Biden dumps border crisis in states’ laps

In Dem cities, literally $Billions in taxpayer money is being used to shelter migrants...

These Dem cities will have less to fund essential services of its citizenry and instead get to house migrants on sidewalks and hotels.

Biden's got quite the gig going on here, making Dem mayors (taxpayers) pay for his open borders.

Here's a letter to Joe by five Dem mayors begging for money...

View attachment 853901


Chicago is giving migrants $15,000 rent vouchers, but many migrants find that Chicago conditions are so terrible, they are leaving, with some even returning to Venezuela....

In Dem cities, literally $Billions in taxpayer money is being used to shelter migrants...

These Dem cities will have less to fund essential services of its citizenry and instead get to house migrants on sidewalks and hotels.

Biden's got quite the gig going on here, making Dem mayors (taxpayers) pay for his open borders.

Here's a letter to Joe by five Dem mayors begging for money...

View attachment 853901


NYC is already crumbling, but Eric Adams has to reduce services further because of the extraordinary cost of the illegal immigrant crisis.

The budget cuts would decrease NYPD officers, cut down the city's pre-K programs and close libraries

Great job Dems, you're getting exactly what you voted for!
NYC is already crumbling, but Eric Adams has to reduce services further because of the extraordinary cost of the illegal immigrant crisis.

The budget cuts would decrease NYPD officers, cut down the city's pre-K programs and close libraries

Great job Dems, you're getting exactly what you voted for!

Brother has a point. He's working 40 hrs/wk, can't afford rent, and he can't have shelter from the cold because the illegal immigrants get priority and police protection...

NYC is already crumbling, but Eric Adams has to reduce services further because of the extraordinary cost of the illegal immigrant crisis.

The budget cuts would decrease NYPD officers, cut down the city's pre-K programs and close libraries

Great job Dems, you're getting exactly what you voted for!

And now Denver announces cuts to American citizens' services in order to provide services to illegal aliens...

I think it’s no longer any sort of conspiracy to say this is likely driven or partially driven by a voting strategy to get as many dependent people into the country as possible and then retroactively try to make them citizens.

There’s no compassion here, it’s cold calculated exploitation and harming the country and current citizens to attain future power via new dependent citizens.

Diabolical from the Democrats. They ought to be ashamed of this. This is sociopathic thinking

Just think of all the impoverished Americans and American veterans who are being denied assistance because Biden is flooding so much money/resources to illegal immigrants. What an awful thing the Democrats are doing, and then they politically condemn states who advocate for their population’s safety and ability to stay afloat. It’s as if they don’t have a soul.
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President Biden has a message for city and state leaders around the country who are struggling to provide housing and care for the unending influx of migrants in their communities.

"Not my problem."

New York got the message loud and clear from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who responded to criticism that the government wasn’t doing enough to help with the massive humanitarian undertaking by saying, essentially, that New York was dropping the ball, not the feds.

Editorial: Biden dumps border crisis in states’ laps
Which also means his vow to close the border was absolute horseshit.
In Dem cities, literally $Billions in taxpayer money is being used to shelter migrants...

These Dem cities will have less to fund essential services of its citizenry and instead get to house migrants on sidewalks and hotels.

Biden's got quite the gig going on here, making Dem mayors (taxpayers) pay for his open borders.

Here's a letter to Joe by five Dem mayors begging for money...

View attachment 853901


Norfolk, Massachusetts helped vote in Biden.

Now these Dems are up in arms over the need to house 450 illegal aliens in their town.

The Town Council has no idea how they are going to pay for it, but they somehow promise that all the new migrant children will not be a negative on the schools. Sure.

Town Council say they have no idea how to deal with all this.

You get what you vote for...


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