Biden doesn't know what is happening in Europe.

More delusion, the first, and most common Covid vaccine is the Pfizer vaccine, developed in Germany, with German money and Dolly Parton's million dollars.

I looked it up, and you are 100% correct. Thnx for the info.
Gas at the pump is over $4.00 almost everywhere in the US since Potatohead has been President with his stupid Environmental Wacko projects and you stupid uneducated Moon Bats are in denial as to the reasons why. Then you wonder why we call you idiots.

Typical for you idiots to never take responsibility for the damage you do to this country. You always blame other for your screw ups.

We had energy independence under Trump. Gas was around $2/gal at the pump. Potatohead stole the election and and the Environmental Wackos destroyed that independence and now gas is over $4.00 a gallon and Potatohead is begging the Saudis, Iranians and Venezuelans to make up the difference with the mid terms coming. He knows that high price of gas will cause many Democrats to lose.

Yea the Environmental Wackos want Potatohead to do more but those assholes would not be happy unless we went back to the Dark Ages.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is a friggin moron.
Rule number one. correlation does not equal causation. You are falling for that trap and believe the correlation of higher gas prices and Biden taking office equals causation. But even cursory research reveals that not to be true. First, there is common damn sense. When unemployment is at rates not seen since the Great Depression and millions of Americans are hunkered down in the homes because of Covid and millions more are working from home, well yeah, demand for gas is going to be pretty low. When restrictions start loosening, when people start getting out, taking vacations, going back to work at the office, and spending some of that money they have been saving, yeah, demand is going to go up. It is like "Du Huh". So that is the first part.

The second part is that there are no "wacko" environmental policies that Biden has implemented that would push gas prices upwards. Hell, document them, name them, just what policies are you speaking about? Is it the elimination of issuing permits on federal lands? I mean you did post a link to that, but what you ignored my previoius documentation, because you were so stupid as to post that link after my post, sgowing that a federal judge rescinded that ban and since then the Biden administration has been auctioning off those leases like Barretts auction's off cars.

But the one that really gets me, this cockamania bullshit about "energy independence".

You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. The above is the FACTS. Read the numbers, if you can. May 2017, the almighty Trumpster is president. We imported 317 million barrels of oil. May 2021 with Biden, 265 million. December 2019, before Covid, Trump imported almost 284 million barrels. December 2021, coming out of Covid and before the newest variant, Biden imported 265 million. The whole energy independence bullshit is glaring proof of just how stupid, and gullible Trump supporters are.
Rule number one. correlation does not equal causation. You are falling for that trap and believe the correlation of higher gas prices and Biden taking office equals causation. But even cursory research reveals that not to be true. First, there is common damn sense. When unemployment is at rates not seen since the Great Depression and millions of Americans are hunkered down in the homes because of Covid and millions more are working from home, well yeah, demand for gas is going to be pretty low. When restrictions start loosening, when people start getting out, taking vacations, going back to work at the office, and spending some of that money they have been saving, yeah, demand is going to go up. It is like "Du Huh". So that is the first part.

The second part is that there are no "wacko" environmental policies that Biden has implemented that would push gas prices upwards. Hell, document them, name them, just what policies are you speaking about? Is it the elimination of issuing permits on federal lands? I mean you did post a link to that, but what you ignored my previoius documentation, because you were so stupid as to post that link after my post, sgowing that a federal judge rescinded that ban and since then the Biden administration has been auctioning off those leases like Barretts auction's off cars.

But the one that really gets me, this cockamania bullshit about "energy independence".

You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. The above is the FACTS. Read the numbers, if you can. May 2017, the almighty Trumpster is president. We imported 317 million barrels of oil. May 2021 with Biden, 265 million. December 2019, before Covid, Trump imported almost 284 million barrels. December 2021, coming out of Covid and before the newest variant, Biden imported 265 million. The whole energy independence bullshit is glaring proof of just how stupid, and gullible Trump supporters are.
The Governor of Alaska said the other day that he could significantly increase the amount of oil coming out of his state but the damn Potatohead administration won't let him.

Potatohead and his Moon Bat minions are doing the typical Democrat denial of the damage but his Environmental Wacko polices have run up the cost of energy.

