Biden enacts "restrictions" at the border??? LMAO!

I`m saying that the illegals are being hired to rebuild Florida after hurricanes. Republicans and Democrats pay them because there is no one else who will do it.

Perhaps, but if that is the case, it goes back to my earlier comment about government goodies.
At least you being honest. The better trade, since you love these uneducated 3rd worlders, is that you anti American lefties should move to those other countries.

It's refreshing that this leftists openly cheers for the great replacement as opposed to hiding it.

When they lose elections or get the short end of a policy like Roe vs Wade, the prominent Democrats always tell us how they're going to move to Canada or Europe. They never say they're moving to Mexico or Venezuela.
Sanctuary cities, while I don't necessarily agree with the policy, it is a constitutional right.

That was not my point. My point is the reason the Republicans are moving illegals is to show people in Democrat areas what they created with their support of Democrat leaders. You want these illegals here? Put them in your backyard, not ours.
The link makes no sense. It says illegals in the title but the case is for a DACA person. That isn't illegal. Furthermore the decision was based on precedent as many cases are.

No it was not based on precedent, it's based on their goal to make life as easy as possible for them including letting them get work.

But the laws need to be changed by Congress. I thought Trump knew that but he instead made laws via EO.

It doesn't matter how it gets done, as long as it gets done. If Trump won reelection, by now border crossings would hardly be worth reporting on because his immigration policies would have only got stronger. The wall would be extended, and with a Republican House, may be able to get more money for more deterrents.

If you have time, here was Tucker last night describing the Mexican civil war that the MSM isn't even reporting on, and how it's going to make it's way here to the states unless we do something and do it soon.

Sounds good to me. What I know is that as long as illegals can come here and get jobs, they won't stop.

Well these leftists sanctuary cities are no help with giving them drivers licenses to get to these jobs, leftist judges saying we have to hire them, and alerting them of ICE workplace raids are not helping the matter much.
That was not my point. My point is the reason the Republicans are moving illegals is to show people in Democrat areas what they created with their support of Democrat leaders. You want these illegals here? Put them in your backyard, not ours.
Yeah. I understood the point. I always have. Use humans as pawns to make a political point.
Yeah. I understood the point. I always have. Use humans as pawns to make a political point.

Why not? Do you think the Communists are letting them in for anything outside of political pawns? They can expand government this way because our country will not let the children starve, they won't let them go without medical care, they will plague cities to foot the bill to educate these illegal immigrant kids.

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.


Because they are humans.

Do you think the Communists are letting them in for anything outside of political pawns? They can expand government this way because our country will not let the children starve, they won't let them go without medical care, they will plague cities to foot the bill to educate these illegal immigrant kids.

Which communists are you referring too? I thought we were talking about Dems?

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

What makes you think they are communists? A specific please.

You go to the US Communist party website and read their agenda. With a few exceptions exactly like the Democrat agenda. If you visit, search for who they endorsed for President the last few elections. I'll give you a hint: It sure wasn't any Republican.
You go to the US Communist party website and read their agenda. With a few exceptions exactly like the Democrat agenda. If you visit, search for who they endorsed for President the last few elections. I'll give you a hint: It sure wasn't any Republican.
I wanted to know what you thought. Do you have your own opinion and an example?
I wanted to know what you thought. Do you have your own opinion and an example?

Sure. Biden tried to force industry to make sure their employees took the government vaccination or were tested every two weeks. That's the government controlling business which of course the court struck down. That's communism. The idea that a Congress can hold an impeachment for the sole purpose of bringing down a political foe without any impeachable offenses is Communism if not Nazism.

Then we had DumBama who sold the country on his healthcare plan all based on lies. Into the law was a fine for businesses that didn't provide healthcare benefits to their employees and an annual fine to citizens that didn't want or need his stupid plan Again, the government telling business how to operate according to their standards.

Plenty of evidence of the Communists weaponizing federal agencies like the IRS and the FBI. They are supposed to be working for the people, not the Democrat party.

