Biden Falsely Claims U.S. Troops Not Involved in M.E.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

The reason for this being in the politics section is because it's another invitation for Trump to take a chance on rallying his support behind the antiwar cause.

If Trump can state correctly that America is in a very dangerous war with Russia, he can elevate himself to something closer to a winning position.

Too early? Maybe, but Trump needs to capitalize on the opportunity. The tactice almost worked against Clinton in the '99 Kosovo war.
Agreed, but you forgot something. Trump isn’t smart enough to do this.
Why didn't Trump pull out US troops from the middle east if this was such an important thing to him??

One of the first foreign military operations to happen during his watch were when 4 soliders died in Niger....Niger?? and not one time did I hear a single Trumper ask -- why the fuck are we in Niger

Now yall want to pretend you are against all foreign intervention?? FOH
Probably whatever statement supposedly made is actually in reference to or nuanced by an oily little phrase and FM studied, discussed and planned for in Command and General Staff School and above (back in the day) "Actions Other Than War", which can actually involve combat missions of limited duration and scope. We are not actually in a state of war with Russia, but I am pretty sure, they know we are around.
Agreed, but you forgot something. Trump isn’t smart enough to do this.
He has advisers who are smart but the biggest factor preventing him is the risk of Americans being too devoted to their war than to Trump. And of course the huge backlash from the D party that would accuse Trump of getting back in bed with Putin.
Still, I see taking a position against the war as his only chance.

Watch for an opportunity being handed to him.

Too much Americans' money being spent on the war?
Fear of it going nuclear?
Many American mercenaries killed in something war related? are becoming active on the ideas already.

The reason for this being in the politics section is because it's another invitation for Trump to take a chance on rallying his support behind the antiwar cause.

If Trump can state correctly that America is in a very dangerous war with Russia, he can elevate himself to something closer to a winning position.

Too early? Maybe, but Trump needs to capitalize on the opportunity. The tactice almost worked against Clinton in the '99 Kosovo war.
Was he talking about 1918 when he was a Senator or like recent history?

The Trump administration has significantly increased the tempo of drone strikes in a number of countries, and it has relaxed the rules governing the targeting of these strikes. The result has been an increased number of civilian casualties with even less accountability than before and no redress for the innocent people caught in the middle of our endless wars.

The U.S. government restricts the information that is publicly available about these attacks, and that in turn ensures that there is very little public scrutiny or criticism of an open-ended military campaign. To make matters worse, the additional strikes seem to have done nothing to reduce the activities of Al-Shabaab, and instead the threat posed by the group is greater than before.

The drone war in Somalia is just one part of this campaign, and it exemplifies what is wrong with the open-ended “war on terror.” Like the other wars he inherited, President Trump has significantly escalated it. Through the end of 2019, there had already been 148 U.S. strikes launched in Somalia since Trump took office. In just the first half of 2020, there have been as many U.S. drone strikes in Somalia (40) as there were between 2007 and 2016. In less than three and a half years, Trump has more than quadrupled the number of attacks in Somalia ordered by his last two predecessors.
Where in the Middle East is there a military combat that would allow US soldiers to be involved in? ... we're acting in Yemen on behalf of the Yemenese government ... so this is a peace mission and all the gunfire is crown control ... Prince Raghead sez so ...

I'll bet the Biden Administration claims the President ISN'T traveling there to provide the Saudi Royal Family with American Style oral sex ... knee-pads look good on Joe ...
Probably whatever statement supposedly made is actually in reference to or nuanced by an oily little phrase and FM studied, discussed and planned for in Command and General Staff School and above (back in the day) "Actions Other Than War", which can actually involve combat missions of limited duration and scope. We are not actually in a state of war with Russia, but I am pretty sure, they know we are around.
Of course I disagree. America is in a state of war that is the only possible 'state' on war with Russia.
It's one hell of a smart way to run a war and it's carefully orchestrated to deplete Russia's resources until America gains it's victory.

But it requires Russia's ongoing cooperation for America's success. Rather than Russia gaining a victory with the inevitable gain of territory, the more important factor is that Russia will be bombarded by increasing effect of deadlier US and US made weapons.

Americans are holding out hope of victory and the propagandists are doing their job of supplying 'confidence' to the people. But there's risk of a stumble and that's where Trump has to come to life with an antiwar position.

That's the reason why this topic is in the politics section.
Trumpers are showing some cautious interest.

The Trump administration has significantly increased the tempo of drone strikes in a number of countries, and it has relaxed the rules governing the targeting of these strikes. The result has been an increased number of civilian casualties with even less accountability than before and no redress for the innocent people caught in the middle of our endless wars.

The U.S. government restricts the information that is publicly available about these attacks, and that in turn ensures that there is very little public scrutiny or criticism of an open-ended military campaign. To make matters worse, the additional strikes seem to have done nothing to reduce the activities of Al-Shabaab, and instead the threat posed by the group is greater than before.

