Biden Endorses Trump's trade deal, 'Better than NAFTA'

Way to go, Joe!

In late 2019, the Trump administration won support from congressional Democrats for the USMCA after agreeing to incorporate stronger labor enforcement.
Yes, Democrats recognized the value for America in Trump's new Trade Deal. Hungry for a WIN, democrats climbed onboard the Trump Train to get one.

Upgrading "trade infrastructure". The democrats also try to upgrade physical infrastructure despite right wing opposition.
Really? When Democrats controlled both Congress and the WH, how much of that did they get done? The closest they got was a promise from Obama to create 'shovel-ready job's which he later had to admit did not even exist.
Because right wingers had nothing but repeal. All Senate republicans voted against it:

The second of these bills, was the Rebuild America Jobs Act, S. 1769, a bill to put workers back on the job while rebuilding and modernizing America, would've spent $50 billion on transportation infrastructure projects and $10 billion to fund an "infrastructure bank."[26] The bill was introduced by Senator Amy Klobuchar on October 31, 2011 and failed in a 51–49 vote for cloture on November 3, 2011.[26][27] In the failed motion to proceed to consider the legislation, 51 Democrats voted in favor of opening debate on the legislation and 47 Republicans Senators, joined by 1 Democratic Senator Ben Nelson and 1 Independent Senator Joseph Lieberman, voted no.[26] The $60 billion bill investing in roads, bridges and infrastructure, would have been paid with a 0.7% tax on Americans earning more than $1 million per year.[28]--

Yet, right wingers are willing to blame that administration for the weakest of recoveries. Why is that, right wingers?
The only plan Democrats had to put Americans back to work was the non-existent 'Shovel-Ready' projects. Under Obama a record number of Americans joined the existing ranks of those on unemployment, welfare, & food stamps. Stop blaming others for Obama and Democrats failures.
It was non-existent Because of right wing en mass opposition.

The White House provided a fact sheet which summarizes the key provisions of the $447 billion bill.[15] Some of its elements include:

  1. Cutting and suspending $245 billion worth of payroll taxes for qualifying employers and 160 million medium to low income employees.
  2. Spending $62 billion for a Pathways Back to Work Program for expanding opportunities for low-income youth and adults.
    1. $49 billion - Extending unemployment benefits for up to 6 million long-term beneficiaries.
    2. $8 billion - Jobs tax credit for the long term unemployed.
    3. $5 billion - Pathways back to work fund.[15]
  3. Spending $50 billion on both new & pre-existing infrastructure projects.
  4. Spending $35 billion in additional funding to protect the jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters
  5. Spending $30 billion to modernize at least 35,000 public schools and community colleges.
  6. Spending $15 billion on a program that would hire construction workers to help rehabilitate and refurbishing hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes and businesses.
  7. Creating the National Infrastructure Bank (capitalized with $10 billion), originally introduced in 2007, to help fund infrastructure via private and public capital.
  8. Creating a nationwide, interoperable wireless network for public safety, while expanding accessibility to high-speed wireless services.
  9. Prohibiting discrimination in hiring against persons who are unemployed because of their status as unemployed persons..
  10. Loosening regulations on small businesses that wish to raise capital, including through crowdfunding, while retaining investor protections.
In total the legislation includes $253 billion in tax credits (56.6%) and $194 billion in spending and extension of unemployment benefits (43.4%).[15]
Seems like a lot of waste in there. On infrastructure...spend it on roads, bridges and hard things that are needed. But it has to be like the military/industrial complex. We need to get value. Instead we get waste.
What value are we getting from the military industrial complex besides wars they can't seem to win, even on a longitudinal basis?

The weakest war winnings in history not merely the weakest recovery.
Ask Biden - HE praised TRUMP'S new trade deal. :)
Did you miss this too?

In late 2019, the Trump administration won support from congressional Democrats for the USMCA after agreeing to incorporate stronger labor enforcement.
' won support' - Trump successfully negotiated a deal, getting Democrats to join him, in creating a much better deal than before, despite all the claims by Democrats he would fail. Now even Biden has admitted Trump's deal is better ... Why can't YOU SNOWFLAKES agree with your Presidential nominee?
Trump had to accept those points from the democrats.
Democrats needed the win far more than Trump needed them - he had been beating them on EVERYTHING!

And now your candidate is campaigning for Trump, telling everyone what everyone already knows - TRUMP'S deal is far better. :p
Democrats did not need to approve the deal without their input.
Face it, the last 4 years the Democrats have been Trump's bitch - he has OWNED them. He beat them on everything they tried, be it a treasonous coup working with foreign spies and Russians, a failed 1st-ever partisan Impeachment, the best economy in decades, and actually EARNING a NPP without starting a war. Democrats are desperate for a win in Nov, which explains why they are willing to collaborate with Soros, China, & Iran & facilitate / support foreign- funded domestic terrorists in ripping the nation to pieces, push racial hatred and violence, destroy the economy, and shred the Constitution. Your continued defense of these proven traitors makes YOU Their bitch, snowflake. :p

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