Biden enacts "restrictions" at the border??? LMAO!

That was for government jobs right?

Was it communist to enforce the polio shot? It is a little before my time but my mom said they pulled her out of class at school with everyone else, lined them up in the hallway and gave them the shots.

Is it communist to force businesses to provide a safe work place?

In the few years I have been on political boards, one thing I have learned; communism tends to be whatever the other party spends money on.

That isn't why they held the impeachment hearings. You must not have watched.

You must have been going out of your mind when Republicans spent three years investigating white water and ended up impeaching clinton for lying about a blowjob.

Impeachment is in the constitution. Following the constitution is not communism.

The ACA was supported by SCOTUS. That's not communism, that is our constitutional Republic (for sake of arguement uncensored2008...he says we are a democracy) in action.

I doubt there are plenty but isolated incidents do not a communist country make.

I don't see it. Are you sure you know what communism is?

Or the devil will be an orange idiot that sleeps with women while his wife is pregnant, cheats on every wife he ever had etc etc.

Isn't Trump the one that said companies should charge Amazon more for delivering packages then other delivery companies? Didn't he have pence, his running mate, give a tax break to only Carrier? I am sure the ma and pa stores loved that.

Would you consider that communism?

It's easy to cherry pick specific government/economic actions and claim "communism"...however communism is an entire system of government, not isolated incidents.

You asked and I told you. Impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors, or treason, none of which fit a President asking a leader of another country for a favor. Secondly, they refused to bring their source of complaint, supposedly an "anonymous" person that we still don't know who it was. That's not following the Constitution, that's destroying it. Communism.

Biden tried to force all industry to have their employees vaccinated. The court struck it down except for entities controlled or paid for by government such as nursing homes and hospitals since they receive government money from some of their patients. The polio vaccine was an actual vaccine. This is not. It was thoroughly tested before being distributed, this shot was not. The polio vaccine stopped the transmission of polio, this shot did not.

Bill Clinton didn't get impeached for a blow job, he got impeached for lying to a federal grand jury. That lie just doesn't fly and never has.

But like I said, if you want to know the Communist party agenda, just go to their web site, or ask and I'll provide a link to one of their pages which I have in my bookmarks. Again, not much difference between their agenda and the Democrat party.
You asked and I told you. Impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors, or treason, none of which fit a President asking a leader of another country for a favor.

Not a favor. Quid pro quo. You are gaslighting.

Secondly, they refused to bring their source of complaint, supposedly an "anonymous" person that we still don't know who it was. That's not following the Constitution, that's destroying it. Communism.

Anonymous sources are not communism. They are built into the laws and practiced by both parties.

Biden tried to force all industry to have their employees vaccinated. The court struck it down except for entities controlled or paid for by government such as nursing homes and hospitals since they receive government money from some of their patients.

Ok. So what is the problem? Our government in action. Had Biden somehow forced the courts to agree with him...maybe that would be communism?

Regardless, are their any modern day presidents where the courts didn't strike down any policies?

It seems to me when it happens to Dem presidents, it's communism. When it happens to repub presidents, it's deep state judges.

Y'all try to have it both ways sometimes.

The polio vaccine was an actual vaccine. This is not. It was thoroughly tested before being distributed, this shot was not. The polio vaccine stopped the transmission of polio, this shot did not.

COVID shot is a vaccine as well. Even if they recently changed the definition. The last administration called it a vaccine.

Bill Clinton didn't get impeached for a blow job, he got impeached for lying to a federal grand jury. That lie just doesn't fly and never has.

I know this...and thought I had included lie, but regardless; Ken star spent three years investigating Clinton for something that had already been investigated. They found nothing. This to me was the turning point for the GOP. After that they investigated everything, frequently multiple times. Trey Gowdy made a living off it. McConnell stated it was the number one priority to keep Obama from doing anything before he was even swore that communism?

But like I said, if you want to know the Communist party agenda, just go to their web site, or ask and I'll provide a link to one of their pages which I have in my bookmarks. Again, not much difference between their agenda and the Democrat party.
Sure. I can look up fascism and see it parallels nearly aspect of the last administration. Big deal.

Like I said. Communism is an entire system of government/economy, not cherry picked incidents that could be done to all presidents in the last 50 years.

I hate to break it to you but you have been lied to. America isn't, never has been nor will we ever be a pure capitalist country.
Dementia stopped the border wall the first day he invaded the White House. If you had kids cutting through your yard and only had half a fence installed, do you really think that would keep them out?
4 years man. He had 4 years to complete it. He barely did anything… he couldn’t do it cuz he was lazy and just liked complaining. Biden gets it done.
Not a favor. Quid pro quo. You are gaslighting.