The drone war in Somalia is just one part of this campaign, and it exemplifies what is wrong with the open-ended “war on terror.” Like the other wars he inherited, President Trump has significantly escalated it. Through the end of 2019, there had already been 148 U.S. strikes launched in Somalia since Trump took office. In just the first half of 2020, there have been as many U.S. drone strikes in Somalia (40) as there were between 2007 and 2016. In less than three and a half years, Trump has more than quadrupled the number of attacks in Somalia ordered by his last two predecessors.
Talking about Trump escalations?
Is that some sort of subconscious denial?
Where in the Middle East is there a military combat that would allow US soldiers to be involved in? ... we're acting in Yemen on behalf of the Yemenese government ... so this is a peace mission and all the gunfire is crown control ... Prince Raghead sez so ...

I'll bet the Biden Administration claims the President ISN'T traveling there to provide the Saudi Royal Family with American Style oral sex ... knee-pads look good on Joe ...
Syria is an important and pivotal cause for America. For Russia there's so much at stake. America is completely involved in supporting Al Queda there.
But we're getting a bit off topic with that, even though it's a big part of America's 'active' war effort against Russia.
He has advisers who are smart but the biggest factor preventing him is the risk of Americans being too devoted to their war than to Trump. And of course the huge backlash from the D party that would accuse Trump of getting back in bed with Putin.
Still, I see taking a position against the war as his only chance.

Watch for an opportunity being handed to him.

Too much Americans' money being spent on the war?
Fear of it going nuclear?
Many American mercenaries killed in something war related? are becoming active on the ideas already.
He chose neocons advisors who want war. Had he had advisors not controlled by the MIC, maybe he could follow a policy of peace and cooperation as he claimed to want.

He had the opportunity to seek peace with Russia when he was potus, but was too afraid of the appear controlled by Putin as the Ds claimed. He’s weak. He chose confrontation.
Joe Biden is the very definition of Spam. Canned, Very Salty, and not Healthy for you.
Possibly, but Biden is war and a very dangerous war with Russia.

No Democrat replacing him is going to minimize the threat and no Republican shows any indication of an antiwar stance. If there's any hope for stopping the war, it's in Trump.

Bearing in mind that he would need constant protection from all points of the compass. America's war with Russia is far, far more critical than The situation that was developing over Cuba. And you know how the CIA/Johnson dealt with that one!
Of course I disagree. America is in a state of war that is the only possible 'state' on war with Russia.
It's one hell of a smart way to run a war and it's carefully orchestrated to deplete Russia's resources until America gains it's victory.

But it requires Russia's ongoing cooperation for America's success. Rather than Russia gaining a victory with the inevitable gain of territory, the more important factor is that Russia will be bombarded by increasing effect of deadlier US and US made weapons.

Americans are holding out hope of victory and the propagandists are doing their job of supplying 'confidence' to the people. But there's risk of a stumble and that's where Trump has to come to life with an antiwar position.

That's the reason why this topic is in the politics section.
Trumpers are showing some cautious interest.
Some truth there, but like it or not, Trump is seen as a Russia supporter whether it supports our core values or not. If he saw it politically beneficial to him, I suspect he would happily watch all of NATO fall to the Russian Bear. After all, he ain't exactly an all American guy, if choosing between historic core American values or even laws, when balanced against leveraging even a limited perceived political benefit to himself. He raises lots of fungible contributions with his laissez-faire relationship with American values and laws.
Possibly, but Biden is war and a very dangerous war with Russia.

No Democrat replacing him is going to minimize the threat and no Republican shows any indication of an antiwar stance. If there's any hope for stopping the war, it's in Trump.

Bearing in mind that he would need constant protection from all points of the compass. America's war with Russia is far, far more critical than The situation that was developing over Cuba. And you know how the CIA/Johnson dealt with that one!
There is no war with Russia except what Joe and his handlers created. Cut them off, and let Europe deal with Russia.
Some truth there, but like it or not, Trump is seen as a Russia supporter whether it supports our core values or not.
That's the big hitch that could be his stumbling block.
If he saw it politically beneficial to him, I suspect he would happily watch all of NATO fall to the Russian Bear.
Of course I disagree that any Nato country could ever fall to the Bear!
After all, he ain't exactly an all American guy, if choosing between historic core American values or even laws, when balanced against leveraging even a limited perceived political benefit to himself. He raises lots of fungible contributions with his laissez-faire relationship with American values and laws.
Yes, that's the discussion.
There's just no way that America is going to let the war be stopped and most analysts are in agreement with that fact by now.

The only possible way of interrupting it would be in Trump taking on the antiwar cause.

Is it possible? I bet it's at least run up the flagpole to see if anybody salutes it!
Right at the moment, 2 years is an issue that would make it hard to sustain.

You understand that Trump is the great Satan, rhetorically speaking. But you also have to know that he's capable of great power through fascist principles at his disposal.
Talking about Trump escalations?
Is that some sort of subconscious denial?
It's the new way to wage proxy war. Obama Increase drone warfare over Bush and Trump increase it's use over Obama.

Everybody know Biden was talking about overt combat missions like the ones in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Then there is this.

"Our infamous drone war has largely faded from the headlines. Aside from one strike that went horribly wrong during the U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan, there has been vanishingly little coverage of what's going on with the signature American tactic of the war on terror: remote-controlled death robots.

So I was rather taken aback to discover President Biden has almost totally halted drone strikes, and airstrikes in general, around the world. It's a remarkable foreign policy reform, but also a remarkable failure of both government communication and media coverage. A hugely significant change in foreign policy has happened — and almost nobody is paying attention."


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