There's just a ton of things that all indicate what these people are.

Remember: If the devil comes for your soul, he will not have fiery red skin, nor a tail with an arrowhead end, or horns out of his head. He will be a well dressed man like off of Wall street, very intelligent and somewhat coy, and he certainly won't tell you why he's there. When the day comes where the Democrat party tells you what they really are, you will already been living under Communist rule for a number of years.
Biden added Billions to border infrastructure last year that the republicans agreed to. The year before he submitted an immigration and enforcement bill the Republicans filibustered.

Republicans don’t want to fix the border, they just want to complain.

In just two years Biden has added only 47 miles less of new wall than Trump did in 4 years… of course Trump only added that little amount.

I remember you screaming “WALLS DONT WORK!” When *Joe was building those 47 miles of wall.
No you don’t.

47 miles of new wall for $13B is really making a difference. It’s amazing how it’s stopped no one from coming over.

Dementia stopped the border wall the first day he invaded the White House. If you had kids cutting through your yard and only had half a fence installed, do you really think that would keep them out?
Sure. Biden tried to force industry to make sure their employees took the government vaccination or were tested every two weeks. That's the government controlling business which of course the court struck down. That's communism.

That was for government jobs right?

Was it communist to enforce the polio shot? It is a little before my time but my mom said they pulled her out of class at school with everyone else, lined them up in the hallway and gave them the shots.

Is it communist to force businesses to provide a safe work place?

In the few years I have been on political boards, one thing I have learned; communism tends to be whatever the other party spends money on.

The idea that a Congress can hold an impeachment for the sole purpose of bringing down a political foe without any impeachable offenses is Communism if not Nazism.

That isn't why they held the impeachment hearings. You must not have watched.

You must have been going out of your mind when Republicans spent three years investigating white water and ended up impeaching clinton for lying about a blowjob.

Impeachment is in the constitution. Following the constitution is not communism.

Then we had DumBama who sold the country on his healthcare plan all based on lies. Into the law was a fine for businesses that didn't provide healthcare benefits to their employees and an annual fine to citizens that didn't want or need his stupid plan Again, the government telling business how to operate according to their standards.

The ACA was supported by SCOTUS. That's not communism, that is our constitutional Republic (for sake of arguement uncensored2008...he says we are a democracy) in action.

Plenty of evidence of the Communists weaponizing federal agencies like the IRS and the FBI. They are supposed to be working for the people, not the Democrat party.

I doubt there are plenty but isolated incidents do not a communist country make.

There's just a ton of things that all indicate what these people are.

I don't see it. Are you sure you know what communism is?

Remember: If the devil comes for your soul, he will not have fiery red skin, nor a tail with an arrowhead end, or horns out of his head. He will be a well dressed man like off of Wall street, very intelligent and somewhat coy, and he certainly won't tell you why he's there. When the day comes where the Democrat party tells you what they really are, you will already been living under Communist rule for a number of years.
Or the devil will be an orange idiot that sleeps with women while his wife is pregnant, cheats on every wife he ever had etc etc.

Isn't Trump the one that said companies should charge Amazon more for delivering packages then other delivery companies? Didn't he have pence, his running mate, give a tax break to only Carrier? I am sure the ma and pa stores loved that.

Would you consider that communism?

It's easy to cherry pick specific government/economic actions and claim "communism"...however communism is an entire system of government, not isolated incidents.
True, Trump shut down society and shut down oil production, paid everyone to stay at home, and had to be drug from the White House when he lost. But, yes, Biden did announce some restrictions, so what.
Trump did not shut down society. You people raised a big stink about small businesses and church services but had no problem with social justice protestors standing cheek to cheek.
Trump did not shut down society. You people raised a big stink about small businesses and church services but had no problem with social justice protestors standing cheek to cheek.
I had nothing to do with your fantasy try someone else to falsely accuse. Trump not only shut down society but paid people not to work.

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