Kinda like when Obama and the Moon Bats denied that Obamacare ran up the cost of health care. We see it all the time.
The Governor of Alaska said the other day that he could significantly increase the amount of oil coming out of his state but the damn Potatohead administration won't let him.

Potatohead and his Moon Bat minions are doing the typical Democrat denial of the damage but his Environmental Wacko polices have run up the cost of energy.

Kinda like when Obama and the Moon Bats denied that Obamacare ran up the cost of health care. We see it all the time.
Doubling down on stupid I see. Dunleavy is a Republican and is merely carrying the party flag. He can increase production, just get the oil and gas companies to actually exercise the leases they already have. Which, as oil prices increase, they will eventually do. So he is just a party shill and a lying fool. Funny, you will believe something a partisan rants about and yet deny actual data from the DOE. Are you starting to see the problem here?

And the ACA, look, I can detail it out if you like. But without the ACA GDP growth under Trump would have been negative. In fact, Obama did more to grow the economy jet-setting around the world and hanging out in Hawaii than Trump did for four years sitting on his ass watching FOX news and eating Big Macs.
Rule number one. correlation does not equal causation. You are falling for that trap and believe the correlation of higher gas prices and Biden taking office equals causation. But even cursory research reveals that not to be true. First, there is common damn sense. When unemployment is at rates not seen since the Great Depression and millions of Americans are hunkered down in the homes because of Covid and millions more are working from home, well yeah, demand for gas is going to be pretty low. When restrictions start loosening, when people start getting out, taking vacations, going back to work at the office, and spending some of that money they have been saving, yeah, demand is going to go up. It is like "Du Huh". So that is the first part.

The second part is that there are no "wacko" environmental policies that Biden has implemented that would push gas prices upwards. Hell, document them, name them, just what policies are you speaking about? Is it the elimination of issuing permits on federal lands? I mean you did post a link to that, but what you ignored my previoius documentation, because you were so stupid as to post that link after my post, sgowing that a federal judge rescinded that ban and since then the Biden administration has been auctioning off those leases like Barretts auction's off cars.

But the one that really gets me, this cockamania bullshit about "energy independence".

You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. The above is the FACTS. Read the numbers, if you can. May 2017, the almighty Trumpster is president. We imported 317 million barrels of oil. May 2021 with Biden, 265 million. December 2019, before Covid, Trump imported almost 284 million barrels. December 2021, coming out of Covid and before the newest variant, Biden imported 265 million. The whole energy independence bullshit is glaring proof of just how stupid, and gullible Trump supporters are.
The fact is that under Trump the US was independent and the price at the pump was cheap. You are entitled to your opinion but facts are facts. Trump around $2/gal and under Potatohead it pushing $5/gal and Potatohead said yesterday that it will be even worse.

Oil is global market and there are exchanges in exports and imports. At the time we were importing we were also exporting because of the logistics so you can take your fake facts and cram it up you uneducated low information Moon Bat ass. The fact is that the US was a net EXPORTER when Trump was President and now Potatohead is begging the Iranians, Venezuelans and Saudis to give us more oil.

Only idiots voted for Potatohead and then ignored the fact that he stole the election.


U.S. energy facts explained

The United States was a net total energy exporter in 2019 and 2020​

Up to the early 1950s, the United States imported relatively small amounts of energy.1 In the mid-1950s, the United States began to import greater amounts of crude oil and petroleum products (such as gasoline and distillate fuels) to fill the gap between petroleum consumption and domestic production.

Total U.S. annual primary energy net imports (imports minus exports) generally increased in most years since the mid-1950s and reached a record high in 2005, equal to about 30% of total U.S. energy consumption. Since 2005, total annual energy imports have decreased and total energy exports have increased. The United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952 and maintained that position in 2020 even though both total energy production and consumption were lower in 2020 than in 2019. Total U.S. energy exports exceeded total energy imports by 3.46 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) in 2020, the largest margin on record. U.S. energy exports in 2020 totaled 23.47 quads, and energy imports fell 13% to 20.0 quads, the lowest level since 1992.

