil drilling project on Alaska’s North Slope, oil and leases in Wyoming, and the continued use of the Dakota Access pipeline. All of these projects were approved by Donald Trump’s administration and fiercely opposed by environmental organizations.

The Keystone pipeline was dead before Biden ever took office, and for good reason. It would have increased gas prices in the US. The ban of drilling on federal lands, a judge struck it down a few months later. I mean you really need to evaluate your news sources. For instance,

The Joe Biden administration has auctioned off $192 million worth of new oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced this week. Exxon, Shell, Chevron and others bought up 1.7 million acres in all.

Blocking new oil and gas leases on federal lands and waters was one of the president’s campaign promises on climate. And he did, temporarily, right after he took office.

But in June — after more than a dozen states sued — a federal judge in Louisiana ordered that the lease sales start again.

We never stopped buying Middle East and Russian oil, and hell, Keystone was a direct pipeline to Canada, that is importing oil no matter how you want to spin it. In fact, Canada is our number one supplier. In fact, in 2019 the US imported over 3.3 billion barrels of oil. I hardly call that "energy independent".

I mean the level of your delusion is almost to the point of needing professional help. News sources that feed that delusion should be prosecuted for gross negligence.

But, I will admit something. Damn skippy, to address inflation we should take the steps Reagan took, or more accurately Reagan and Volcker with the Federal Reserve. Volcker put the pedal to the floor on interest rate increases. Hell yeah, I want 15% and higher CD rates and 20% and higher mortgage rates. That happens I will probably make a million a month. And I can pay cash for homes as the price plummets. But more importantly, Reagan delivered the biggest tax increase in American history at the time to rein in that inflation. Glad to see you are supporting Biden's initiatives to increase taxes. Reagan increased them in 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1987. Bush Sr. continued with an increase in 1990 and Clinton hit it again in 1993.

Gas at the pump is over $4.00 almost everywhere in the US since Potatohead has been President with his stupid Environmental Wacko projects and you stupid uneducated Moon Bats are in denial as to the reasons why. Then you wonder why we call you idiots.

Typical for you idiots to never take responsibility for the damage you do to this country. You always blame other for your screw ups.

We had energy independence under Trump. Gas was around $2/gal at the pump. Potatohead stole the election and and the Environmental Wackos destroyed that independence and now gas is over $4.00 a gallon and Potatohead is begging the Saudis, Iranians and Venezuelans to make up the difference with the mid terms coming. He knows that high price of gas will cause many Democrats to lose.

Yea the Environmental Wackos want Potatohead to do more but those assholes would not be happy unless we went back to the Dark Ages.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is a friggin moron.

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