Anonymous sources are not communism. They are built into the laws and practiced by both parties.

Ok. So what is the problem? Our government in action. Had Biden somehow forced the courts to agree with him...maybe that would be communism?

Regardless, are their any modern day presidents where the courts didn't strike down any policies?

It seems to me when it happens to Dem presidents, it's communism. When it happens to repub presidents, it's deep state judges.

Y'all try to have it both ways sometimes.

COVID shot is a vaccine as well. Even if they recently changed the definition. The last administration called it a vaccine.

I know this...and thought I had included lie, but regardless; Ken star spent three years investigating Clinton for something that had already been investigated. They found nothing. This to me was the turning point for the GOP. After that they investigated everything, frequently multiple times. Trey Gowdy made a living off it. McConnell stated it was the number one priority to keep Obama from doing anything before he was even swore that communism?

Sure. I can look up fascism and see it parallels nearly aspect of the last administration. Big deal.

Like I said. Communism is an entire system of government/economy, not cherry picked incidents that could be done to all presidents in the last 50 years.

I hate to break it to you but you have been lied to. America isn't, never has been nor will we ever be a pure capitalist country.

Capitalism is a financial system, not a government system.

The Trump phone call is all over the internet. Show me where Trump ever threatened Ukraine if Zelenskyy didn't provide him with what he wanted. He asked for a favor, that's not an impeachable offense. The only one that did a quid pro quo on Ukraine was Dementia, and he laughed about it on video.

The covid shot is not a vaccine. A vaccine eliminates and stops the spread of a disease. The covid shot doesn't do that, it only helps in protecting the person that gets covid. They can still spread it. I have several people in my family that got covid even with the shot.
As far as Clinton was concerned, he made a pass at an underling when he was Governor. Reporters asked state troopers about his actions and they stated Clinton would ask them to summon women all the time. That led them to Paula Jones which she stated happened to her. Clinton and his minions got on television and insulted the woman calling her a liar and a trailer park whore. To prove this was a practice of Bill Clinton, they found another underling in the White House that admitted to having sex with him. That's what the case was all about; proving this is how Clinton operated.

What's with you leftists anyway where you can't answer a post without breaking it up into a dozen pieces. I know most of you went to public school, but I mean come on now. It's not that hard to carry on a conversation without making it a lot of unnecessary work.

And PS: Yes, Communism is a system, now do what I tell you and go to their website and you'll see the entire system and how Democrats are implementing it or trying to.
4 years man. He had 4 years to complete it. He barely did anything… he couldn’t do it cuz he was lazy and just liked complaining. Biden gets it done.

Under President Trump 460 miles of wall was built in just half of his term. Much of it was replacement but new walls were added as well. The project would have continued had he been reelected and our border along with his very successful immigration policies would have left us with 5 million less immigrants than we have today. As for the replacement wall, much of it were vehicle barriers that an 80 year old lady could get past.

vehicle barriers.jpeg
Capitalism is a financial system, not a government system. The Trump phone call is all over the internet. Show me where Trump ever threatened Ukraine if Zelenskyy didn't provide him with what he wanted. He asked for a favor, that's not an impeachable offense. The only one that did a quid pro quo on Ukraine was Dementia, and he laughed about it on video. The covid shot is not a vaccine. A vaccine eliminates and stops the spread of a disease. The covid shot doesn't do that, it only helps in protecting the person that gets covid. They can still spread it. I have several people in my family that got covid even with the shot. As far as Clinton was concerned, he made a pass at an underling when he was Governor. Reporters asked state troopers about his actions and they stated Clinton would ask them to summon women all the time. That led them to Paula Jones which she stated happened to her. Clinton and his minions got on television and insulted the woman calling her a liar and a trailer park whore. To prove this was a practice of Bill Clinton, they found another underling in the White House that admitted to having sex with him. That's what the case was all about; proving this is how Clinton operated. What's with you leftists anyway where you can't answer a post without breaking it up into a dozen pieces. I know most of you went to public school, but I mean come on now. It's not that hard to carry on a conversation without making it a lot of unnecessary work. And PS: Yes, Communism is a system, now do what I tell you and go to their website and you'll see the entire system and how Democrats are implementing it or trying to.
Wow. We are both all over the place. I apologize but I can't invest the time to cover all these topics ad nauseam. I appreciate the spirited debate but you can have the victory.

Also, I hadn't really considered how annoying it can be to break up the paragraphs like I tend to. I will try to minimize that in the future. Thanks.

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