Yes the boy is confused. Many decades ago we called it being beaucoup dinky dau.

Imagine someone being so stupid as to voted for him to be Commander in Chief?

Biden suffers senior moment on Russia…

“How did we get to the place where Putin decides to invade Russia? Nothing like this has happened since WWII.”


This is why Putin felt free to invade Ukraine in the first place. He knew there would be no resistance from the US, and he was right, sadly.
The fact is that under Trump the US was independent and the price at the pump was cheap. You are entitled to your opinion but facts are facts. Trump around $2/gal and under Potatohead it pushing $5/gal and Potatohead said yesterday that it will be even worse.
Oil is global market and there are exchanges in exports and imports. At the time we were importing we were also exporting because of the logistics so you can take your fake facts and cram it up you uneducated low information Moon Bat ass. The fact is that the US was a net EXPORTER when Trump was President and now Potatohead is begging the Iranians, Venezuelans and Saudis to give us more oil.

Only idiots voted for Potatohead and then ignored the fact that he stole the election.


U.S. energy facts explained

The United States was a net total energy exporter in 2019 and 2020​

Up to the early 1950s, the United States imported relatively small amounts of energy.1 In the mid-1950s, the United States began to import greater amounts of crude oil and petroleum products (such as gasoline and distillate fuels) to fill the gap between petroleum consumption and domestic production.

Total U.S. annual primary energy net imports (imports minus exports) generally increased in most years since the mid-1950s and reached a record high in 2005, equal to about 30% of total U.S. energy consumption. Since 2005, total annual energy imports have decreased and total energy exports have increased. The United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952 and maintained that position in 2020 even though both total energy production and consumption were lower in 2020 than in 2019. Total U.S. energy exports exceeded total energy imports by 3.46 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) in 2020, the largest margin on record. U.S. energy exports in 2020 totaled 23.47 quads, and energy imports fell 13% to 20.0 quads, the lowest level since 1992.

So let me get this straight. When I use the US Energy Information Association to support my argument it is "fake facts". But when you use the US Energy Information Association it is undeniable truth. Is that the way your tiny little mind works? The US is a net importer of crude oil, that is a fact and supported by the DOE. Now, if you take all the finished oil distillates that we export and calculate the energy potential within them, well suddenly we become "energy independent". Two things--first, finished oil distillates have much more energy potential, those thermal units OUR source spouts off about, than plain old crude oil. But second, the fact that we refine that oil here, with the environmental consequences and risk, and ship it off somewhere else it is just PLAIN STUPID. Google is your friend. Google diesel prices in Brazil, cheaper than here, by about a dollar a gallon. We export diesel to Brazil. Google gas prices in Mexico. Again, cheaper than here. We export gasoline to Mexico. You want to lower the price of gasoline here, Ban exporting it.

Yes, the United States is the world's largest producer of crude oil and natural gas. But we didn't attain that position until late 2020, when Trump was crying about his stolen election. And today,, we produce even more under Biden. Biden's first year in office saw total domestic oil production higher than Trump's first year, and natural gas is up off the chains. But I know, you Republicans don't let facts get in the way.

Like this stupid shit about Biden banning the sale of new leases on federal land. Even some dipshit Congressmen were wailing about it today. A federal judge rescinded that order, and the sale of new leases continued. And the approval of drilling on already existing leases has eclipsed the rate of both Trump and Obama, levels not seen since Bush Jr. Furthermore, there are literally thousands of leases that have been sold and the oil companies are not drilling on them.

My oldest son is an energy expert. He is a research scientist about to complete is Phd and has delivered presentations on three continents concerning energy. He works for the world's foremost nonprofit energy research organization and his division is about to get millions of dollars in grants from the Biden administration. More than they got from Trump, and he works in the fossil fuel division.

