Biden economy: Jeep cuts 1,350+ jobs due to high Electric Vehicle assembly costs, moving factory from US to Mexico

he got a better deal…even xiden admitted that

the fact businesses are fleeing now, has to do with the business environment xiden has
Are you telling us that businesses were coming back when Trump was in office.
That is BS and you know it.
nope it’s fact and i have provided. i have provided links showing the record setting punishment trump got for an employer and the memo from xiden admin changing their policy not prosecuting employers

you just don’t want to learn….cause you are plantation boy
America did this to itself. Progs do not like the United States a free and sovereign nation. Promote globalism then demean everyone when the product they purchase is from a foreign nation. Like it or not, stronger unions took too much from the industries and taxpayers over many decades since WW 2. It was not just management that was at fault. Purchasing vehicles which were half lemons, and the companies and dealers forgot the consumer after the warranty ran out opened the gates to imports when the two-gas crisis hit in the 1970's.

This is an interesting view of history.

Most of the Democrats voted against. Most of the Republicans voted for. Nearly all the votes against came from Democrats.

Well let’s look at the Senate. Maybe those pesky Democrats took the lead.

Huh. That seems odd. I know. Progressives time traveled and used alien mind control technology on the awesome Republicans.
nope it’s fact and i have provided. i have provided links showing the record setting punishment trump got for an employer and the memo from xiden admin changing their policy not prosecuting employers

you just don’t want to learn….cause you are plantation boy
When did you provide that? In your sleep. Trump is white and Biden is white and both of them work to their own interests.
When did you provide that? In your sleep. Trump is white and Biden is white and both of them work to their own interests.
i provided it yesterday. not sure what their race has to do with it…yes xiden however find it in his interest not to punish employers of illegals…speaks for it self
You won't get anything from that rightwing factory of lies.
The BLS is part of the Dept of Labor which is currently run by xiden..he’s anything but right wing…he’s the leader of rhe demklan

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