But the best example of how fucked the US population is when it concerns gasoline can be seen in how gas is priced to gas stations. Branded gas stations. Say you are an owner of an Exxon station, or Shell, or Chevron, or BP, The tanker delivers the gas and debits your bank account for, say $3.75 a gallon. The next day the price jumps to $4.00 a gallon. The supplier looks at the computerized measurement of gas left in the station owners tanks and debits their account for twenty five cents a gallon. That is precisely why we are seeing gas prices going up two and three times a day. What other industry works that way? I mean if a grocery store buys a case of Stokely green beans and the price goes up after they have taken delivery and paid, do they get hit with the price increase from Stokely? That hit home to me yesterday as I filled up at a Luv's for $4.09 a gallon and then drove by a small independent operator not under contract and saw the price was $3.86. That practice should be outlawed. It takes profits out of the hands of independent business owners and places it directly in the hands of huge oil companies and gasoline suppliers. And those profits come directly out of the pocket of hard-working Americans to be delivered into the hands of stock holders. And please, for the love of God, don't start talking about 401-Ks or I will rip you a new asshole.
So let me get this straight. When I use the US Energy Information Association to support my argument it is "fake facts". But when you use the US Energy Information Association it is undeniable truth. Is that the way your tiny little mind works? The US is a net importer of crude oil, that is a fact and supported by the DOE. Now, if you take all the finished oil distillates that we export and calculate the energy potential within them, well suddenly we become "energy independent". Two things--first, finished oil distillates have much more energy potential, those thermal units OUR source spouts off about, than plain old crude oil. But second, the fact that we refine that oil here, with the environmental consequences and risk, and ship it off somewhere else it is just PLAIN STUPID. Google is your friend. Google diesel prices in Brazil, cheaper than here, by about a dollar a gallon. We export diesel to Brazil. Google gas prices in Mexico. Again, cheaper than here. We export gasoline to Mexico. You want to lower the price of gasoline here, Ban exporting it.

Yes, the United States is the world's largest producer of crude oil and natural gas. But we didn't attain that position until late 2020, when Trump was crying about his stolen election. And today,, we produce even more under Biden. Biden's first year in office saw total domestic oil production higher than Trump's first year, and natural gas is up off the chains. But I know, you Republicans don't let facts get in the way.

Like this stupid shit about Biden banning the sale of new leases on federal land. Even some dipshit Congressmen were wailing about it today. A federal judge rescinded that order, and the sale of new leases continued. And the approval of drilling on already existing leases has eclipsed the rate of both Trump and Obama, levels not seen since Bush Jr. Furthermore, there are literally thousands of leases that have been sold and the oil companies are not drilling on them.

My oldest son is an energy expert. He is a research scientist about to complete is Phd and has delivered presentations on three continents concerning energy. He works for the world's foremost nonprofit energy research organization and his division is about to get millions of dollars in grants from the Biden administration. More than they got from Trump, and he works in the fossil fuel division.

But the best example of how fucked the US population is when it concerns gasoline can be seen in how gas is priced to gas stations. Branded gas stations. Say you are an owner of an Exxon station, or Shell, or Chevron, or BP, The tanker delivers the gas and debits your bank account for, say $3.75 a gallon. The next day the price jumps to $4.00 a gallon. The supplier looks at the computerized measurement of gas left in the station owners tanks and debits their account for twenty five cents a gallon. That is precisely why we are seeing gas prices going up two and three times a day. What other industry works that way? I mean if a grocery store buys a case of Stokely green beans and the price goes up after they have taken delivery and paid, do they get hit with the price increase from Stokely? That hit home to me yesterday as I filled up at a Luv's for $4.09 a gallon and then drove by a small independent operator not under contract and saw the price was $3.86. That practice should be outlawed. It takes profits out of the hands of independent business owners and places it directly in the hands of huge oil companies and gasoline suppliers. And those profits come directly out of the pocket of hard-working Americans to be delivered into the hands of stock holders. And please, for the love of God, don't start talking about 401-Ks or I will rip you a new asshole.

LOL! You can write all your typical Moon Bat denial bullshit you want but facts are facts.

1. Gas was much cheaper when Trump was President.

2. The US was energy independent and was a NET exporter of oil under Trump.

3. President Potatohead has been a disaster for this country with tremendous inflation, tremendous increase in the cost of energy due to Environmental Wacko policies, millions of Illegals flooding into the country, increased taxes, terrible mismanagement of the supply chain, dismal post pandemic recovery and a weak disastrous foreign policy.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a fucking idiot.

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